Solaris Sparc/x86
From Apache OpenOffice Wiki
- Apache OpenOffice Basic Macros and Libraries
- Apache OpenOffice Extension Manager
- Adding Template Files to an Apache OpenOffice Installation
- Adding AutoText Files to an Apache OpenOffice Network Installation
- Deactivating the Apache OpenOffice Registration Wizard
- Accessing Email Clients
- Customizing the User Interface
- Restricting Functionality in Apache OpenOffice
- Accessing Apache OpenOffice User Profiles on an LDAP Server
The Solaris Package Manager is a powerful tool you can use to deploy software packages both locally and throughout a network.
These instructions assume you have downloaded and extracted the Apache OpenOffice installation files. |
- Become root if necessary
su -
- Change directory to:
- For a silent installation of Apache OpenOffice, you must create an admin file. This hides any recurring queries during the installation.
echo action=nocheck > /tmp/admin echo conflict=quit >> /tmp/admin echo idepend=nocheck >> /tmp/admin
- Install the Apache OpenOffice packages :
pkgadd -n -a /tmp/admin -d . *
You can safely delete the Apache OpenOffice installation packages after the install is complete.
Do not delete the Apache OpenOffice files from the file system. You must use either the Apache OpenOffice Java setup or the pkgrm tool to uninstall Apache OpenOffice.
- Become root if necessary
su -
- Create a file 'ooo_packages' with all Apache OpenOffice related Solaris packages
pkginfo -x | cut -f1 -d " " | grep ooo > /tmp/ooo_packages
- For a silent uninstall of Apache OpenOffice, you must create an admin file. This hides any recurring queries during the uninstall.
echo action=nocheck > /tmp/admin echo conflict=nocheck >> /tmp/admin echo rdepend=nocheck >> /tmp/admin
- Remove all packages listed in the file
pkgrm -a /tmp/admin -n `cat /tmp/ooo_packages`
- Depending on your Java environment you may choose to uninstall additional packages which were installed by the Apache OpenOffice installer:
pkgrm SUNWj6man SUNWj6cfg
Content on this page is licensed under the Public Documentation License (PDL). |