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This bugfix release is for fixing very important bugs. All issues with target "OOo 2.4.2" will be reviewed by the ReleaseStatus meeting. "Important issue" means that the issue gets considered as major regression to 2.4 release or has been defined as a "must have" by the release status meeting. There is the Meta issue 94185 to track the potential stoppers for release. If anyone would like to raise an issue for the release, please add the issue id of the issue you want to raise as dependent issue the the Meta Issue and drop a note on, that and why you want to declare that issue as a stopper for releases.

  • October October 9th 2008: code_freeze
  • October 28th 2008: release

Release Plan for 2.4.2 release

Task Who Deadline Comments
last cws integration for first RC / OOH680_mx mh, RE
release notes mh, ja, — 2.4.1 RC2
Setup Guides
Upload of RC builds ja full install sets for: en-US da de es fr it ja nl ko pl ru sv pt-BR zh-CN zh-TW gl

language packs for: af as-IN be-BY bg br bs ca cs da de dz el en-GB en-ZA es et fi fr ga gu he hi-IN hr hu it ja ka km ko lt mk ml-IN mr-IN nb ne nl nn nr ns or-IN pa-IN pl pt pt-BR rw sh sk sl sr ss st sv sw-TZ ta te-IN tg th ti-ER tr ts uk ur-IN ve vi xh zh-CN zh-TW zu

Trigger QA of final builds ja
Track Status of localized builds ja
Publish status of automated GUI testing wg OOoRelease24AutomationTestMatrix
Update of 2.4.wrc pages for RC ja
QA of English RC builds ja
Update of SDK ja 2.4.0 SDK will stay
Update of URE ja 2.4.0 URE will stay
Update of SDK Release Notes and update of redirect page

ja not necessary for this release
Update of URE Release Notes and update of redirect page

ja not necessary for this release
Upload of src tarballs ja
msg to announce@ooo content louis
move RC to final ja
download pages ja
upload of solver tarballs ja no update of solver tarballs for this update release
notification of mirrors ja
Update of Bittorrents (mike!)
Update of P2P page antbryan
press kit update jpmcc/lsp
press release/alert jpmcc
homepage louis
release all

CWSs and issues for OOo 2.4.2 for OOo Wiki

Internal issue IZ issue Description fixed in CWS Severity
same as internal i94585 Mail Merge Wizard is changing values without any reason c17v004 usability
same as internal i63671 i73145 3.1 Operations like insert, delete, resize, hide, show for rows, columns, cells must move notes to visible area c16v003 data not displayed
internal Merging cells must move notes to visible area
same as internal i50266 i85233 3.1 Copy & paste of cells must move notes to visible area
same as internal i59745 3.1 Sorting cells must move notes to visible area
same as internal i83729 3.1 Do not allow to send notes to front or back
same as internal i54715 2.4.2 Cell notes / Comment gets hidden in spreadsheet with split columns
same as internal i94685 OOo OLE server is not usable on some systems c10v004 interoperability
- i85168 Jump to cursor on loading document containing document statistics fields c21v002 usability
same as internal i94652 System proxy setting leads to hanging OOo when copy & paste a website into a document c07v020 crash/hang
internal Numbering that has a bookmark is shown (but should not) when using Basic macro
internal After merging 2 paragraphs and saving the doc, an automatic page break is done for the new paragraph changed doc layout
same as internal i94653 Crash when printing with Lexmark printer crash
internal When inserting Writer doc with sections and bookmarks, bookmarks are wrongly applied in new doc when double-clicking in navigator c07v019 changed doc layout
same as internal i94654 XHTML-export : enumerations often restart erroneously at 1 data loss after export
similar as internal With fix for i94654 the export to XHTML leads to "Write error". export
internal A widow control not applied anymore for large paragraph after reloading the doc changed doc layout
internal i94656 WW8: Loop opening document having a VERY long bullet list crash, performance
internal i90071 display of charts with clipped data crashes office chart28 crash
same as internal i94663 Destroyed view of Chart Data Table chart33 data not editable
- i94664 Can't change Asian fonts in Charts data loss
- i94668 X11: Wrong character mapping for some fonts data not displayed
same as internal i94666 After pressing [Backspace] or [Delete], the document formatting gets incorrect changed doc layout
- i93298 Calc 2.4.1 crashes when loading a .sxc file saved by Calc 3.0 beta2 calcfix242 crash
internal Columns in RTF format are lost when the file is inserted or the text is copy & pasted from MS Word into a new text doc changed doc layout
same as internal i94808 N + degree character is being separated at a line break i18n46 changed doc layout
internal Preparation of OOo 2.4.2 and SO8 U12 native204 Releases
Hover over italicized versions for more information
2.0.1 · 2.0.2 · 2.0.3 · 2.0.4 • 2.1 • 2.2 · 2.2.1 • 2.3 · 2.3.1 • 2.4 · 2.4.1 · 2.4.2 · 2.4.3
3.0 · 3.0.1 • 3.1 · 3.1.1 • 3.2 · 3.2.1 • 3.3 • 3.4
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