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OOo 2.2.1

as discussed on releases we're going to introduce a bugfix release 2.2.1 end of May, begin of June ( We agreed on fixing only the important bugfixes only. We discussed this during the latest release status meeting ( that all issues with target 2.2.1 needs to get reviewed by the Release status meeting. "Important issue" means that the issue get considered as major regression to 2.2 release or has been defined as a "must have" by the release status meeting. So the default target for regular defects is OOo 2.3 in this moment (--Mh 14:58, 25 January 2007 (CET))

  • code_freeze: April 26th, 2007
  • Last cws integration for fixes: May 10th, 2007
  • release candidate for all languages: May 24th, 2007
  • Product release: June 12th, 2007

Release Plan for 2.2.1 release

Task Who Deadline Comments
last cws integration for first RC / OOF680_mxx mh, RE
release notes mh, ja done for RC2
Setup Guides
Upload of RC builds ja done for RC2 full install sets for: en-US da de es fr it ja nl ko pl ru sv pt-BR zh-CN zh-TW
(same as for OOo 2.2 plus 'ru')

language packs for: en-US af as-IN be-BY bg br bs ca cs cy da de dz el en-GB en-ZA eo es et fa fi fr ga gl gu-IN he hi-IN hr hu it ja ka km ko ku lt mk ml-IN mr-IN nb ne nl nn nr ns or-IN pa-IN pl pt pt-BR rw sh-YU sk sl sr-CS ss st sv sw-TZ ta-IN te-IN tg th ti-ER tn tr ts uk ur-IN ve vi xh zh-CN zh-TW zu
(same as for OOo 2.2 minus 'ru')

Trigger QA of final builds aschnabel
Track Status of localized builds ja
Update of 2.2.1 pages for RC ja
QA of English RC builds ja
Update of SDK ja no new SDK for this release
Update of SDK Release Notes and update of redirect page jsc/ja no new SDK for this release
Upload of src tarballs ja done for RC2
msg to announce@ooo content louis
move RC to final ja
download pages ja
upload of solver tarballs ja no new solver tarballs for this release
notification of mirrors ja
Update of Bittorrents (mike!)
Update of P2P page antbryan
press kit update jpmcc/lsp
press release/alert jpmcc, lsp
homepage louis
release all

Next Release

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