User:Kr/exit race.c

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A race between threads and the "exit" call ...

[cpp] /*Solaris:

 > cc exit_race.c -o exit_race.bin
 > ./exit_race.bin
 main - tid: 1
 foo - tid: 2
 bar - tid: 2
 main - ad: 1
 > gcc -g exit_race.c -lpthread
 > ./exit_race.bin 
 main - tid: b7ddbac0
 foo - tid: b7ddab90
 bar - tid: b7ddab90
 main - ad: 1
  • /
  1. include <pthread.h>
  2. include <stdio.h>
  3. include <stdlib.h>
  4. include <unistd.h>
  1. ifdef __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
  2. define PFUN __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
  3. else
  4. define PFUN __func__
  5. endif

static void * foo(void * gr) {

   fprintf(stderr, "%s - tid: %x\n", PFUN, pthread_self());


static volatile int ad = 0;

  1. ifdef __GNUC__

static void bar(void) __attribute__((destructor));

  1. endif

static void bar(void) {

   fprintf(stderr, "%s - tid: %x\n", PFUN, pthread_self());
   ad = 1;
   sleep(5); // this just stands for some slow de-initialization


  1. ifdef __SUNPRO_C
  2. pragma fini(bar)
  3. endif

static pthread_t bt;

static void main_cleanup(void * gr) {

   fprintf(stderr, "%s - tid: %x\n", PFUN, pthread_self());


int main() {

   fprintf(stderr, "%s - tid: %x\n", PFUN, pthread_self());
   pthread_create(&bt, NULL, foo, NULL);
   while (!ad) ; // Busy wait for ad to change!
   fprintf(stderr, "%s - ad: %i\n", PFUN, ad);


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