Optimization Solver

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Revision as of 01:13, 21 April 2006 by Kohei (Talk | contribs)

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Change log is here.

Download and Test

Interested in testing it? I usually post the binary on my website. Right now, I only maintain x86 Linux binary for each snapshot release, but Windows binary for the February 2006 snapshot is available thanks to Kami.

Alternatively, you can download and install OpenSUSE 10.1 (currently in Beta) from the OpenSUSE project website. The edition of OO.o shipped with OpenSUSE 10.1 includes this Solver.

To install, follow these steps (in English build):

  • Download the latest solver.uno.zip, but don't unzip it.
  • Open Calc, go to Tools - Package Manager.
  • Select "My Packages", and click "Add".
  • Locate that solver.uno.zip file you have downloaded, and hit OK to load it.
  • Once Calc finishes registering the component, close all OO.o windows, and restart Calc. You should then see a floating toolbar with the word "Solver" on it.

Task Breakdown

Core Optimization Algorithms

Listed below are algorithms proposed to be included in future versions of Calc Solver. Some are being actively developed, while the others are still in planning.

Linear Programming (LP)

Algorithm Developer Status Date Finished
Revised Simplex Method Kohei Yoshida finished 2006-03-16
Bounded Revised Simplex Method Kohei Yoshida in progress
Interior Point Method proposed

Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP)

Algorithm Developer Status Date Finished
Branch and Bound planned
Branch and Cut planned

Non-Linear Programming (NLP)

Algorithm Developer Status Date Finished
Quasi-Newton Method with BFGS Update Kohei Yoshida in progress
Penalty Method proposed
Barrier Method proposed
Genetic Algorithm planned

Mixed Integer Non-Linear Programming (MINLP)

  •  ?

User Interface (UI)

  • Options dialog
  • i18n
  • User-defined Hessian matrix calculation


Automatic Algorithm Selection

We may need an optional mechanism to select appropriate optimization algorithms (LP vs QP, linear vs non-linear) based on the characteristics of a given model. But such machanism should be optional so that the user can still pick and choose desired algorithms.


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