Report Designer

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Revision as of 10:59, 6 June 2007 by Clu (Talk | contribs)

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Report Designer

News about the report designer can be found on GullFOSS.

Install sets for this CWS can be found here.

The CWS page inside EIS can be found here.

The Spec can be found here.

Taskhandling inside this CWS

Before writing a new Issue, please check if it not already exists: RPT Double Check

New Issue should contain:
- summary should start with 'RPT: '
- set keyword 'new_implementation'
- default prio (prio 3)
- no target (---)

If a task inside this cws has the target "2.3" it's a showstopper. Without a fix for this issue we can't release a final version. All issue with this target should fixed until 5.July 2007. (Feature Freeze)

A target "2.x" means that this issue should be fixed for the final release. However we can live with the issue for a first final release. This issue should then be fixed inthe first update.

Target "not determined" meas that this is an issue which should be fixed in the near future.

If an issue has no target "---" then the report designer i-Team has not yet decide what to do with this issue.

Autor: Marc Neumann ( & Chris Lukasiak ( 1 June 2007

Please do not change this site without acknowledge of the autor or the OOo QA Project Lead/Co-Leads.

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