Bibliographic/OOoBib Functional Requirements

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Original Author: Manish Agrawal, 2003

This document needs considerate work to bring it update and to make it comprehensive. It has been place on this wiki so the OOo bibliographic community can contribute to its development. Please feel free to add, improve or dispute entries here.


The Bibliographic module in OpenOffice is designed to provide authors with all the required functionality to manage and use bibliographies and references in writing research papers. In addition, the Bibliographic module will allow users to share bibliographies with co-authors using other popular bibliographic software such as Endnote.

Offering input:

The best place to provide input is the mailing lists of the OpenOffice Bibliographic module. You may join these lists by going to It is desirable that the bibliographic module focuses on functionality that is really required by authors on a day-to-day basis. In the opensource spirit, please feel free to express your needs and every effort will be made to incorporate the functionality if it really meets day-to-day needs.

Purpose and scope of the Bibliographic module

The Bibliographic module will do the following:

  • Serve as the personal Bibliographic library and library for 'serious' writers
  • Serve as the repository of encyclopedic information for 'young' writers
  • Allow 1-click switching between bibliographic styles
  • Export bibliographic references in all popular formats such as Bibtex, RIS (Endnote)
  • Import bibliographic references from all popular formats such as Bibtex and RIS
  • Allow easy sharing of bibliographic styles
  • Allow easy creation of bibliographic styles
  • Provide intuitive and friendly GUIs for all these functions
  • Many functions of the biblio module resemble those that would be desirable in a mini photo-album software. These features include storing images, assigning captions to them, searching them through captions etc. Some time should therefore be spent on identifying the extent to which the design of the biblio module should be capable of morphing into a photo-album module for OpenOffice.
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