GoOOCon 2008

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Why Go-OO Conference 2008 Prague, (Czech Republic) ?

OOoCon is a great conference and is the annual get together of the OOo Community. However, in 2008 it will be held in Asia, which is likely to reduce the number of Europeans able to attend. Of course, developers still need to meet, talk, drink beer & so on - so, we're tacking a mini-meetup / hack-fest to the end of the Novell team meeting planned for next month.

Prague is a great location - easy to get to in Europe, and a (compatively) low-cost location.



  April 10th - arrive in the evening, meet up for dinner.
  April 11th - ad-hoc presentations, hacking
               evening drinks / meal.
  April 12th, am: more of the same
              pm: fun ropes course / team building; meal
  April 13th - leave, or stay to enjoy historic Prague.


To be decided; there will be a network, so hacking in groups is entirely possible. Presentations on tangled pieces of the OO.o code-base, discussions of the merits (or otherwise) of 'boost', sessions on Emacs vs. Vi, git vs. svn, the internals of Calc's calculation engine, Impress' rendering model, Writer's layout system, improving the build-boy system etc. appreciated.

Hopefully we'll aim to have a broad selection of talks which together give a nice high-level overview of the internals of, the problems & what people are hacking on now. If you want to give a talk, mail your suggestions to Kendy (remove the NOSPM ;-) ), and/or CC for discussion - the more the merrier. We'll post a more formal program closer to the time.


Everything you need to know to attend, print out, cover in marmalade & accidentally leave behind the sofa.


The SUSE Office, see


  SUSE LINUX, s. r. o.
  Lihovarská 1060/12
  190 00 Prague 9
  Czech Republic 


There are plenty of cheap flights available to Prague, from England, Italy, Switzerland & Germany (EasyJet), Ireland (Ryanair), more can be found here.

You could use a bus, route 100, from the Prague airport to the metro station Zlicin. The fact that it's the last stop of the bus and a terminal station of the underground leaves very little room for any mistakes ;-)

From Zlicin, go by underground directly to Ceskomoravska, get out, and continue according to the map.

Prague public transport

The Prague public transport system is fully automated - you don't need to speak to anybody. The bus drivers, usually understand very little English, but definitely are not hostile to foreigners and try to understand.

You buy a 26 Kc (CZK) ticket at the airport, in a coin-slot ticket vending machine. If you don't have any coins, it should be possible to buy it at the information desk at the airport. If that doesn't work, you can buy it in a bus, when entering through the front door. It'll cost you a little bit more (30 Kc). The ticket is then valid for one hour, and for that time you can use any means of public transport available, no need to get transfer tickets or anything like that. You can be checked for the validity of the ticket during the journey by the public transport officers.

Once you have a ticket, you can enter or exit the bus by any door. The bus stops at every stop, no signaling to the driver is needed. After getting on the bus, you need to mark the ticket in a ticket marking machine - one of several very noticeable yellow boxes with a green arrow light in every bus.

If traveling by underground first, you mark the ticket at the entrance to the station.

More expensive tickets (also available) last longer, up to several days - more info here.


We recommend the Hotel Carol which is 1 block from the SUSE office: ~2 minutes walk even for a geriatric hacker. A double room for the duration is around Euro:250.

You might also try the A1 hotel which is two blocks from the SUSE office: ~5 minutes walk. A single bed rood from about Euro:30 per night.

The cheapest variant would be the A1 hostel or the Hotel Sunshine. It is not easy to recommend them, though ;-)


   Email: Lucie Louzecka <>
   Phone: +420 775 928 867


To make the event even more accessible, there will be a ban on talks / panel discussion of the form: "Sun screwed me over" or "Kill the SCA today". In addition we are encouraging primarily hackers to attend, ie. this is a pure developers meeting, with a horribly technical agenda: we promise to make sure you won't enjoy it if you're not writing code. In addition no talks of the form "ODF solves the problems of world hunger" or "OpenXML - hell-spawn in text form" will be tolerated.

Ropes Course

We will also get some more adrenaline in the rope center PROUD. No particular climbing ability required, though decent footware is essential, and non-flismy clothing helpful. Failing that, the ability to laugh at others would be helpful.


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