Documentation/How Tos/Calc: TIMEVALUE function

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returns the date-time serial number, from a time as text.


TIMEVALUE (timetext)

timetext is a time, expressed as text.
TIMEVALUE returns the date-time serial number, which may be formatted to read as a time.


TIMEVALUE ("16:48:00")

returns 0.7, the date-time serial number for 16:48:00. This may be formatted to read, for example, 4:48 PM.

See also:


Date & Time functions

Date & Time overview


The forthcoming ODFF standard requires TIMEVALUE to return the date-time serial number as a time, so Calc should automatically format the result as a time. However currently Calc seems to return the date-time serial number as a number, requiring the user to format the result manually. See Issue 84903

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