Internship 2010: Customizable html export for Impress

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The current html export for OOo impress and draw application produces outdated html. The goal of this internship project is to create a new html export extension that will replace the currently available html export in impress and draw. The extension should make use of modern html elements including css and javascript and support a template system so that non coders are able to alter the results of the generated html output.


  • An OOo extension that exports a set of files that make the current presentation document (or draw) viewable in any current browser
  • The extension must include a settings dialog to configure the output during export
  • The extension must support templates, a template will define the visual style and the user interaction elements like navigation buttons or table of contents etc.
  • Template must not be 'hard coded' in the extension so adding more templates is possible without changing and compiling source code.
  • The extension must include 2-3 sample templates that are both "user friendly" and "visual appealing“
  • The extension must support the key features from the old HTML export (export of links, adding additional information like creator, email, automatic slide advances, etc)
  • The extension must be able to also export selected text from the presentation like title, outline and subtitle text. This is mainly an accessibility feature to enable visually impaired users to read

the contents of the exported presentation.

  • Export should an alternative text only view or a text overlay to support accessibility.
  • There should be no connection to the installed OpenOffice or any extensions, the files we put in the export directory must include everything needed.
  • The generated html file should be as simple as possible. All functionality should come from the template. Goal is to make developing, modifying templates easier for the user, not for us.
  • Templates should not make use of any javascript library to avoid conflicts with web pages where other versions of this library are used or incompatible other libraries are used.
  • All important configuration should be done during export.
  • Easy integration in existing web pages
  • The created output should provide a fall-back if javascript is disabled in the browser.
  • The templates used by the extension should be made installable via extensions themselves so others can contribute templates too.
  • Implement a powerful easy to use and easy to develop template system.

Project plan


  • Develop how templates will be implemented-- done
  • Develop a basic prototype template and format-- done
  • Define format of html output created by the extension -- done
  • Develop the JavaScript core and template development API(minimal form)-- done
  • Develop system to integrate in the existing HTML documents-- done


  • Develop a prototype template extension -- In progress
  • Implement the extension with basic export -- In progress
  • Add support for Index/Notes/TextView/Navigation to HTML/javasript. -- In progress


  • Implement the templates system with configuration/extension deployment support
  • Specify configuration dialog
  • Implement configuration dialog


  • Test and Optimise the developed System and code under all systems and browser.
  • Perform Fixes and improve the system if some imperfections and errors found.

All tasks mentioned below are part of exciting requirements, they are NOT in the current scope of the project, but if there is any time left in the end, following things will be tried upon.

  • Make one small simple browser based tool for non-coders, to make modifing templates a piece of cake.
  • Make a small browser based(cross platform) template development IDE to make development and deployment of templates easy.
  • Implement webcast support(with today's new age technology)



Here is the raw documentation containing the up to date thoughts and architecture. it will be updated every week with the progress and advancements done during that week.

(if there is any problem with this link, kindly inform me at

Project status

  • The project is accepted for the OpenOffice summer internship program 2010
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