Syllabus - Impress

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It would be a good idea to recomend the values of how to draw an efficient presentation so we can all share the best practices on using this tool while learning the tool. The presentation, originally in spanish can be viewed at the folowing website.

First Draft

Module Chapter Topic Knowledge - Impress
4. Impress
4.1 Impress views
4.1.1 Normal view
4.1.2 Outline view
4.1.3 Notes view
4.1.4 Slide sorter view
4.1.5 Handout view
4.2 Creating a new presentation
4.2.1 Planning the presentation
4.2.2 Using the presentation wizard
4.3 Formatting a presentation
4.3.1 Creating the first slide
4.3.2 Inserting additional slides
4.3.3 Modifying the appearance of slides
4.3.4 Modifying the slide show
4.4 Slide masters and styles
4.4.1 What are slide masters?
4.4.2 Creating slide masters
4.4.3 Applying a slide master
4.4.4 Modifying a slide master
4.4.5 What are styles?
4.4.6 Creating grahics styles
4.4.7 Modifying styles
4.4.8 Applying styles
4.4.9 Deleting styles
4.5 Choosing and applying a background
4.5.1 Adding background objects
4.5.2 Modifying the size and shape of default text areas
4.6 Adding and formatting text
4.6.1 Adding text to all slides
4.6.2 Working with textboxes
4.6.3 Inserting text
4.6.4 Formatting text
4.6.5 Creating bulleted and numbered lists
4.7 Inserting objects
4.7.1 Inserting spreadsheets
4.7.2 Inserting charts
4.7.3 Inserting other objects
4.8 Adding and Formatting slides, notes and handouts
4.8.1 Adding, renaming and removing slides
4.8.2 Creating slides from an outline
4.8.3 Modifying slides
4.8.4 Adding and formatting notes
4.8.5 Creating handouts
4.9 Slide shows
4.9.1 Creating a slide show
4.9.2 Using slide transitions
4.9.3 Using slide animation effects
4.9.4 Using interactions
4.9.5 Running the slide show

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