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We start from an example of SDK slightly modified :


This example contains two files but I only use one file (and one service).

IDL File

Here is the corresponding IDL file :

// IDL
#include <com/sun/star/uno/XInterface.idl>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XInitialization.idl>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XServiceName.idl>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XLocalizable.idl>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/XAddIn.idl>
module my_module
interface XSomething : com::sun::star::uno::XInterface
string methodOne( [in] string val );
string methodTwo( [in] string val );
long methodThree( [in] sequence< sequence< long > > aValList );
sequence< sequence< long > > methodFour( [in] sequence< sequence< long > > aValList );
service MyService2
interface XSomething;
interface com::sun::star::lang::XInitialization;
interface com::sun::star::lang::XServiceName;
interface com::sun::star::sheet::XAddIn;

Four method named methodOne, methodTwo, methodThree and methodFour will be implemented.

Implementing in C++ the corresponding four Methods

We first give the C++ code of the four method presented in IDL file.

The two first Methods

The two first methods are similar :

OUString MyService2Impl::methodOne( OUString const & str )
throw (RuntimeException)
    "called methodOne() of MyService2 implementation: ") ) + m_arg + str;

OUString MyService2Impl::methodTwo( OUString const & str )throw (RuntimeException)
    "called methodTwo() of MyService2 implementation: ") ) + m_arg + str;

They only take a string (from a OOoCalc Cell) and add a message and put all the message+string in the result cell.

The third Method

The third method is more complicated : it returns a value calculed from a cell range (the sum).

sal_Int32 MyService2Impl::methodThree(const Sequence< Sequence< sal_Int32 > > &aValList )
throw (RuntimeException)
{ sal_Int32 n1, n2;
  sal_Int32 nE1 = aValList.getLength();
  sal_Int32 nE2;
  sal_Int32 temp=0;
  for( n1 = 0 ; n1 < nE1 ; n1++ )
    const Sequence< sal_Int32 > rList = aValList[ n1 ];
    nE2 = rList.getLength();
    const sal_Int32* pList = rList.getConstArray();
    for( n2 = 0 ; n2 < nE2 ; n2++ )
      temp += pList[ n2 ];
  return temp;

The fourth Method

The goal of the fourth method is to show how we can implement a matrix function : starting from a cell range and obtaining a celle range.

//It's a matrix operation should be called like : {=METHODFOUR(A1:B4)}
Sequence< Sequence< sal_Int32 > > MyService2Impl::methodFour(const Sequence< Sequence< sal_Int32 > > &aValList )throw (RuntimeException)
{ sal_Int32 n1, n2;
sal_Int32 nE1 = aValList.getLength();
sal_Int32 nE2;
Sequence< Sequence< sal_Int32 > > temp = aValList;
for( n1 = 0 ; n1 < nE1 ; n1++ )
Sequence< sal_Int32 > rList = temp[ n1 ];
nE2 = rList.getLength();
for( n2 = 0 ; n2 < nE2 ; n2++ )
rList[ n2 ] += 4;
return temp;

What is done by this example is not great : only add four to every cells of the cell range. The code is not complete with this four method. If you want to create a component you have to add code, if you want to make a scriptable component you still add more code and if you want to create an AddIn you have to add more.

The XAddIn Interface

Every add-in have to implement the XAddIn interface. As usual it is described by an IDL file :

// IDL
module com { module sun { module star { module sheet {
interface XAddIn: com::sun::star::lang::XLocalizable
  string getProgrammaticFuntionName( [in] string aDisplayName );
  string getDisplayFunctionName( [in] string aProgrammaticName );
  string getFunctionDescription( [in] string aProgrammaticName );
  string getDisplayArgumentName(
  [in] string aProgrammaticFunctionName,
  [in] long nArgument );
  string getArgumentDescription(
  [in] string aProgrammaticFunctionName,
  [in] long nArgument );
  string getProgrammaticCategoryName( [in] string aProgrammaticFunctionName );
  string getDisplayCategoryName( [in] string aProgrammaticFunctionName );
}; }; }; };

The corresponding C++ code is given now without explanation (for the moment)

// XAddIn
OUString SAL_CALL MyService2Impl::getProgrammaticFuntionName( const OUString& aDisplayName ) throw( uno::RuntimeException )
// not used by calc
// (but should be implemented for other uses of the AddIn service)
  return OUString();

OUString SAL_CALL MyService2Impl::getDisplayFunctionName( const OUString& aProgrammaticName ) throw( uno::RuntimeException )
{ // a nested if implementation would be better
  OUString aProgName, aRet;
  aProgName = aProgrammaticName;
  if (aProgName.equalsAscii("methodOne")) aRet = OUString::createFromAscii("method1");
  if (aProgName.equalsAscii("methodTwo")) aRet = OUString::createFromAscii("method2");
  if (aProgName.equalsAscii("methodThree")) aRet = OUString::createFromAscii("method3");
  if (aProgName.equalsAscii("methodFour")) aRet = OUString::createFromAscii("method4");
  return aRet;

OUString SAL_CALL MyService2Impl::getFunctionDescription( const OUString& aProgrammaticName ) throw( uno::RuntimeException )
{ // a nested if implementation would be better
  OUString aRet;
  if (aProgrammaticName.equalsAscii("methodOne"))
    aRet = OUString::createFromAscii("methodOne() : 1st try");
  if (aProgrammaticName.equalsAscii("methodTwo"))
    aRet = OUString::createFromAscii("methodTwo() : 1st try");
  if (aProgrammaticName.equalsAscii("methodThree"))
    aRet = OUString::createFromAscii("methodThree() : 1st try");
  return aRet;

OUString SAL_CALL MyService2Impl::getDisplayArgumentName(
const OUString& aProgrammaticName, sal_Int32 nArgument ) throw( uno::RuntimeException )
  OUString aRet;
  if (aProgrammaticName.equalsAscii("methodOne")||aProgrammaticName.equalsAscii("methodTwo"))
    aRet = OUString::createFromAscii("a string");
  if (aProgrammaticName.equalsAscii("methodThree")||aProgrammaticName.equalsAscii("methodFour"))
    aRet = OUString::createFromAscii("a Cell Range");
  return aRet;

OUString SAL_CALL MyService2Impl::getArgumentDescription(
const OUString& aProgrammaticName, sal_Int32 nArgument ) throw( uno::RuntimeException )
  OUString aRet;
  if (aProgrammaticName.equalsAscii("methodOne")||aProgrammaticName.equalsAscii("methodTwo"))
    aRet = OUString::createFromAscii("method1/2:a string or a cell with a string is required");
  if (aProgrammaticName.equalsAscii("methodThree")||aProgrammaticName.equalsAscii("methodFour"))
    aRet = OUString::createFromAscii("method3/4:a cell range is required");
  return aRet;

OUString SAL_CALL MyService2Impl::getProgrammaticCategoryName(const OUString& aProgrammaticName ) throw( uno::RuntimeException )
  return aRet;

OUString SAL_CALL MyService2Impl::getDisplayCategoryName(const OUString& aProgrammaticName ) throw( uno::RuntimeException )
  return getProgrammaticCategoryName( aProgrammaticName );

The XServiceName Interface

Again the corresponding IDL file indicates what we have to do :

// IDL
module com { module sun { module star { module lang {
interface XServiceName: com::sun::star::uno::XInterface
  string getServiceName();
}; }; }; };

This interface is simple : one method :

// XServiceName
OUString SAL_CALL MyService2Impl::getServiceName() throw( uno::RuntimeException )
// name of specific AddIn service
  return OUString::createFromAscii( "my_module.MyService2" );

The XServiceInfo Interface

See also

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