Infrastructure Overview

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A rough overview of the technical site infrastructure will help us to review the Infrastructure_Requirements, analyze Infrastructure_Problems and work on solutions.

Main Site

The main site runs the collaborative software development framework SourceCast (now CEE) and is hosted by CollabNet. The main services include the source and web document repository (CVS), bug tracking (IssueTracker, formerly IssueZilla), mailing lists with archives, web publishing and user management with role based permissions. The site is structured with a hierarchy of categories containing projects. Additional functionality like document&file management, discussion forums and announcements is available but not extensively used.

The main site runs on a Solaris SPARC machine. It is backed by HTTP server accelerators for static web content. Separate mail exchangers protected against virus/SPAM threats.

The main site is using the domainname and the virtual hosts contained therein.

Extended Services

The subdomain contains some machines running extended services. These include a read-only CVS server, a wiki, surveys and scripted applications specific to like EIS - hosted by Sun microsystems and maintained by Sun together with community members. A code snippet collection is provided by Tom Schindl, an active member of the API project.

A dedicated machine serves as the master for the file distribution to the mirror network. This includes the monitoring of the mirror network status. Additionally it allows the direct upload/download for a limited number of files.

List of Services

Service Purpose provided by comments
EIS Sun Microsystems
read-only CVS Sun Microsystems
code snippet collection Tom Schindl
Extension repository hosting by OSUOSL Drupal, php, MySQL
Planet Blog Aggregation Sun Microsystems
QAtrack process tracking tool for release QA OOo Deutschland e.V MySQL / php
Bouncer load balancing and distribution tracking for downloads OSUOSL
Wiki Developer / User wiki Sun Microsystems mediawiki, MySQL, php
user survey
Termite Buildbot + report server hosted by OSUOSL
buildbox buildbot Team OOo hosted by Hetzner
user community forums user to user support Volunteers, Sun Microsystems phpBB3, php, PostgreSQL

Additional Services outside the domain:

Mirror Network

Files causing high traffic like installation sets, source tarballs, dictionaries, ... are delivered via the mirror network. A tiered network of more than 100 servers guarantee the reliable distribution of files via rsync/ftp/http. Furthermore P2P technologies are supported.

See also

Personal tools