ODF@WWW/Milestone I

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Revision as of 10:11, 17 November 2008 by Kr (Talk | contribs)

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Milestone I - Production Ready

First goal for the ODF@WWW effort must be, to "release" something which has been properly checked-in and which has some kind of feature set, which seems to be usable. It is not yet ;-) the goal to conquer the world, but just to get the basics in place.

Title State
Create an Incubator Project
Draft a short proposal. done
Submit it to the Incubator lead, Louis Suarez-Potts for review. done
Advertise that proposal on the relevant lists and on discuss@openoffice.org. done
Ask for a vote on the merits of the project. done
Create the project. done
Prepare project pages in progress
Set up an ODF Wiki
Set up a publicly accessible ODF Wiki. in progress
Moves pages from OOo Media Wiki into the ODF Wiki. open
CVS Check-In
Check-in Prototype in progress
Organize Release Management
User Authentication in progress


Create an Incubator Project

See http://www.openoffice.org/about_us/protocols_proposing.html for how-to creating an incubator project.

Set up an ODF Wiki

Set up an ODF Wiki to used for the Project itself, e.g. something as


CVS Check-In

Download prototype from Mediacast and check it in into the project repository.

Organize Release Management


Support All Applications

Support for all application types: Currently missing are drawings and presentations.

Support Mac OS Clients

Support for Mac OS X Clients.

User Authentication

Users need to login to be able to save documents.

Single Click Install

  • Change installation instructions to "single click" install (or close :-).
  • Chang client script to "single click" install (or close :-)


Define Document Life cycle


Installation Sets

Personal tools