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Revision as of 18:32, 8 January 2008 by Infinitelink (Talk | contribs)

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Below is a list of features that are requested by users. There is also, currently, a separate list for cool new FeatureSuggestions.

Competitive Parity

  1. Increase/Decrease Font Size proportionally for whole text block.
    • There are two aspects of this. The basic aspect is to have commands that scale fonts for indented lists proportionally. Everything gets bigger or smaller. The other is to use this automatically to decrease all text size proportionally when adding another list item makes the list exceed the text box dimensions.
  2. Insert… Table in Impress
    • This would pop up a dialog to specify rows, columns, width (pixels/percent/auto) and then lay the table as an element of the page. Writer already supports tables like this.
    • This is being addressed as part of the accessibility work in ODF/ODP - Details to be published shortly.

Button to enable/disable all "smart" features

This could be a button, much like and next to the AutoSpellcheck button, which in one click enables/disables all smart features.

I can't say how often I struggle with OpenOffice (or MS Word for that matter) being too smart - doing lists, numbering, applying formatting, creating hyperlinks when all I want is for it to do what I ask it to do - create lists when I select so, create hyperlinks when I tell it to. Sometimes, however it is good to utilize the automatic stuff as you can work with them when you know how they work.

What I propose is a button, much like the spell-check underlining button (which is by default visible in the toolbar) and which enables and disables all these "smart" features - all in one click. It could be called "WritingAids" (as where you can control this settings). It could also be automatically recommended to the user when OpenOffice automatically applies some formatting and the user undoes this, say the user writes a web-address presses space and the hyperlink is created and then the user undoes this thing.

Creative Commons

Nathan Yergler describes here http://wiki.creativecommons.org/OpenOfficeOrg_Addin, requirements and ideas for embedding Creative Commons license information in ODF documents. Malte Timmermann and Laurent Godard have described on the mailing list how this can be done as a component, perhaps using PyUNO.

Looking for a volunteer!'. Malte & Laurent will help and mentor.


Integrate JFree?

Text & Formatting Control

1) When one links to another document, such as through a section, it's fine if another openoffice file; it also works with HTML...but if there is CSS or .js files then these aren't applied or displayed. The advantage, then, of linking is lost; and X/HTML + CSS/.js is incredibly useful for doing things that word-processors and other file formats just don't want to. It's also useful to be able to do markup for one body of text, as well as uniformly controlling the text and its styles, fonts, etc. across many different documents, for online work, as well as then being able to import that through linking and finish formatting for printing and/or book work. Though openoffice has its own styles features, it would be advantageous and very useful to support css and .js so that if those documents change, then the appearance when opened in a linked doc changes.

2) In word processors one can subscript a word, then superscript the next, but cannot place these words below and above one another; I've been trying to figure-out how to do this, and I bet it would be possible with a formatting hack in the XML. It would be extremely welcome to have this ability through a feature in the program, especially for those who work on interlinear texts and such, (and people who do so actually post different questions to the mailing list at times). For now, that's all. Infinitelink 19:32, 8 January 2008 (CET)

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