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Revision as of 22:49, 22 September 2007 by CBSEBE (Talk | contribs)

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I've added a link to the original cvs faq, because in my opinion this wiki page is seriously lacking. It does not even mention anonymous (read-only) access, which I was looking for, and does not really describe how to get an account (only has a link to how to get a different ooo-build account). Also it's unstructured and not quite clearly-written. Until it's improved I think a link to the original page is most useful. Also the page should be renamed. "CVS Guide" comes to mind for example. It also has a number of formatting errors (in the patch/diff section). I can't quite follow the original intentions of the author to fix it. Or maybe should just link to Getting It instead of this page. Getting It is concise and I think it is more in line with one expects to find when trying to check out the source from cvs. --Cyhawk 17:52, 24 August 2006 (CEST)

I've added a translated version of this page. HTH to Chinese developers.--Zhangxiaofei 13:09, 12 August 2007 (CEST)

Problems with "."s in the filename of Wtite save *.doc formatted douments

I downloaded OpenOffice because it has been around for a while and should be utterly stable by now. I even had the confidence to uninstall MS Office (shock, horror!) It was happily working and so was I until a college of mine sent me a Word doc to edit. I did that in OpenOffice and saved the output file to "*.doc" format. I emailed it back my friend and she could NOT open it in Word. Word went through a process of installing a document import feature which ended with a dialogue box providing options to make the code readable to Word! ... none of which worked of course.

So I then reinstalled Word... same thing happened to me... then I looked at the filename .... it was

"Anger in AN inpatients 20.9.07.doc"

...see the "." s in the filename?

That's the problem.

1. OpenOffice can open it. 2. MS Word can open it. 3. OpenOffice can save it as a "*.doc" 4. Word can save it as a "*.doc" 5. Word cannot open the OpenOffice saved "*.doc" document. 6. The "."s in the filename are the problem 7. However, if you rename the OpenOffice saved document, replacing the "."s with (for eg;) "-"s, then Word CAN open the file.

Why can't Word recognise an OpenOffice saved MS doc with "."s in the filename?

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