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Revision as of 15:12, 16 March 2008 by Dyrcona (Talk | contribs)

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File Organization is a large project. A fresh checkout of a recent development milestone (DEV300_m0) comprises roughly 180,000 files, spread over 184 modules, that occupy about 1.8 GB of space on disk. After compilation, the project files number over 370,000 and occupy 6.1 GB of space. Each of those 184 modules is itself a directory full of subdirectories. Therefore, it is important that you give some thought to the organization of these files before you begin building and hacking OO.o.

As a programmer who works on several different projects, not just OO.o, I like to keep my code files neatly organized and separate from my other files. To that end, I have created a subdirectory, called Sources, in my home directory. In this directory, I create a subdirectory for each of my major projects. Thus, the code for each project is neatly organized and distinct.

In the case of OO.o, I have developed a further subdivision of the project directory that helps to organize my various builds and other files. First, I have created a main OO.o project directory, ${HOME}/Sources/, where I keep all of my code and build files. Under this main project directory, I have added a bin subdirectory where I keep some useful scripts and environment files. Side by side with this bin subdirectory sits another called prebuild. It stores the various pre-built binaries that I use to speed up the total OO.o build process. Finally, one of the scripts in the bin will create a build directory for a milestone based on the CVS tag. The structure of this layout looks something like the following:


Getting Pre-built Binaries

This is currently in a state of flux, but I'll soon post the links and other information needed to get the pre-built binaries for



Scripts and Environment Files

(Some text needs to be filled in here, but it is getting late and I'm tired, so I'll finish this tomorrow.)

export CCACHE_DIR="$(pwd)/.ccache"
export CC="ccache gcc"
export CXX="ccache g++"
export TMP=/tmp



if [ "${where}" != "${HOME}/Sources/" ]; then
    cd ${HOME}/Sources/

if [ -e ${cvsTag} ]; then
    if [ -d ${cvsTag} ]; then
        echo "${cvsTag} already exists and is a directory"
        read -p "Do you wish to continue (y|n)? " readContinue
        case "${readContinue}" in
                echo "Expect undesired results if ${cvsTag} is not empty"
                cd "${cvsTag}"
                 exit 1
        echo "${cvsTag} is not a directory"
        exit 1;
    mkdir ${cvsTag}
    cd ${cvsTag}

cvs -z4 -d ${CVSROOT} co -r ${cvsTag} OpenOffice2

# Copy the Mozilla and unowinreg.dll pre-builts to the proper place.
cp ${HOME}/Sources/*.zip ./moz/zipped/
cp ${HOME}/Sources/ ./external/unowinreg/

# Link the pre-existing build script
cd config_office/
ln -s ../../bin/

export BASE=`pwd|sed 's/\/config_office//'`
export OOVERSION=`echo $BASE|sed 's/^\/.*\///'`
echo Building from     : $BASE
echo OpenOffice Version: $OOVERSION
./configure \
--with-lang="en-US" \
--disable-pasf \
--disable-gtk \
--disable-build-mozilla \
--with-build-version=$OOVERSION-`date +%d-%m-%y` \
--disable-fontconfig \
--disable-headless \
--without-nas \
--with-use-shell=bash \
--with-jdk-home=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Home \

The Build

Again, some explanatory text should go here.

In the ${CVSTAG} directory:

source ../bin/
cd config_office/
cd ..
cd instsetoo_native
build --all -P4 --dlv_switch -link  

Installing/Using the Result

You will find .dmg images files with installable apps in the following two directories under your main build directory, the one named for the CVS tag that you checked out earlier. The exact names of the dmg files will vary, as they will include the date of the build, but there should be only 1 dmg file per directory, unless you've done multiple builds.


You can install the from the dmg to almost anywhere on your system and it should work just fine. I usually place it in my Applications folder. You can also drag the icon to the dock, and that works. If you have a previous installation of in your Applications folder, I highly recommend dragging it to the Trash before installing the new OO.o in the Applicaitons folder. If you wish to have multiple versions of OO.o installed for testing or whatever reason, then it is best to install the OO.o that you just built some place other than the Applications folder.

At the time of this edit, I don't exactly know what to do with the SDK dmg. I'll do some investigation and come back when I know more.

Hacking OO.o

Once I've had some more time for code changes of my own, I'll add a subpage about hacking OO.o on Mac OS X, managing patches, etc. I have an idea for an example hack, too.

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