Pootle User Guide

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Pootle User Guide for Translators

Registration and login

Fill in your username, password and a valid e-mail account, Click 'Register Account' button and an activation code will be sent to the e-mail address you've provided.

  • Activate account
When you receive the activation code and login details by e-mail go to the activation page and fill them in. Click 'Activate Account' button and you can login Pootle.

Note: Currently, there is an issue with sending e-mail from the Pootle so the work should be done manually.
After registration, please send a mail to the L10n dev mailing list with your user name. Then the Pootle admin will send the activation code to you.

Setting user option

If you login for the first time, you have to configure your user option.

  • Click on 'Change options' in 'My account' page which has a link on the right upper side.
  • Select desired projects and languages from the lists, then save changes. You can select mutiple projects and languages.

Once you set the option, you will be presented with your user page which includes links to your selected languages and projects.

Searching files

There are two ways to reach the files for translation.

  • If your user page is set up, you can reach the files directly through the links in it.
  • Another way to find the file you wish to translate is through the the main page. The main page displays two categories - Languages and Projects. Choosing a language will give you the list of projects available for translation into this language; choosing a project will give you the list of languages to which it can be translated. Once you have choose both the project and the language, you'll be presented with the files available for translation.

Translating with Pootle

Each file available for translation is accessible in two ways - 'Quick Translate' and 'Translate All'. 'Quick Translate' shows only the fuzzy and untranslated entries, while 'Translate All' shows all the entries in the file, translated or not.

  • Select the project you want.
  • Click on 'Show Editing Functions'
  • You can see all the files listed.
  • Click on 'Quick Translate' or 'Translate All'.

If particular tasks are assigned to you, you can see the strings only assigned to you.

  • Select the project you want.
  • Click on 'Show Editing Functions' and 'Show Goals' in the top navigation bar.
  • You can see goals listed and the goals that you're assigned.
  • Click on 'Translate My Strings' for each goal that you're assigned.

Note: Before starting to translate, you should make sure that you have proper permission of the projects. If you don't have permissions to submit, please ask your language lead to give you the permission.

When you get the translation page, you'll see a two-column table, with the strings to be translated on the left, and the current translation on the right. The current edited entry appears as a text box with the options 'Skip' and 'Suggest' or 'Submit' below it. Naturally you can enter text in the text box and submit it or skip to the next entry.

If you want to jump to another entry, you can get there by selecting the row you want. You can see the 'Edit' link next to the column of the currunt translation.

Pootle Userguide for Translation Leads

Registeration and getting administrator privilege

Please refer to the user guide for translator.

  • Configure user option. - Please refer to the user guide for translator.
  • Send a mail to the L10n dev mailing list with the project and language which you'll manage. Then Pootle admin will give you an administrative privilege for the project.

Once all the work is done by Pootle admin, you can see 'Administrative' link beside your project in 'My account' page.

Setting permissions for users

To allow translators to participate in the project, you need to give them proper permissions. You should make sure that the user who you want to give a permission to has configured his/her user option selecting the project and language before your work.

  • Choose the 'Administrative' link of your project in 'My account' page.
  • Select the user who you want to add from a drop-down list and give him/her proper rights. Usually, you need to give 'Translate' right besides default values.

In the page, the current rights are listed as they are assigned. The user ?쐍obody??refers to any user that is not logged in (an anonymous, unidentified user). The user ?쐂efault??refers to the rights that all logged in users who are not specified.

For more detail about each rights, please refer to the user guide from sourceforge.net. http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/pootle/permissions

Assigning work to translators

Cteate goals
For assignment, you need to create one of more goals first.

  • Select the project you have administrator privilege.
  • Click 'Show Editing Functions' on the menu list.
  • Click 'Show Goals'.
  • Create a goal by entering the name of a new goal on the right hand side of the page. After you click 'Add Goal' button, you can see the new goal is in the list.

If you already have goals to be used, you can skip the above steps.

Include selected files into the goal
All the files are under 'Not in a goal' by default. You need to move the files which you want to add to the new goal.

  • Select 'Not in a goal' - You can see all the files which aren't included in any goal.
  • Select the goal from the drop-down list for the files you want and click 'Set Goal' button.
  • Go back to the project page which lists all the goals and select the new goal.
  • Check if all the files that will be part of this goal are listed inside the page.

Add user to the project
You can add users who will work on the goal.

  • In the page of the goal, select user from the drop-down list and click 'Add User' button.

Note: You should make sure that the users you want to add has configured their language and project setting. Otherwise, you can't see the user from the list.

Assign work to translators
Now you can see the 'Assign To' button for each file in the goal. Each file can be assigned to one or more users.

  • Assigning a file to one user
Selecte an user and strings to be assigned from the drop-down lists and click 'Assign To' button.
  • Assigning a file to multiple users
Click on 'Select multiple' next to the user selection list for the file you want to assign. The dropdown list will now become a list where you can select multiple people (usually by holding down shift or control while selecting).

Selecte users and strings to be assigned from the drop-down lists and click 'Assign To' button.

To see all the assignments inside a goal, click on 'Show assigns' in the top navigation bar.

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