Framework/Article/Command Line Arguments

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Command line arguments

The general command line of is defined as:
Usage: soffice[.exe] [options] [documents]

Command Purpose
-accept=<accept-string> Specify an UNO connect-string to create an UNO acceptor through which other programs can connect to access the API.
-base Creates a new database document.
-calc Creates a new spredsheet document.
-display <display> Specifies X-display to use in Unix/X11 versions.
-draw Creates a new drawing document.
-global Creates a new global text document.
-headless Suppresses any modal dialog so can run without user interaction. This is NOT designed to run OOo as a "background" process. The Office still starts and open document views. It's the task of a developer to use the API correctly to assure that no UI is shown.
-help/-h/-? Shows a small message box with information about the arguments (Windows) or outputs it to stdout.
-impress Creates a new presentation document.
-invisible Initially no start up screen, no default document and UI is shown. It's possible to show documents via API. This option is not designed to use OOo as a "background" process. The API developer has to make sure that the views are opened non-visible.
-language=<iso language code> Preset a user interface language. The Office uses a fallback mechanism if the provided language is not available.
-lockcheck Don't check for remote instances using a .lock file in the user folder.
-math Creates a new formula document.
-minimized keeps start up bitmap minimized
-n Always open documents as new files (use as templates).
-nodefault Don't start with an empty document.
-nologo Don't show the splash screen.
-norestore Suppress restart/restore after a fatal error.
-o Opens a document regardless whether they are templates or not.
-p <documents...> Print the specified documents on the default printer.
-pt <printer> <documents...> Print the specified documents on the specified printer.
-quickstart Start the quickstart service (only available on Windows and OS/2 platform).
-show <presentation> Open the specified presentation and start it immediately.
-unaccept=<accept-string> Close an acceptor that was created with -accept=<accept-string>. Use -unaccept=all to close all open acceptors.
-view <documents...> Open the specified documents in viewer-(readonly-)mode.
-web Creates a new HTML document.
-writer Creates a new text document.
Remaining arguments will be treated as filesnames or URLs of documents to open.
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