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What is a ChildWorkSpace

A ChildWorkSpace (CWS) is a concept used to organize changes to's code base into smaller and independent units.

How does it relate to Issues's code base may be changed as a result of "issues", which may be defect reports, enhancement requests or feature requests.'s issues are managed in Issuezilla.

Related issues get grouped together and are assigned to a CWS. The resulting code change consists of bug fixes, enhancements and feature implementations that correspond to the list of issues registered for that CWS.

The Process Flow

The relationship between an issue, a CWS and a release can be described as this idealized process flow:

  1. someone finds a problem or has an enhancement idea
  2. he checks that the problem or the idea are new
  3. the user files an issue
  4. the issue is confirmed/tested by testers and/or developers
  5. the issue is marked as "confirmed"
  6. development accepts an issue by marking it as "new"
  7. development creates a ChildWorkSpace
  8. development assigns some issues to the CWS's task list
  9. the corresponding code changes are applied into the CWS's code base
  10. development marks the issue as "fixed"
  11. development checks that the changed CWS works as expected
  12. development changes the CWS status to "Ready for QA"
  13. testing checks for regressions and that the issues are solved
  14. tested issues are marked as verified
  15. testing changes the ChildWorkSpace status to "Approved by QA"
  16. "program management" changes the ChildWorkSpace status to "Nominated"
  17. "release engineering" integrates the code changes into a milestone release
  18. the ChildWorkSpace status is changed to "Integrated"
  19. the milestone is released
  20. testing checks the issues again on the released version
  21. testing marks the issues as "closed"

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: why is there a delay between the developer marking an issue as "fixed" and the availability of a milestone release, which has the fix integrated?

 A: the fix has to be verified, integrated and released all of which take their time

Q: in which milestone release is the issue fixed?

 A1: the closing comment of a fixed issue is supposed to mention the milestone
 A2: the milestone's release notes contains an extensive list of resolved issues
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