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print, assert and debug helpers

When you start developping, you will certainly need to trace your program. For this, debuggers are really useful, but what is often used is to inserted functions like printf() that will send messages. How do those things work in ? Well there are quite a few ways to echo strings.

the standard functions

The first one is to use the classical "printf" and "fprintf" functions :


  1. include <stdio.h>

int foo() {

 printf( "Foo\n" );
 fprintf( stderr, "foo\n" );


For the ones loving C++, the second way is to use the iostreams :


  1. include <iostream>

int foo() {

 std::cerr << "coucou" << std::endl;
 std::cout << "coucou" << std::endl;


Note that you shouldn't use these methods. Of course you can temporarily, but make sure you delete them before committing changes. It is preferred to use the OSL_TRACE macro, because this will only generate output in debug builds, so no harm to the product build can be done.

The OSL functions

The OSL_ things are intended to be used permanently, not for debugging only. I.e., when you would cassert() you should OSL_ASSERT() (or ENSURE).

  • OSL_TRACE( "text" )
  • OSL_ENSURE( condition, "text" )
  • OSL_ASSERT( condition )

"For printf debugging you can also use OSL_TRACE( "Bla" ); On Linux, this prints to stdout (or stderr), so you should see it on the console, as long as the file was compiled with debug=t.

OSL_ASSERT( condition ) and OSL_ENSURE( condition, "text" ) also print to stderr on Linux, but they pop up a window on Windows )"

Here are some examples and how to use those three functions :

OSL_TRACE example


  1. ifndef _OSL_DIAGNOSE_H_
 #include <osl/diagnose.h>
  1. endif


int foo() {

   OSL_TRACE( "My first trace" );


And the result should look like :

 $ ./myfoo
 Thread:      1 :My first trace

OSL_ENSURE example


  1. ifndef _OSL_DIAGNOSE_H_
 #include <osl/diagnose.h>
  1. endif


int foo() {

 // Will not be displayed.
 OSL_ENSURE( true, "here I truly gooooo!!" );
 // Will be displayed.
 OSL_ENSURE( false, "here I gooooo!!" );
   OSL_ENSURE( true, "here I gooooo if level is set to 3!" );


And the result should look like :

 $ ./myfoo
 Error: File /home/pagalmes/workspace/chart2_m172/src680-m172/chart2/source/controller/main/ChartController.cxx, Line 1201: here I gooooo!!
 Backtrace: [0] /home/pagalmes/workspace/chart2_m172_exec/OpenOffice/opt/openoffice.org2.0/program/ ???+0x4ac0e
 Backtrace: [1] /home/pagalmes/workspace/chart2_m172_exec/OpenOffice/opt/openoffice.org2.0/program/ ???+0x4b73b
 Backtrace: [2] /home/pagalmes/workspace/chart2_m172_exec/OpenOffice/opt/openoffice.org2.0/program/ ???+0x573b5
 Backtrace: [3] /home/pagalmes/workspace/chart2_m172_exec/OpenOffice/opt/openoffice.org2.0/program/ ???+0x43964

OSL_ASSERT example


  1. ifndef _OSL_DIAGNOSE_H_
 #include <osl/diagnose.h>
  1. endif


int foo() {

 bool test;
 test = true;
 OSL_TRACE( "test is true." );
 OSL_ASSERT( test );
 test = false;
 OSL_TRACE( "test is false." );
 OSL_ASSERT( test );


And the result should look like :

 Thread:      1 :test is true.
 Thread:      1 :test is false.
 Error: File /home/pagalmes/workspace/chart2_m172/src680-m172/chart2/source/controller/main/ChartController.cxx, Line 1202
 Backtrace: [0] /home/pagalmes/workspace/chart2_m172_exec/OpenOffice/opt/openoffice.org2.0/program/ ???+0x452db
 Backtrace: [1] /home/pagalmes/workspace/chart2_m172_exec/OpenOffice/opt/openoffice.org2.0/program/ ???+0x47361
 Backtrace: [2] /home/pagalmes/workspace/chart2_m172_exec/OpenOffice/opt/openoffice.org2.0/program/ ???+0x56899

the DBG functions


DBG_ASSERT() and DBG_ERROR() need the tools library. Therefore you should avoid them if a library is not linked against tools anyway. Instead you can use the OSL_ functions then.

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