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Screencast Production and Localization Wiki


This wiki is intended to help the community members to create, produce and localize OOo screencasts. Everybody is welcome to contribute and edit the wiki.

A screencast is a digital recording of a computer screen output. It can contain audio narration and is useful for demonstrating and teaching software features. Screencasts can be used for training, marketing and other purposes.

You can find an example of a screencast showing the new features of the version 3.1 here

Screencast Production

Production of the screencast can greatly vary between OSes and the applications that they support. Here is a list of the applications you could look forward to.


  • Camtasia
  • Camstudio
  • Hypercam
  • audacity
  • movie maker


  • iShowU
  • audacity
  • Snapz Pro X
  • iMovie
  • GarageBand


  • recordmydesktop
  • audacity
  • cinelerra

This is a list of popular tools but more could be available for your OS. Also note that not all of the tools are free and open source software we do recommend you to use the "open" alternatives.

Depending on the amount of production you want to do, you might use more or less tools. For example, Blender is a great 3D tool and could be useful to do transitions in 3D or introduce a topic.

Cinelerra is a bit powerful but can be intimidating for regular users however this content can hopefully get you started with the production.

Audacity is a great tool popular and cross platform to add sound or re-record your audio. It will allow you to insert effects or background music.

RecordMyDesktop will let you capture your screen and audio without much processing power and with much compressed output. However in my experience A/V sync still not at its best. But definitely good for video.

Camstudio is also free for windows and will let you capture video and audio. Probably a good alternative on Windows.

I don't own a mac or used it much so I am not sure how iShowU is, but most of the screencasters at seems to recommend it.


Prefered size is 800x600 the final output would be in 640x480 would be a good size to start.


AVI would be the most common format however Cinelerra only takes H.264 mov files so ffmpeg will be the tool to use to do the transcoding into mov.

RecordMyDesktop will generate an OGM file or OGG (Theora) Video. Definetly a good alternative but Cinelerra wont take it. Ffmpeg will help you transcode.

Screencast Localization

There are 2 strategies for localizing screencasts: to localize only the voice or to redo the entire screencast with the localized user interface.

Localizing only the voice:

This is very easy and fast, but the user sees a user interface in a different language, what might be confusing.

The steps to follow are:

  1. Get the original storyboard and translate it into the desired language
  2. Get the video file and import it to your video editing tool
  3. Record the voice in your language with your audio editing tool
  4. Import the localized voice in your video editing tool and edit it to synchronize it with the video
  5. Render your file to a format that fits your publishing needs
  6. Test the rendered file and let others take a look at it, edit it if necessary
  7. Publish your screencast on your desired platform

Localizing the entire screencast:

This might take longer and needs more work, but is also the best way for showing users how to use program as the user interface is also in their language.

The steps to follow are:

  1. Get the original storyboard and translate it into the desired language
  2. If you wish to use the exact same images you can get the documents, images, etc. that were used for creating the screencast. This can also save you some time, as you don't have to create example documents. If you however wish to use your own documents create them and make sure they are suitable for showing the desired features.
  3. Take the original storyboard as a guide and if you need, write down your own storyboard or the steps you have to follow for recording the screen.
  4. Record the screen with your screen capture tool. You can record all at once by pausing the capture while you adjust the program for the next take, or you can record separately and then edit in your video editing or screen capture tool.
  5. Depending on your screen capture tool you can record the voice and the screen simultaneously. This will make the editing really easy, as you don't have to synchronize the voice and the video. If you prefer to record the voice separately you can import it to your video editing tool and synchronize it with your video. This can improve the quality of the voice, as you can make a more professional recording. You could also find a speaker.
  6. When you have both voice and video in your video editing tool you can edit your screencast.
  7. When you get the desired form render the screencast to the format of your choice.
  8. Test the rendered file and let others take a look at it. If necessary edit the screencast according to the feedback.
  9. Publish your screencast in the desired platform.
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