Log Mac Meeting December 12th 2007

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[2007-12-12 14:03:15] <PhilippL> 1. Welcome new devs joining Mac OS X port
[2007-12-12 14:03:22] <PhilippL> anybody new here ?
[2007-12-12 14:04:52] <PhilippL> seems not so.
[2007-12-12 14:05:05] <PhilippL> 2. Current state of the open CWS's
[2007-12-12 14:05:12] <PhilippL> aquavcl04 is ready for QA
[2007-12-12 14:05:34] <PhilippL> kprinter is nominated, so nativefiledlg01 can be resynced to next version and go to QA, too.
[2007-12-12 14:05:59] <ericb2> PhilippL: you mean nativeprintdlg01 ?
[2007-12-12 14:06:11] <PhilippL> ericb2: yes, sorry
[2007-12-12 14:06:26] <ericb2> PhilippL: no pb
[2007-12-12 14:06:38] <ericb2> PhilippL: just a last issue remaining for nativeprintdlg01
[2007-12-12 14:07:07] * ericb2 asked ismael to set me as owner, for the resync, but ismael didn't answer yet
[2007-12-12 14:07:24] <PhilippL> you mean the menu issue ? that's not related to nativeprintdlg01, so if you don't want to you don't need to solve it in there.
[2007-12-12 14:07:56] <ericb2> PhilippL: ok. Let's create aquavcl05 then ?
[2007-12-12 14:08:01] <PhilippL> will do
[2007-12-12 14:08:07] <ericb2> PhilippL: and continue to fix misc issues in it ?
[2007-12-12 14:08:14] <PhilippL> certainly
[2007-12-12 14:08:55] * ericb2 needs a QA for stl4leopardppc
[2007-12-12 14:09:29] <PhilippL> in fact a cwscreate for aquavcl05 is running now
[2007-12-12 14:09:30] <ericb2> + needs a fix for issue 84145
[2007-12-12 14:09:37] <IZBot> tools DEFECT CLOSED DUPLICATE P3 Mac OS X 10.5.1 / breakage in helpcontent2 http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=84145
[2007-12-12 14:09:46] <ericb2> this is not really a dupe
[2007-12-12 14:10:00] <ericb2> issue 83545
[2007-12-12 14:10:08] <IZBot> utilities DEFECT NEW P3 helplinker dies while building helpcontent2/util/sbasic http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=83545
[2007-12-12 14:10:11] <ericb2> PhilippL: is kr close to you ?
[2007-12-12 14:10:44] <ericb2> PhilippL: I'd like to have some knews about such issue, because I'm stalled on Leopard PowerPC because of that
[2007-12-12 14:11:12] <PhilippL> Why do you think it's not a dupe ?
[2007-12-12 14:11:22] <ericb2> PhilippL: not exactly the same issue
[2007-12-12 14:12:08] <PhilippL> No idea, just write him a mail.
[2007-12-12 14:12:55] <fne> aqua11y01 reached first milestone (http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Accessibility/MacOSX), currently working on action mapping and problems with comboboxes
[2007-12-12 14:13:07] <PhilippL> fne: cool !
[2007-12-12 14:13:35] <PhilippL> oh, macosquicktime01 is integrated in m239
[2007-12-12 14:13:46] <PhilippL> which gives us sound and movies now :-)
[2007-12-12 14:14:42] <ericb2> PhilippL: there is an issue about quicktime player
[2007-12-12 14:15:00] <PhilippL> you mean the writer problem ?
[2007-12-12 14:15:01] <ericb2> issue 84458
[2007-12-12 14:15:07] <IZBot> porting DEFECT NEW P3 Sound or movie not found when there is a space in the path or the name http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=84458
[2007-12-12 14:15:09] <ericb2> PhilippL: no, I patched it
[2007-12-12 14:15:23] <ericb2> PhilippL: using aw54 changes
[2007-12-12 14:15:55] <ericb2> PhilippL: somewhere, there is a bad string or something like that
[2007-12-12 14:16:02] <PhilippL> sounds like a candidate for aquavcl05
[2007-12-12 14:16:11] <ericb2> PhilippL: I think so too
[2007-12-12 14:17:12] <PhilippL> So next point ?
[2007-12-12 14:17:18] <ericb2> other work in progress. I found some infos about the Apple remote
[2007-12-12 14:17:30] <ericb2> and I'll try to have a look by the end of the year
[2007-12-12 14:17:38] <PhilippL> 3. Roundtable
[2007-12-12 14:18:43] <PhilippL> paveljanik: you were right, resyncing back to m237 would have sped up things for aquavcl04.
[2007-12-12 14:19:03] <paveljanik> PhilippL: yes, but it could bring other issues we do not see right now ;-)
[2007-12-12 14:19:21] <PhilippL> shaunmcdonald: anything to tell from the app developer show you went to ?
[2007-12-12 14:19:29] <PhilippL> app=apple
[2007-12-12 14:20:34] <PhilippL> E_NOSHAUNMCDONALD
[2007-12-12 14:20:46] * ericb2 sees more time goes, and less new developers join the port 
[2007-12-12 14:21:04] * ericb2 thinks volunteers
[2007-12-12 14:21:07] <johanhenselmans> I think Shaun went to the same developer show that I went to in Amsterdam, I can tell something...
[2007-12-12 14:22:25] <johanhenselmans> What they were showing was that some of the things we have seen in iTunes and Finder are now built into frameworks, like coreanimation (although these are not used by iTunes and Finder)
[2007-12-12 14:22:55] <johanhenselmans> Further more, there are nice routines to prevent 64-bit confusion, and that was about it.
[2007-12-12 14:24:38] <johanhenselmans> They talked a lot about changes under the hood, about how to use quicklook and spotlight, about TimeMachine, but nothing that can not be found in the documentation, there was no NDA, or something like that.
[2007-12-12 14:25:12] <PhilippL> What could lead to 64 bit confusion ?
[2007-12-12 14:25:29] <johanhenselmans> LSB, MSB, int32, int64
[2007-12-12 14:25:42] <PhilippL> Ah, yes.
[2007-12-12 14:25:50] <johanhenselmans> There is now some Integer class if I remember correct.
[2007-12-12 14:26:08] <PhilippL> Something like NSInteger ?
[2007-12-12 14:26:16] <johanhenselmans> So you could use that and prevent yourself getting wind up with that.
[2007-12-12 14:26:33] <ericb2> PhilippL: yes, NSInteger ( aquafilepicker02 has the issue)
[2007-12-12 14:26:52] <johanhenselmans> Uhh, I am not sure, there is a document about using 64 bit.
[2007-12-12 14:27:29] <johanhenselmans> By replacing your int's and floats with these classes, everything is taken care of.
[2007-12-12 14:27:41] <PhilippL> Well, as long as we need HITheme, no 64 bit for us :-(
[2007-12-12 14:28:24] <ericb2> PhilippL: renaissance + a correct layout, and nibs could be used for the controls
[2007-12-12 14:28:26] <johanhenselmans> You might as well steer clear. you might end up with a FAT binary, ppc ppc64, i386 i836-64.
[2007-12-12 14:28:57] <ericb2> PhilippL: not exacly nibs, but equivalent
[2007-12-12 14:30:48] <johanhenselmans> s/i836-64/x86-64/
[2007-12-12 14:31:37] <johanhenselmans> That's about it, apart from some gossip ;-)
[2007-12-12 14:32:05] <PhilippL> Interesting gossip ?
[2007-12-12 14:34:36] <johanhenselmans> No, just about people that hated Apple's guts because of pre-announcements, and people that hated Apple's gut because of post-announcements: some invested in technology that never finished, like quickdraw-gx, others complained about getting their GM's too late.
[2007-12-12 14:35:13] <PhilippL> So the same as on WWDC :-)
[2007-12-12 14:35:28] <johanhenselmans> And of course the iPhone-Leopard link in the user interface (stacks, application based firewall)
[2007-12-12 14:35:31] <ericb2> johanhenselmans: what means gossip ?
[2007-12-12 14:36:24] <PhilippL> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gossip
[2007-12-12 14:36:32] <johanhenselmans> gossip: talking about people not present at conversation ;-)
[2007-12-12 14:37:06] <ericb2> johanhenselmans: ah .. I was : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gossip
[2007-12-12 14:37:16] <ericb2> not exactly the same :)
[2007-12-12 14:38:02] <johanhenselmans> ericb2: Well, some people tried to divert to the french Gossip, but they got sidetracked ;-)
[2007-12-12 14:38:53] <ericb2> johanhenselmans: do you still have some Tiger DVD's ?
[2007-12-12 14:39:04] <johanhenselmans> Yes, plenty.
[2007-12-12 14:40:32] <ericb2> johanhenselmans: you have my address
[2007-12-12 14:40:49] <ericb2> johanhenselmans: thanks a lot: I'll try to crossbuild Panther version using it
[2007-12-12 14:41:01] <johanhenselmans> Fine
[2007-12-12 14:42:37] <PhilippL> That's it for today ?
[2007-12-12 14:43:03] <ericb2> johanhenselmans: a lot of people using Panther are complaining they can't find any recent build
[2007-12-12 14:43:35] <johanhenselmans> I have on question: I am having problems with database access in m239. Is that common, or is it a Leopard thing?
[2007-12-12 14:44:06] <PhilippL> Sorry, no idea, never tried
[2007-12-12 14:44:43] <johanhenselmans> Where can I download other versions, so I can check it out on Windows or Linux or Solaris?
[2007-12-12 14:45:05] <PhilippL> aren't they on OOo site ?
[2007-12-12 14:45:24] -->| dave_largo (n=drichard@ has joined #ooo_macport
[2007-12-12 14:45:46] <johanhenselmans> Not m239, is it?
[2007-12-12 14:45:51] <ericb2> johanhenselmans: http://distribution.openoffice.org/mirrors/
[2007-12-12 14:46:03] <ericb2> johanhenselmans: look at developers versions
[2007-12-12 14:46:30] <johanhenselmans> Ahh, OK. thanks for the pointer
[2007-12-12 14:46:38] <ericb2> johanhenselmans: you're welcome :)
[2007-12-12 14:50:02] <PhilippL> So let's conclude the meeting ?
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