Talk:Connecting to Microsoft Access

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Revision as of 23:02, 7 September 2007 by Regina (talk | contribs)
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I have got only a German version of WinXP Home. Therefore I don't know the English terms. I have add (German) at those places and hope, that someone with an English Windows system can exchange the terms with the correct English terms.

I'm no native English and my English is not very good. Therefore don't hesitate to correct all the errors.

There remain many questions and problems. If you know solutions please add them:

  • What about the Share items in the ADO connection string? Do they work as described in MSDN?
  • To what consequences lead the settings in ADO and ODBC connection?
  • In which situation are the user authentication necessary in an ADO connection? User name and password are in the connection string already.
  • Can you alter the structure of tables with direct SQL commands?
  • Can you use the user administration of MDB databases with direct SQL commands?
  • What are the differences between ADO and ODBC connection concerning the possible SQL commands?
  • What about performance when using large tables?
  • Are the relationships between tables handled correctly?
  • Can the index which is generated in MS Access be used in OOo?
  • Is it possible to access the attachments of an ACCDB file, with macros for example?
  • Are there known problems concerning field formats?
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