Using SOAP

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on [1] there is a component available how to use SOAP within

Basic Macro

REM  *****  BASIC  *****

Sub Main
'Getting the UNO service
proxyFac = createUNOService("")

' Initializing of the ProxyFactory by providing the WSDL:
'proxyFac.initialize(Array(" "))

'Getting the proxy for the Web service by providing the
'serviceNamespace, serviceName, portNamespace and the portName respectively.
'All parameters, except the namespaces which is the targetNamespace of the WSDL,
'are specified in the service description part of the WSDL.
'proxy = proxyFac.getProxy("urn:xxxGoogleSearch", "GoogleSearchService", "urn:GoogleSearch", "GoogleSearchPort")
proxy = proxyFac.getProxy("urn:ChildWorkspaceDataService", "EISService","urn:ChildWorkspaceDataService", "EISPort")

id = proxy.getChildWorkspaceId("SRC680", "ause040")
rem propertySet = proxy.
pint id

End Sub
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