Building cli ure remotely

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Building cli_ure remotely

When building cli_ure on a remote machine, that is, the projects is accessed through a mapped harddrive (Windows), then one may encounter a messages such as this:

..\\bin\climaker.exe \ --out ..\\bin\cli_types.dll \ --keyfile ..\\bin\cliuno.snk \ --assembly-version \ --assembly-description "This assembly contains metadata for the StarOffice/ API." \ --assembly-company "" \ x:\SRC680\\bin.m198\types_doc.rdb

Unhandled Exception: System.Security.Policy.PolicyException: Unverifiable assembly 'X:\SRC680\src.m198\cli_ure\\bin\climaker.exe' failed policy check.

The reason is that build tools, such as the climaker.exe, which is a .NET application, reside on a different machine but require access to the local .NET Framework. Therefore the security settings must be adapted to allow the program access to the local machine. To do this follow these instructions. It is necessary to add the machine where the executable is located to the trusted sites: From the Start menu open Control Panel -> Internet options -> Security -> Trusted Sites -> Sites

Uncheck "Require server verification ... " Add the machine where the executable is located, for example \\so-cwsserv11, \\jumbo, etc. Then open

Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Configuration In the tree view on the left side select " Runtime Security Policies ". Then select "Adjust Zone Security" on the right side. In the dialog that appears select "Make changes to this computer" and press the "Next" button. In the following dialog select the zone "Trusted Sites" and choose the level of trust to "Full Trust" and press the "Next" button. In the following dialog press "Finish".

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