Marketing Conference Calls

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OOo Marketing Project

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Strategic Marketing Plan Pages:



Beginning with 2010, the Marketing Project will host regular phone conference calls. They are meant as a chance to discuss important topics live on the phone and have to be understood as enhancement of our main marketing mailing list. A subscription to this list is not mandatory, but recommended to be informed about ongoing projects that will be discussed during the call.

Audio of the conference might be recorded and made available afterwards, either in written or recorded form. If you are not comfortable with that, please contact the call moderator in advance.

We would like to thank...

...our sponsor talkyoo for hosting the Marketing Conference Calls free of charge. Thanks, folks, for this great support of the marketing project!


Although these calls are for internal discussions, calls are public and everyone can join. Confidential discussions are therefore to be avoided and can be coordinated via private mailing lists if needed.

Note to journalists and analysts

The calls are intended as internal communication for members of the marketing project. You are free to join, but be advised that no official statements will occur during the phone conferences. For interviews, articles and statements, please contact your local marketing representative or the marketing project leads.

The Marketing Project plans to have dedicated phone conferences for the press and analysts in the near future.

Dial-in instructions

  • Germany, Hamburg: +49 40 1888 1000
  • Germany, Munich: +49 89 961 608 699
  • Austria: +43 13 11 02 01
  • Switzerland: +41 44 575 18 71
  • USA: +1 213 785 1592
  • France: +33 174 9000 75
  • Netherlands: +31 252 744 006
  • Italy, Rome: +39 06 888 12 000
  • Italy, Milano: +39 02 87 212 000
  • United Kingdom: +44 1777 290 705
  • Spain: +34 911 829 851
  • Skype: talkyoo_skype

The conference room number is 53 71 38 and the PIN is 923.

In case of problems -- like the conference service being unavailable -- a note will be posted to our main marketing mailing list as well as on our IRC channel so please monitor one of them shortly before the call.

Collection of agenda items for upcoming calls

Feel free to add your agenda items for upcoming calls here and introduce them to the dev@marketing mailing list. Calls are planned to last not longer than 60 minutes.


  • FOSDEM report
  • status of the funding guidelines
  • Open-Source-Treffen
  • updating the MarCon list
  • Business and Administration Congress
  • status of OOoCon 2011
  • MirrorBrain migration
  • download fraud in Germany
  • sponsoring for future phone conferences


  • CeBIT funding
  • strategic marketing plan
  • 10th anniversary
  • Internship Program
  • proposing an Store -> delayed until March


  • collection of international press contacts

Archives of previous calls

Will be made available shortly after each call in the Marketing Project Documents & Files section.

2010-01-25 17:00 UTC

play MP3 recording

  • background information on the ConfCalls
  • status updates
    • 3.2, localized press releases
    • OOoCon 2010 and (virtual?) OOoCon 2011
    • visual identity and branding meeting in Hamburg
    • updates on the MarCon contact page
    • removal of unneeded mailing lists
  • discussions
    • spending the marketing budget wisely
    • videos
    • future of the marketing blog

2010-02-17 16:00 UTC

To see the date and time in your time zone, use this link.


In order to become more "visible" for other participants, please feel free to link to your picture below, so we have an impression on how you look like.

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