Unified ODF Icons - Project Home Page

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! This page is in draft and way incomplete. Please give it a few more days to be completed

Project Unified ODF Icons

This "home page" for the ODF icon project is a work space for the i-team. It won't contain all information related to this project, in particular it won't include the actual icons. Please see the Links section for more details.

Motivation & Goal

We want to introduce a new set of icons for documents created or associated with OpenOffice.org and other ODF based applications. The new icon set shall give ODF documents a clean and unique visual identity, and it shall remove any product or vendor specific brand.

A core strength of ODF - being supported by many applications - at the same time is a disservice to the ODF brand. Each and every ODF application uses their own set of ODF icons. That's more to the benefit of each of the applications, or the application vendors, than to ODF's. It gives users a fragmented impression of the ODF brand.

That's why we need to unify the ODF brand experience across all ODF applications and their vendors, starting where most users meet ODF: on their desktops. We want users to perceive ODF as the primary attribute of their documents. By doing so, we unify the ODF experience across applications, so that it becomes apparent to the user, that we all speak one language: ODF

The i-Team

Role Name E-Mail Address
Product Management Lutz Hoeger lh@openoffice.org
Design Stella Schulze sts@openoffice.org
Development Mikhail Voitenko mav@openoffice.org
Quality Assurance Thorsten Martens, Olaf Felka tm@openoffice.org, of@openoffice.org
Documentation <First Name, Last Name> <User@openoffice.org>
User Experience <First Name, Last Name> <User@openoffice.org>


Reference Document Check Location (URL)
ESC Meeting Mar 09, 2009; first announcement of the project http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/ESC_meeting_minutes_20090309#proposal_for_unified_ODF_Document_icons
GullFOSS announcement, incl. motivation for this change http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS/entry/unified_odf_icons
Detailed specification of the new icon design http://odftoolkit.org/pages/ODF-Icons
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