JA/Apache OpenOffice/Status/
Apache OpenOffice 孵卵中
OpenOffice.org Incubation ステータス
This page tracks the project status, incubator-wise; i.e. this page is for the existing project team and the Apache Incubator PMC to track the meta status of the project. Most users and contributors will want to see the project website or community wiki for more information about Apache OpenOffice the product.
OpenOffice.org is comprised of six personal productivity applications: a word processor (and its web-authoring component), spreadsheet, presentation graphics, drawing, equation editor, and database. OpenOffice.org is released on Windows, Solaris, Linux and Macintosh operation systems, with more communities joining, including a mature FreeBSD port. OpenOffice.org is localized, supporting over 110 languages worldwide.
- 2011-11-27 We have a new committer: Andre Fischer
- 2011-11-27 We have a new committer: Cyril Beaussier
- 2011-11-27 We have a new committer: Andrea Pescetti
- 2011-11-22 We have a new committer: Martin Hollmichel
- 2011-11-01 We have a new committer: Armin Le Grand
- 2011-11-01 We have a new committer: Oliver-Rainer Wittmann
- 2011-11-01 We have a new committer: T.J. Frazier
- 2011-11-01 We have a new committer: Michael Stehmann
- 2011-11-01 We have a new committer: Ariel Constenla-Haile
- 2011-10-30 We have a new committer: AN Hongyun
- 2011-10-26 ooo-marketing mailing list created
- 2011-10-21 We have a new committer: Pavel Janik
- 2011-09-26 We have a new committer: Pedro Giffuni
- 2011-09-09 Project blog created.
- 2011-09-07 Online Developer Education event held for building on Linux.
- 2011-08-30 Bugzilla issue succesfully migrated to Apache.
- 2011-08-29 Legacy OpenOffice.org source tree succesfully checked into Apache Subversion repository.
- 2011-08-04 We have a new committer: Terry Ellison
- 2011-07-12 We have a new committer: Kay Schenk
- 2011-06-29 We have a new committer: Jean Hollis Weber
- 2011-06-29 We have a new committer: Xiao Hong Dong
- 2011-06-29 We have a new committer: Joanmarie Diggs
- 2011-06-26 We have a new committer: Frank Peters
- 2011-06-13 Project enters incubation.
Basic information about the Apache OpenOffice podling follows:
- ウェブサイト: http://incubator.apache.org/openofficeorg/
- コミュニティ Wiki: https://cwiki.apache.org/OOOUSERS/wiki-home.html
- プロジェクトブログ: https://blogs.apache.org/OOo
- メーリングリスト(dev): ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org (archive)
- メーリングリスト(marketing): ooo-marketing@incubator.apache.org (archive)
- メーリングリスト(commits): ooo-commits@incubator.apache.org (archive)
- メーリングリスト(issues): ooo-issues@incubator.apache.org
- メーリングリスト(notifications): ooo-notifications@incubator.apache.org
- バグトラッキングシステム(Bugzilla): https://issues.apache.org/ooo/
- ソースコード(SVN): https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/ooo/
- フォーラム(phpBB): http://user.services.openoffice.org/