Documentation/How Tos/Calc: COUNTIF function

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Counts the number of cells in a range that meet a specified condition.


COUNTIF(test_range; condition)

This function counts those cells in the range test_range that meet the condition.

condition is or refers to a text string which has the following format:

comparator value where
comparator is one of >, <, >=, <=, =, <> (if comparator is omitted = is assumed ), and
value is the value (number or text) to be compared.

For example the condition “>4” tests if the contents of the cell are greater than 4.

Facilities to compare text for equality or inequality (= or <>) are very powerful, but some care must be taken. You must choose the desired behaviour from the Tools menu – Options - Calc - Calculate:

If the checkbox is ticked for search criteria = and <> must apply to whole cells, then the condition “red” will match only red; if unticked it will match red, Fred, red herring.

If the checkbox is ticked for Enable regular expressions in formulas, the condition will match using regular expressions - so for example "r.d" will match red, rod, rid, and "red.*" will match red, redraw, redden.

At present the checkbox for Case sensitive has no effect (no attention is paid to case) - but this may be changed in future, so please do not rely on this behaviour.

Blank (empty) cells in test_range are ignored (they never satisfy the condition).

condition can only specify one single condition. See Conditional Counting and Summation for more information.


COUNTIF(C2:C8; ">=20")

returns the number of cells in C2:C8 whose contents are numerically greater than or equal to 20.


where F1 contains the text >=20 returns the same number.

COUNTIF(C2:C8; "<"&F2)

where F2 contains 20 returns the number of cells in C2:C8 whose contents are numerically less than 20.

COUNTIF(A2:A8; ">=P")

returns the number of cells in A2:A8 whose contents begin with the letter P or later in the alphabet.

COUNTIF(B2:B8; "red")

returns the number of cells in B2:B8 containing red, but this number may depend on the option settings discussed above.

See also:

SUMIF function, COUNT function, COUNTA function, COUNTBLANK function

Conditional Counting and Summation

Regular Expressions in Calc

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