Linux x86

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RPM Based Linux distributions

The RPM package manager is a powerful tool you can use to deploy software packages locally and through a network.



  1. Become root if necessary
    su -
  2. Change directory to:
  3. The RPMS directory contains RPM package for the Gnome and KDE integration.
    • For users with KDE, you can remove the Gnome integration RPM:
    • For users with Gnome, you can remove the KDE integration RPM:
  4. Install into the standard /opt directory
    rpm -ivh *.rpm
  5. To install the Apache OpenOffice in the menus:
    cd desktop-integration

    Find the RPM for your specific Linux distribution and install it:

    rpm -ivh<distribution>-menus_<version>.rpm

You can safely delete the Apache OpenOffice installation packages after the install is complete.


Do not delete the Apache OpenOffice files from the file system. You must use the Apache OpenOffice Java setup or the RPM package manager to uninstall Apache OpenOffice.

  1. Become root if necessary
    su -
  2. Create a file 'ooo_packages' with all Apache OpenOffice related RPM packages
    rpm -qa | grep openoffice > ooo_packages
  3. Check the content of file carefully. All packages in this list will be removed. This list does not include the JRE package that was installed if you used the Apache OpenOffice installstion set that includes JRE.
  4. To remove all Apache OpenOffice related packages:
    rpm -e 'cat ooo_packages'

DEB Based Linux Distributions

The APT or DPKG package manager used to install, update and remove DEB packages, and is provided as part of DEB based Linux distributions such as Debian and Ubuntu.



  1. Become root if necessary
    su -
  2. Change directory to:
  3. The DEBS directory contains DEB packages for the Gnome and KDE integration.
    • For users with KDE, you can remove the Gnome integration DEB:
    • For users with Gnome, you can remove the KDE integration DEB:
  4. Install into the standard /opt directory
    dpkg -i *.deb
  5. To install the Apache OpenOffice in the menus:
    cd desktop-integration
    dpkg -i<version>.deb

You can safely delete the Apache OpenOffice installation packages after the install is complete.


Do not delete the Apache OpenOffice files from the file system. You must use the Apache OpenOffice Java setup or the DEB package manager to uninstall Apache OpenOffice.

  1. Become root if necessary
    su -
  2. To remove all Apache OpenOffice related packages:
    apt-get remove*
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