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Diese Liste ist nach Popularität geordnet. Die populärsten sind oben. Neue Einträge sind eher unten zu finden.

The DPL extension (version 2.3.0) produced a SQL statement which lead to a Database error.
The reason may be an internal error of DPL or an error which you made,
especially when using DPL options like titleregexp.
Query text is:
SELECT DISTINCT `page`.page_namespace AS page_namespace,`page`.page_title AS page_title,`page`.page_id AS page_id FROM `page` INNER JOIN `categorylinks` AS cl0 ON `page`.page_id=cl0.cl_from AND (cl0.cl_to='DE/Documentation/FAQ/Draw') WHERE 1=1 AND `page`.page_is_redirect=0 ORDER BY page_counter DESC LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0

Error message is:
Unknown column 'page_counter' in 'order clause' (

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