FAQ OpenOffice.org and NeoOffice

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Revision as of 18:05, 22 January 2006 by Mox (Talk | contribs)

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What is NeoOffice?

NeoOffice is a version of OpenOffice.org for Mac OS X that is specially focused on making OpenOffice.org user-friendly and easy to use for end users. It is currently (as of Jan 2006) the only version of OpenOffice.org that has good native integration with the Mac OS X system. This means, for example, native access to all the fonts in Mac OS X, native menus, native printing, native access to all files, links, aliases and (mounted) volumes on the Mac OS X system.

For developers: NeoOffice uses GPL license and is built on top of OpenOffice X11 by using Cocoa and Java for the User Interface (UI).

More information on NeoOffice in About NeoOffice

Neo FAQ: http://www.planamesa.com/neojava/en/faq.php

reasonably astable version of the OpenOffice.org office suite that has been engineered to run natively on Mac OS X.

This page is a copy-paste, will be edited soon properly.


A: The NeoOffice forums provide most of the user support for OOo X11. The NeoOffice people are helping there.


A: One has to separate the users and the developers, they need different things and not all the users want to do development. Also the NeoOffice people actively need OpenOffice X11 to create NeoOffice, so there is strong dependency between them. Sometimes there is extra need to communicate things from NeoOffice to OOo and vice versa, but this is just a small thing that can be solved and is mostly working very well currently. NeoOffice and OOo are a JOINT community.


A: NeoOffice is a product that builds on top of OpenOffice X11, it is not really doing the same work as OOo X11. If you complain that everybody should be doing the same port (i.e. the GPL/Java versus LGPL/Cocoa), then you are really complaining that there should not be both KDE and Gnome, only one of those. Those who write code have the freedom to choose the licence/toolkit for their own code, it's their work and their rights.


A: The fact is that NeoOffice is ready for end users NOW, and it uses OpenOffice. So that's the best way to get more _happy_ OOo users to the world. When OOo Cocoa is ready, then we can compare which is more user friendly and make decisions and recommendations based on that.


A: NeoOffice is not taking developers away from OOo: no matter what codebase is used, OOo X11 will get the important fixes and patches sooner or later. The Java part of NeoOffice is not interesting for OOo since OOo wants to use Cocoa/Carbon. Otherwise people could have started contributing to Java on NeoOffice in the first place.


A: People, stop being so hostile to projects that are not "your own"!

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