Adding and Formatting Slides, Notes, and Handouts

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This is Chapter 8 of Apache OpenOffice 3 Impress Guide, produced by the ODFAuthors group.


This chapter describes how to add new slides to the presentation and how to format them. It then introduces two additional views—the Notes view and the Handouts view—and explains how to format Notes and Handouts.

Two pop‑up menus are quite useful when performing the operations described in this chapter. One menu is displayed by right-clicking on a slide in Normal view and then selecting Slide to display a submenu.

Slide pop-up submenu
Slide pop-up submenu.

The other menu appears by right-clicking on the slide thumbnail in the Slides Pane, which also shows the tabs to switch view.

Pop-up menu on the Slides Pane
(Left) Pop-up menu on the Slides Pane; (Right) View tabs.

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