From Apache OpenOffice Wiki
Name : Yann BARB
Age : 19 yo.
Localisation : Belfort, France.
I am studying in the Université de Technologie de Belfort Montbéliard in France( and i am currently in the second year of the common core.
Other students of the UTBM I work with :
- Manuel Vonthron
- Simon Lopez
- Alexandre Mohr
- Gaëlle Despoulain (design)
- Loïc Geslin (translation)
Current projects
- OOo dependencies tree
- Documentation about Vcl
- (Porting OOo on Mac OS X)
OOo Dependencies Tree
- Create a graphical dependencies tree of OOo
- Create a HTML (or XML) file where all dependencies will be listed
Project progress
- HTML/XML: in progress
- GRAPH: using software Graphviz (Graphviz)
Documentations about Vcl
- Write documentations about the sub-project Vcl
Project progress
- Null