Virtual Conference

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Category:Draft marketing ideas and materials

Draft marketing documents index


Create a virtual conference full of marketing, technical and **users** talks. This is with the objective to accelrate the communicationa and community exchange of information in multiple ways. Also to keep the community updated on the projects evolutions and foster new contributors.


The virtual conference would be announced on the site and program will be maintained on the Wiki. Organizers will be able to request, process and develop a program that can be announced to the external media through the marketing project.

The conference rooms will be handled by the WizIQ service which enable presentations live with very few requirements for the assitants. Video and audio broadcast information should be requested through the call for paper talk.

The topics will focus on developers, marketers, locales and users. The users track has been one of the most requested track on past OOoCon and we could use Virtual conferences as a testbed for end user tracks.


  • WizIQ is a private service as oposed of a free tool that could be served on our servers. (dim dim could be an alterative)
  • Other challenge is the requrement of Flash which is a proprietary technology.
  • Finally the use of developers time is valuable so having a well structured and well market talk is vital.
  • No desktop sharing so presenting software could be a challenge.
    • video is too small to have a webcam pointed at the display


  • Interactive voice and interactive dashboard can make presentations more useful
  • Audio and text Q&A available
  • Low learning curve
  • The sessionsa are kept recorded on the WizIQ system almost inmediately for future reference


The Virtual conference will require the participation of different projects from the OOo community including.


Coordinate the CFP, Schedules and moderation of the talks. Call for sponsors, contact external media to market the event for people outside of the community.


Broadcast the virtual conference initiative to the different projects.


Develop banners and content to give more visibility to the event on the conference. Logo, banners, animations and media (podcast/video).


Depending on the evaluation process and acceptance the timeline will be shorter than a real conference. We could generate enough buzz within 1 month of preparing the conference. Also the conference could take longer since we are not restricted of making this talks. I propose a space of 3 weeks. Most of the schedule would be Europe based since the developers and most of the community revolve around this timezone.

1 week

  • Start the call for papers
  • Put a site in marketing explaining the concept
  • Start the request for logo on the ART project
  • Request sponsors

2 week

  • Website team can generate a custom min-site for our project
  • Marketing start pushing the news out to sites like slashdot, digg, zdnet, etc.
  • Call for papers would be evaluated

3 week

  • Tracks start showing up proposals
  • WizIQ/Dimdim tool is tested and have some trials
  • Mini-site goes live with the artwork
  • Call for papers last call
  • Settle with sponsors

4 week

  • Finalize the call for papers
  • Structure the programme
  • Put the sponsors on the mini-site
  • Put a registrar app in place
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