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Revision as of 23:56, 11 March 2008 by Dyrcona (Talk | contribs)

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Hi, there! My name is Jason Stephenson. I am new to, but I plan to help out with the native Mac OS X port.

I have started a blog where I'll post updates about my progress on working with OO.o and the Mac OS X native port.

Below are some tips for building OO.o on Mac OS X Leopard. Soon, I'll have my complete build methodology laid out.

One thing I do is put the following in a text file, so I can source it into my build environment before starting:

export CCACHE_DIR="$(pwd)/.ccache"
export CC="ccache gcc"
export CXX="ccache g++"
export TMP=/tmp

I source the above in my DEV300_m0 directory so that the cache is stored there.

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