Performance/OOo31 LibrariesOnStartup

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Libraries loaded on 3.1 startup (Windows)

The startup performance of is not as good as many people expect. This has several reasons which more or less are based on the long development history. Due to discussion with many people it should be clear that we process too much code during the startup process.I think it's the best way to make the startup much faster if we completely understand what libraries are loaded and why they are used.

My first analysis results strengthen our thesis that too much code (libraries) is involved in the startup process. The following numbers have been retrieved from the build DEV300m40 under Windows. The Microsoft VisualStudio Debugger shows exactly when a library is loaded into the address space of a debugged process. Therefore it's valuable tool to retrieve information about the libraries which are loaded during startup.

Some statistically information about all the libraries we provide in

Data/Folder Program Basis URE Sum
Number 4 293 50 347
Size (Bytes) 2.750.464 161.765.640 6.677.152 171.193.256

I use certain measurement points to see what libraries have been loaded by

Measurement point Total number of libraries loaded (OOo libs) Percentage of all libraries. Percentage of all libraries (size)
Desktop ctor (Application object created on the stack) 57 (33) 9,50 % 26,14 %
Desktop::Init (First initializations, e.g. UNO service manager) 59 (34) 9,80 % 26,18 %
Desktop::Main () just entered 70 (34) 13,00 % 27,59 %
Desktop::Main (before we enter the main message loop)/StartCenter ready 98 (70) 20,20 % 34,16 %
Empty Writer document 129 (93) 26,80 % 46,37 %

Table with the loading order of libraries of under Windows

The following table shows when&what libraries are loaded during the 3.1 startup.

Order of Loading Library/Executable Size
001 soffice.bin 7.418.368
002 sal3.dll 1.732.608
003 uwinapi.dll 86.016
004 sofficeapi.dll 326.144
005 comphelp4MSC.dll 948.224
006 cppuhelper3MSC.dll 431.104
007 salhelper3MSC.dll 13.824
008 cppu3.dll 143.360
009 stlport_vc7145.dll 597.504
010 ucbhelper4MSC.dll 356.864
011 vos3MSC.dll 94.208
012 i18nisolang1MSC.dll 24.576
013 sfxmi.dll 3.110.912
014 fwemi.dll 849.408
015 fwimi.dll 299.008
016 utlmi.dll 465.920
017 tlmi.dll 509.952
018 basegfxmi.dll 572.928
019 vclmi.dll 3.074.048
020 sotmi.dll 257.024
021 i18nutilMSC.dll 67.072
022 icuuc40.dll 949.760
023 icudt40.dll 13.912.064
024 svlmi.dll 724.992
025 svtmi.dll 2.884.608
026 tkmi.dll 1.870.336
027 jvmfwk3.dll 89.088
028 libxml2.dll 970.752
029 sbmi.dll 1.310.208
030 xcrmi.dll 529.920
031 saxmi.dll 80.384
032 jmi_g.dll 32.768
033 jvmaccess3MSC.dll 25.600
Desktop ctor 44.759.552
034 msci_uno.dll 52.224
Desktop::Init() just entered the method 44.811.776
035 bootstrap.dll 453.632
036 reg3.dll 99.328
037 store3.dll 78.336
038 unsafe_uno_uno.dll 12.800
039 purpenvhelper3MSC.dll 18.432
040 1.432.064
041 92.672
042 sysmgr1.dll 37.888
043 135.680
044 30.208
045 31.232
Desktop::Main() just entered the method 47.234.048
046 splmi.dll 148.992
047 ucb1.dll 197.632
048 fwlmi.dll 106.496
049 ucpfile1.dll 245.248
050 fwkmi.dll 1.879.552
051 dnd.dll 115.200
052 fileacc.dll 52.224
053 package2.dll 248.320
054 94.208
055 i18npool.dll 1.235.456
056 icuin40.dll 1.052.160
057 166.912
058 libcurl.dll 121.344
059 266.240
060 deploymentmiscmi.dll 100.864
061 libdb42.dll 541.184
062 helplinkermi.dll 134.144
063 libxslt.dll 166.400
064 77.824
065 unoxmlmi.dll 280.064
066 24.576
067 updchkmi.dll 48.640
068 resmi.dll 65.024
069 lngmi.dll 982.016
070 xomi.dll 2.898.432
Desktop::Main() just before entering the message loop 58.483.200
071 280.576
072 emsermi.dll 148.992
073 uuimi.dll 198.144
074 filterconfig1.dll 188.416
075 swmi.dll 7.332.352
076 svxmi.dll 9.172.992
077 avmediami.dll 56.832
078 gomi.dll 295.936
079 drawinglayermi.dll 802.304
080 canvastoolsmi.dll 498.176
081 aggmi.dll 129.024
082 cppcanvasmi.dll 285.184
083 localedata_euro.dll 642.048
084 localedata_en.dll 104.448
085 xstor.dll 239.616
086 99.840
087 guesslangmi.dll 36.864
088 libtextcat.dll 14.848
089 98.816
090 sysdtrans.dll 107.008
091 ftrans1.dll 50.688
092 mcnttype.dll 33.792
093 83.968
Empty Writer document up and running 79.384.014

Just to get an idea what the first measurement point "Desktop ctor" means. The following code snippet can be found in the desktop project

extern "C" int soffice_main()
    desktop::Desktop aDesktop; // FIRST MEASUREMENT POINT
    // This string is used during initialization of the Gtk+ VCL module
    aDesktop.SetAppName( rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("soffice")) );
    return 0;

It's obvious to see that several libraries are loaded/used that nobody would think of. Especially sbmi.dll (Basic), sfx2mi.dll (old framework), sotmi.dll are loaded before any initialization is done, even VCL is not inialized yet. There are several other libraries where one can ask why they are used that early in the startup process. This simple analysis already raised many questions that need to be answered.

Table with the loading order of libraries of svdem.exe under Windows

In contrast to the executable the following table provides the libraries used by the svdem.exe which is a minimal VCL based application (built in the VCL project).

Order of Loading Library/Executable Size
001 svdem.exe 15360
002 cppuhelper3MSC.dll 431.104
003 sal3.dll 1.732.608
004 uwinapi.dll 86.016
005 salhelper3MSC.dll 13.824
006 cppu3.dll 143.360
007 stlport_vc7145.dll 597.504
008 tlmi.dll 509.952
009 vos3MSC.dll 94.208
010 basegfxmi.dll 572.928
011 iso18nisolangMSC.dll 24.576
012 comphelp4MSC.dll 948.224
013 ucbhelper4MSC.dll 356.864
014 vclmi.dll 3.074.048
015 sotmi.dll 257.024
016 utlmi.dll 465.920
017 i18nutilMSC.dll 67072
018 icuuc40.dll 949760
019 icudt40.dll 13912064
SAL_IMPLEMENT_MAIN() entered 24.252.416
020 bootstrap.dll 453.632
021 reg3.dll 99.328
022 store3.dll 78.336
023 msci_uno.dll 52.224
024 unsafe_uno_uno.dll 12.800
025 purpenvhelper3MSC.dll 18.432
026 tkmi.dll 1.870.336
Application usable 26.837.504

The following code snippet from svdem.cxx (inside in VCL/workben) shows where the first measurement point is located.

    tools::extendApplicationEnvironment(); // <- First measurement point
    Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xMS;
    xMS = cppu::createRegistryServiceFactory( rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "applicat.rdb" ) ), sal_True );
    InitVCL( xMS );
    return 0;

Even the svdem.exe needs to load many libraries. This result supports people who report that also svdem.exe has a bad cold startup time. There is one library (icudt40.dll) which has a size that makes up about 50% of the sum of all libraries.

Measurement point Total number of libraries loaded (OOo libs) Percentage of all libraries. Percentage of all libraries (size)
SAL_IMPLEMENT_MAIN() entered 44 (19) 5,47 % 14,16%
svdem.exe up and running 60 (26) 7,95 % 15,68 %

File I/O during startup

It was reported that has a high amount of file access during startup. This part wants to analyze what file I/O is done by Under Windows one can use the Microsoft tools from which provide FileMon and DiskMon. Especially FileMon gives you valuable insight into the startup process of

Costs of library loading

This chapter tries to figure out what costs are involved in library loading under Windows. As described in the previous chapters uses a big number of libraries during startup. Currently it's not really known what does this cost, especially in the cold startup scenario where no libraries could be loaded from the cache.

This snippet below has been directly copied from the output of FileMon and shows how the sal3.dll library is opened in during startup. This startup was done after a reboot of the machine where one can expect that no application libraries are found in the system cache. The overall startup time was ~15-20 seconds.

hh:mm:ss:ms     Executable:PID          Function          File                                                                          Result  Options
17:36:57.453	soffice.exe:3864	OPEN	          C:\home\cd100003\INSTALL\DEV300M40\OPENOFFICE.ORG 3\URE\BIN\SAL3.DLL	        REPARSE	Options: Open  Access: Read-Attributes	
17:36:57.453	soffice.exe:3864	OPEN	          C:\home\cd100003\install\dev300m40\ 3\program\	                REPARSE	Options: Open Directory  Access: 00100080	
17:36:57.453	soffice.exe:3864	OPEN	          D:\\INSTALL\DEV300M40\OPENOFFICE.ORG 3\PROGRAM	                        SUCCESS	Options: Open Directory  Access: 00100080	
17:36:57.453	soffice.exe:3864	DIRECTORY	  D:\\INSTALL\DEV300M40\OPENOFFICE.ORG 3\PROGRAM	                        SUCCESS	FileDirectoryInformation: soffice.exe	
17:36:57.453	soffice.exe:3864	QUERY INFORMATION D:\\INSTALL\DEV300M40\OPENOFFICE.ORG 3\URE\BIN\SAL3.DLL	                SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
17:36:57.453	soffice.exe:3864	OPEN	          C:\home\cd100003\install\dev300m40\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll	        REPARSE	Options: Open  Access: 00100021	
17:36:57.453	soffice.exe:3864	OPEN	          C:\home\cd100003\install\dev300m40\ 3\program\	                REPARSE	Options: Open Directory  Access: 00100080	
17:36:57.453	soffice.exe:3864	OPEN	          D:\\INSTALL\DEV300M40\OPENOFFICE.ORG 3\PROGRAM	                        SUCCESS	Options: Open Directory  Access: 00100080	
17:36:57.453	soffice.exe:3864	DIRECTORY	  D:\\INSTALL\DEV300M40\OPENOFFICE.ORG 3\PROGRAM	                        SUCCESS	FileDirectoryInformation: soffice.exe	
17:36:57.453	soffice.exe:3864	OPEN	          D:\\INSTALL\DEV300M40\OPENOFFICE.ORG 3\URE\BIN\SAL3.DLL	                SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: 00100021	
17:36:57.453	soffice.exe:3864	READ 	          D:	                                                                        SUCCESS	Offset: 0 Length: 4096	
17:36:57.468	soffice.exe:3864	READ 	          D:	                                                                        SUCCESS	Offset: 1728512 Length: 4096	
17:36:57.468	soffice.exe:3864	READ 	          D:	                                                                        SUCCESS	Offset: 1716224 Length: 4096	
17:36:57.468	soffice.exe:3864	READ 	          D:	                                                                        SUCCESS	Offset: 1724416 Length: 4096	
17:36:57.468	soffice.exe:3864	READ 	          D:	                                                                        SUCCESS	Offset: 1703936 Length: 4096	
17:36:57.484	soffice.exe:3864	READ 	          D:	                                                                        SUCCESS	Offset: 1720320 Length: 4096	
17:36:57.484	soffice.exe:3864	READ 	          D:	                                                                        SUCCESS	Offset: 1708032 Length: 4096	
17:36:57.484	soffice.exe:3864	READ 	          D:	                                                                        SUCCESS	Offset: 1679360 Length: 4096	
17:36:57.515	soffice.exe:3864	READ 	          D:	                                                                        SUCCESS	Offset: 1683456 Length: 4096	
17:36:57.515	soffice.exe:3864	READ 	          D:	                                                                        SUCCESS	Offset: 1712128 Length: 4096	
17:36:57.515	soffice.exe:3864	READ 	          D:	                                                                        SUCCESS	Offset: 1691648 Length: 4096	
17:36:57.515	soffice.exe:3864	READ 	          D:	                                                                        SUCCESS	Offset: 1671168 Length: 4096	
17:36:57.515	soffice.exe:3864	READ 	          D:	                                                                        SUCCESS	Offset: 1675264 Length: 4096	
17:36:57.515	soffice.exe:3864	QUERY INFORMATION D:\\INSTALL\DEV300M40\OPENOFFICE.ORG 3\URE\BIN\SAL3.DLL	                SUCCESS	Length: 1732608	
17:36:57.515	soffice.exe:3864	CLOSE	          D:\\INSTALL\DEV300M40\OPENOFFICE.ORG 3\URE\BIN\SAL3.DLL	                SUCCESS		
17:36:57.515	soffice.exe:3864	READ 	          D:\\INSTALL\DEV300M40\OPENOFFICE.ORG 3\URE\BIN\SAL3.DLL	                SUCCESS	Offset: 1671168 Length: 16384	
17:36:57.531	soffice.exe:3864	READ 	          D:\\INSTALL\DEV300M40\OPENOFFICE.ORG 3\URE\BIN\SAL3.DLL	                SUCCESS	Offset: 1711104 Length: 1536	
17:36:57.531	soffice.exe:3864	OPEN	          C:\home\cd100003\install\dev300m40\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll.2.Config	REPARSE	Options: Open  Access: 001200A9	
17:36:57.531	soffice.exe:3864	OPEN	          C:\home\cd100003\install\dev300m40\ 3\program\	                REPARSE	Options: Open Directory  Access: 00100080	
17:36:57.531	soffice.exe:3864	OPEN	          D:\\INSTALL\DEV300M40\OPENOFFICE.ORG 3\PROGRAM	                        SUCCESS	Options: Open Directory  Access: 00100080	
17:36:57.531	soffice.exe:3864	DIRECTORY	  D:\\INSTALL\DEV300M40\OPENOFFICE.ORG 3\PROGRAM	                        SUCCESS	FileDirectoryInformation: soffice.exe	
17:36:57.531	soffice.exe:3864	OPEN	          D:\\INSTALL\DEV300M40\OPENOFFICE.ORG 3\URE\BIN\SAL3.DLL.2.CONFIG	        NOT FOUND	Options: Open  Access: 001200A9	
17:36:57.531	soffice.exe:3864	READ 	          D:\\INSTALL\DEV300M40\OPENOFFICE.ORG 3\URE\BIN\SAL3.DLL	                SUCCESS	Offset: 172032 Length: 16384

The timer resolution is typically 15ms for Windows systems. So the numbers have a certain amount of error. The output from FileMon shows us that libraries are not read in one portion into the address space of a process. There are three different access phases one can see here and which can be found by any other library.

  • The first page (4096 bytes) of the libray is loaded.
  • Different parts of the library are loaded which always have the same size (4096 bytes) which also the normal page size of x86 based CPUs.
  • At the end data is read with different sizes (e.g. sal3 with 16.384, 1536 and 16.384 bytes)

It's interesting to see that loading the initial part of sal3 needs ~80ms. It should be clear that more parts of the libraries are loaded into memory whenever more code/data is needed. Therefore it should be clear that the numbers are more the lower bound for library loading. ~80 ms sounds not very much but if we look at the number of libraries we load at startup this can grow to huge times! The following table tries to show what time is initially spent for all libraries that are loaded during startup. It will help us to see what impact library loading has on cold startup time. If you look at the times you will clearly see that it's not always related to the library size, there must be other parameters which influence it. May be it depends on the number of exports or statics. This must be clarified to know what can we do to improve here.

Order of Loading Library/Executable Size Time (ms) to init/load (FileMon)
001 soffice.bin 7.418.368  ??
002 sal3.dll 1.732.608 78
003 uwinapi.dll 86.016 47
004 sofficeapi.dll 326.144 94
005 comphelp4MSC.dll 948.224 78
006 cppuhelper3MSC.dll 431.104 47
007 salhelper3MSC.dll 13.824 16
008 cppu3.dll 143.360 15
009 stlport_vc7145.dll 597.504 15
010 ucbhelper4MSC.dll 356.864 63
011 vos3MSC.dll 94.208 31
012 i18nisolang1MSC.dll 24.576 16
013 sfxmi.dll 3.110.912 125
014 fwemi.dll 849.408 63
015 fwimi.dll 299.008 47
016 utlmi.dll 465.920 47
017 tlmi.dll 509.952 63
018 basegfxmi.dll 572.928 141
019 vclmi.dll 3.074.048 182
020 sotmi.dll 257.024 62
021 i18nutilMSC.dll 67.072 31
022 icuuc40.dll 949.760 63
023 icudt40.dll 13.912.064 125
024 svlmi.dll 724.992 78
025 svtmi.dll 2.884.608 93
026 tkmi.dll 1.870.336 109
027 jvmfwk3.dll 89.088 15
028 libxml2.dll 970.752 63
029 sbmi.dll 1.310.208 78
030 xcrmi.dll 529.920 79
031 saxmi.dll 80.384 16
032 jmi_g.dll 32.768 0
033 jvmaccess3MSC.dll 25.600 16
Desktop ctor 44.759.552 ~1996 ms
034 msci_uno.dll 52.224
Desktop::Init() just entered the method 44.811.776
035 bootstrap.dll 453.632
036 reg3.dll 99.328
037 store3.dll 78.336
038 unsafe_uno_uno.dll 12.800
039 purpenvhelper3MSC.dll 18.432
040 1.432.064
041 92.672
042 sysmgr1.dll 37.888
043 135.680
044 30.208
045 31.232
Desktop::Main() just entered the method 47.234.048
046 splmi.dll 148.992
047 ucb1.dll 197.632
048 fwlmi.dll 106.496
049 ucpfile1.dll 245.248
050 fwkmi.dll 1.879.552
051 dnd.dll 115.200
052 fileacc.dll 52.224
053 package2.dll 248.320
054 94.208
055 i18npool.dll 1.235.456
056 icuin40.dll 1.052.160
057 166.912
058 libcurl.dll 121.344
059 266.240
060 deploymentmiscmi.dll 100.864
061 libdb42.dll 541.184
062 helplinkermi.dll 134.144
063 libxslt.dll 166.400
064 77.824
065 unoxmlmi.dll 280.064
066 24.576
067 updchkmi.dll 48.640
068 resmi.dll 65.024
069 lngmi.dll 982.016
070 xomi.dll 2.898.432
Desktop::Main() just before entering the message loop 58.483.200
071 280.576
072 emsermi.dll 148.992
073 uuimi.dll 198.144
074 filterconfig1.dll 188.416
075 swmi.dll 7.332.352
076 svxmi.dll 9.172.992
077 avmediami.dll 56.832
078 gomi.dll 295.936
079 drawinglayermi.dll 802.304
080 canvastoolsmi.dll 498.176
081 aggmi.dll 129.024
082 cppcanvasmi.dll 285.184
083 localedata_euro.dll 642.048
084 localedata_en.dll 104.448
085 xstor.dll 239.616
086 99.840
087 guesslangmi.dll 36.864
088 libtextcat.dll 14.848
089 98.816
090 sysdtrans.dll 107.008
091 ftrans1.dll 50.688
092 mcnttype.dll 33.792
093 83.968
Empty Writer document up and running 79.384.014

Costs of data file access

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