Warning-free code status

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See Writing warning-free code for more general information about this project.

The current status of modules not yet warning-free for the platforms unxlngi6, unxsoli4, unxsols4, and wntmsci10:

Modules Issue/CWS Due Status
automation, avmedia, basebmp, basic, canvas, connectivity, cppcanvas, customres, databaseext, dbaccess, desktop, dxcanvas, embeddedobj, forms, fpicker, framework, glcanvas, goodies, linguistic, migrationanalysis, scripting, sfx2, sj2, slideshow, so3, svx, tab, toolkit, uui, xmlhelp, xmloff CWS sb59 Sep 15, 2006 done in OOo 2.1
b_server, devtools, r_tools (StarOffice only, #140478#) OOo 2.3 done in SRC680m222
basctl issue 69280 OOo 2.3 done in SRC680m200
chart2 (unxsoli4, unxsols4 only) issue 79522 OOo 2.4 done on CWS chart11
extensions issue 69282 OOo 2.4 green
filter issue 69283 OOo 2.2 done in SRC680m196
lingu (StarOffice only, #140479#) OOo 2.3 done in SRC680m214
lingucomponent (wntmsci10 only) issue 68903 OOo 2.4 done on CWS lcwarnings
sc issue 69284 OOo 2.3 done in SRC680m205
sd issue 69285 OOo 2.2 done in SRC680m197
soldep issue 78138 DevTools green
starmath issue 69286 OOo 2.3 done in SRC680m214
sw, writerperfect issue 69287 OOo 2.4 done on CWS swwarnings
xmlsecurity issue 69288 OOo 2.3 done in SRC680m210

By the way, there is a request for naming CWS after a warnings0x pattern on the dev mailing list.

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