Documentation/How Tos/Calc: ERF function

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Calculates the error function (Gauss error function).

This function is only available if the Analysis AddIn is installed.


ERF(number1; number2)

if number2 is omitted, returns the error function calculated between 0 and number1, otherwise returns the error function calculated between number1 and number2.
The error function, also known as the Gauss error function, is defined for ERF(x) as:
Calc erf function formula.png
ERF(x1; x2) is ERF(x2) - ERF(x1).



returns 0.520499877813.

ERF(0.2; 0.5)

returns 0.297797288603.

See also:


Mathematical functions

Functions listed alphabetically, Functions listed by category


  • This function currently appears in the AddIn category of the Function Wizard.
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