IDL Files and Cpp zh

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介绍性的文章,请参阅component tutorial.



参考 tutorial (in pdf) chapter 2. 对于 OpenOffice API, 服务是一个抽象的概念,它提供了一些特定的接口和特性/属性(properties/attributes)。就像开发手册(Developer's Guide)中所说:“属性是对象(an object)的数据。对象的通用接口(generic interface)可以使用属性的名字来实现对属性的访问,这些接口包括方法 getPropertyValue 和 setPropertyValue。” 这个定义也恰好区分了特性和属性的含义。服务是属性的集合,接口是方法的集合,而这些方法则提供了改变属性的途径(means)。

Danny Brewer的规则


1. 服务可以继承其他服务或者什么都不继承。(每个服务都递归的遵循这个规则。)

2. 服务可以含有(include)其他的服务或者什么都不包含。(每个服务都递归的遵循这个规则。)

3. 服务可以公开(实现)接口。

4. 服务拥有属性。

5. 接口可以继承其他的接口或者什么也不继承。(每个接口都递归的遵循这个规则。)

6. 接口可以含有(include)其他的接口或者什么都不包含。(每个接口都递归的遵循这个规则。)

7. 接口能够执行/实现(implement)方法。

8. 接口名称通常有一个大写X。


另请参阅Introducing the OpenOffice.org_APIOOoBasic Introspection.

IDL 详述




我们选择的例子,接口XdrivingDirection (不包括在OOo):

// IDL
interface XdrivingDirection
		void turnLeft();
		void turnRight();



// IDL
interface XdrivingDirection
		void turnLeft();
		void turnRight();
interface XaccelerationControl
		void speedUp();
		void slowDown();
service car
		// 公开的接口:
		interface XdrivingDirection;
		interface XaccelerationControl;
		[attribute] float speed; 
		[attribute] float angle;




// IDL
module my_module
	interface Xsomething
			void methodone();
	service my_service1
			// exported interfaces:
			interface Xsomething;
	interface XsomethingElse
			void methodTwo();
			void methodThree();
	service my_service2
			// exported interfaces:
			interface XsomethingElse;


IDL类型 :


16-bit unicode character type


boolean type; true and false


8-bit ordinal integer type


signed 16-bit ordinal integer type

unsigned short

unsigned 16-bit ordinal integer type


signed 32-bit ordinal integer type

unsigned long

unsigned 32-bit integer type


signed 64-bit ordinal integer type

unsigned hyper

unsigned 64-bit ordinal integer type


processor dependent float


processor dependent double


string of 16-bit unicode characters


universal type, takes every fundamental or compound UNO type, similar to Variant in other environments or Object in Java


Indicates that a method does not provide a return value

方法可以有参数。参数列表中的每个参数必须以方向标志(direction flags)开始,也就是在一个知名的类型和参数标识符之前,必须有[in],[out]或者[inout]。下面给出的例子我们通常会在这个文档(the counter example)中遇到。

接口可以衍生自基接口。一个衍生接口可以声明自身的特性和方法。但是,在衍生的接口中,特性和方法不能被重定义。 一个继承接口的例子:

interface animal {
	attribute long age;
interface dog : animal {
	attribute short leg;


// IDL
interface dog : animal, friend {


在OOo对象的术语中,特性和属性是有些区别的。而仅有的区别就是访问的方法不同。属性使用set/getPropertyValue(PropertyName,Any)访问,然而,特性是通过set/get(AttributeName)方法。. 在文档 shapes 中就会碰到属性处理。



一个方法是使用OOoBasic和Bernard Marcelly的Xray工具(访问 这里). Problem : OooBasic 不能精确的表现方法和属性。

另一方法就是使用General OOoWEB Index

在前面的章节我们已经提供了相应的例子(特别programming OOoWriter in C++)。相信读者已经有了这方面的经验。但是我们还是重复一下Danny Brewer在OOoForum的观点。

Danny Brewer 的观点


  1. 更多服务
  2. 更多接口

当然,对(1)来说,服务中的服务也同样意味着这些原始服务包含更多的接口。 让我来看一个不同的例子。 SpreadsheetDocument是一个服务。 SpreadsheetDocument包括服务OfficeDocument。对应的IDL文件如下:

//Listing 7 Interface Specification
service SpreadsheetDocument

	/** common service for all types of documents.
	service com::sun::star::document::OfficeDocument;



	/** provides access to the collection of spreadsheets.
	interface com::sun::star::sheet::XSpreadsheetDocument;


因此,对服务SpreadsheetDocument-一个电子表格文档,就集合了接口XSpreadsheetDocument和服务OfficeDocument中的接口。所以,尽管loadComponentFromURL返回的是一些接口,但是这些接口的都是基于一个基础的服务,这个服务就是SpreadsheetDocument。参考API文档,你就可以知道查询(query)哪些接口是有效的。 SpreadsheetDocument有服务(?)XSpreadsheetDocument。 OfficeDocument拥有服务(?)XPrintable和XStorable. 因为SpreadsheetDocument包含OfficeDocument,所以从SpreadsheetDocument查询接口XPrintable或者XStorable都是有效的。

对上面的讨论,如果使用TextDocument取代SpreadsheetDocument。 那么怎么知道什么是基础的服务呢?


相同的,如果通过服务的名称创建一个对象,例如: oShape = oDoc.createUnoService( "" ) 那么知道是什么服务可用了,因为我给出了服务的名字。



如果你可以调用getCellRangeByName(),那么你就有个SheetCellRange服务。如果可以调用getCellByPosition(),那么就只有SheetCell可以使用。对于SheetCell和SheetCellRange,有许多相同的内容可用,但是,他们却是不同的东西。 SheetCellRange指的是一个矩形区域内单元格的集合,而SheetCell只表示一个单元格。有些操作,对一个单元格可以,但把单元格集合在一起就不可以对之操作。

对于这两个服务,还有其他的问题。如果这是从表格得到一个,那么它就只是一个CellRange。但是,如果是从电子表格得到的,那么它就不只是一个CellRange,而是个真实的。 SheetCellRange只是CellRange的扩展版。而这两个服务通过对一个表格或者电子表格调用getCellRangeByName()得到。



对SDK,这些IDL文件可以在 <OpenOffice.org1.1_SDK>/idl/目录找到。当然,有个问题就是,这些SDK中的UNO IDL文件和二进制的OpenOffice.org库是有些区别的。这是因为SDK通常是在新版的OpenOffice.org发布后几个月才出现(现在不是这样)。然而,对于这个改变,我们将会在介绍另外一种方法:注册表浏览(registry exploring)后给予解释。事实上,此刻我并不清楚通过注册表可以得到什么样的信息。(具体请参考 UNO registery and Bootstrapping)


//Listing 8 Interface Specification
service OfficeDocument
	interface com::sun::star::frame::XModel;
    interface com::sun::star::util::XModifiable;
	interface com::sun::star::frame::XStorable;
	interface com::sun::star::view::XPrintable;
    [optional] interface XEventBroadcaster;
	[optional] interface XEventsSupplier;
    [optional] interface XDocumentInfoSupplier;
    [optional] interface XViewDataSupplier;
    [optional] interface com::sun::star::view::XPrintJobBroadcaster;
	[property, optional] boolean AutomaticControlFocus;
	[property, optional] boolean ApplyFormDesignMode;

Remember we have already tackled Interfaces in this section. This is shown with the Developper's Guide Figure. If we now examine the

com::sun::star::text::TextDocument we find in <OpenOffice.org1.1_SDK>/idl/com/sun/star/text/TextDocument.idl
service TextDocument
	service com::sun::star::document::OfficeDocument;
	interface com::sun::star::text::XTextDocument;
	interface com::sun::star::util::XSearchable;
	interface com::sun::star::util::XRefreshable;

As can be seen TextDocument service and OfficeDocument service are together.

It's time to go deeper in our example and provide code with comments. For this purpose, we shall take code already tackled (see the Corresponding Writer Code). [cpp] //Listing 9 Writer Example //C++

   OUString sDocUrl;
   Reference< XComponent > xWriterComponent = 


       Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue >());
  Reference < XTextDocument > xTextDocument (xWriterComponent,UNO_QUERY);

xWriterComponent gives us TextDocument service and then OfficeDocument service as already said. XTextDocument is an Interface of TextDocument service. XTextDocument.idl shows us the getText method but we don't know what new services are available. Only two ways to know that : Internet XText interfacegives the answer : the service is The other way is to use Reflection as described later in this section. [cpp] //Listing 10 Writer Example (continuation) //C++

   Reference< XText > xText = xTextDocument->getText();

We try to get a XTextCursor Interface [cpp] //Listing 11 Writer Example (continuation) //C++ Reference< XTextCursor> xTextCursor = xText->createTextCursor(); But how to explain this code ? Looking in XText.idl files only shows two methods :

//Listing 12 XText Interface IDL file
// IDL
module com {  module sun {  module star {  module text {  
interface XText: com::sun::star::text::XSimpleText
	void insertTextContent( [in] com::sun::star::text::XTextRange xRange, 
			 [in] com::sun::star::text::XTextContent xContent, 
			 [in] boolean bAbsorb ) 
			raises( com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException ); 
	void removeTextContent( [in] com::sun::star::text::XTextContent xContent ) 
			raises( com::sun::star::container::NoSuchElementException ); 
}; }; }; };

But if you have a closer look at the IDL file, you will see the inheritance from XSimpleText. Is the createTextCursor method here ? Yes, as you can see.

//Listing 13 XSimpleText Interface IDL file
// IDL
module com {  module sun {  module star {  module text {  
interface XSimpleText: com::sun::star::text::XTextRange
	com::sun::star::text::XTextCursor createTextCursor(); 
	com::sun::star::text::XTextCursor createTextCursorByRange( [in] com::sun::star::text::XTextRange aTextPosition ); 
    [oneway] void insertString( [in] com::sun::star::text::XTextRange xRange, 
			 [in] string aString, 
			 [in] boolean bAbsorb ); 
 	void insertControlCharacter( [in] com::sun::star::text::XTextRange xRange, 
			 [in] short nControlCharacter, 
			 [in] boolean bAbsorb ) 
			raises( com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException ); 
}; }; }; };

What are the services available here ? I have found them with a reflection tool :

******** Services : 8

You can probably find all of them with internet but I think it will be a long task : a good reason for explaining reflection services later in this chapter.

Yes you have to walk through such ways to find what you can do when programming. Fortunately there is a shorter way : the SDK examples. Most of them are in Java but I have found many ideas with them.

IDL and C++

This problem is tackled in Developer's guide

Getting an interface in C++

In C++, you only have variables of an Interface type. One of the most often encountered problem in C++ programming is querying an interface. This problem occurs very rarely in OooBasic but very often in C++/Java. We can find an example in "SDK C++ language" and many other in Office UNO automation. As an example, we suppose we have to get a com::sun::star::document::officeDocument service. This is done in general by something like: [cpp] //Listing 2 C++ code to get a service //C++ Reference<com::sun::star::document::officeDocument> OfDoc = something_to_get_this_service(); or [cpp] Listing 3 using namespace to simplify the code //C++ using namespace com::sun::star::document; .... Reference<officeDocument> OfDoc = something_to_get_this_service(); and we want to query the XStorable interface to save our document. Three steps are involved in this query :

  1. Add your code's line as UNO's query

[cpp] //Listing 4 The UNO query in C++ code // C++ // query from com::sun::star::frame::XStorable interface Reference< XStorable > oToStore (OfDoc, UNO_QUERY);

  1. Add the hpp file in an include statement. Add the corresponding namespace in an using namespace statement. Including is done with :

[cpp] //Listing 5 The corresponding include statement //C++ #include <com/sun/star/frame/XStorable.hpp> and the corresponding namespace statement is : [cpp] //Listing 6 The corresponding namespace statement //C++ using namespace com::sun::star::frame;

  1. Add the corresponding type in the makefile as shown below in red :
# makefile
# added
TYPES := \ \
	.... \ \ \ 

Learn to realize these three steps : you can not program in C++ without encountering an interface's query. This problem of asking an interface is already tackled in chapters 3 and 4.

You have to learn to get interface in an other way.

Getting an Interface through XMultiServiceFactory

We have already encountered such a thing, so it should be quite familiar to us by now. But, because we have not discussed every step in detail, I want to illustrate how it works.

The previous section only deals with getting interfaces directely available because the corresponding service is available. For instance the code below deals with only one arrow of the Figure below and getting a Xmodel inteface starting from XtextDocument is a simple UNO_QUERY call (last line of the listing). [cpp] //Listing 19 Simple UNO_QUERY call // C++ OUString sDocUrl;

   Reference< XComponent > xWriterComponent = rComponentLoader->loadComponentFromURL(


       Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue >());

   Reference < XTextDocument > xTextDocument (xWriterComponent,UNO_QUERY);

// Don't forget to include #include <com/sun/star/frame/XModel.hpp>

   Reference < XModel > xModel (xTextDocument,UNO_QUERY);


But how can you get an interface if the corresponding service is not directly available ?

First case : a method of your interface allows to get the new interface. It was the case of the code of Listing 11. In this case the corresponding hdl file is not necessary and I have not found a way to retrieve the new services available witout a reflection tool !

Second case : no interface's method can help you. You have to query a service before getting the interface. This can be done with two or three instructions style. I have already used both styles. Have a look into this listing :

[cpp] //Listing 20 Getting an Interface with XMultiServiceFacory // C++

   Reference < XTextDocument > xTextDocument (xWriterComponent,UNO_QUERY);
   Reference<XMultiServiceFactory> oDocMSF (xTextDocument,UNO_QUERY);

// Don't forget to add #include <com/sun/star/text/XTextTable.hpp>

   Reference <XTextTable> xTable (oDocMSF->createInstance(


which uses two instruction style. With three instructions style, the same code is shown in the listing above :

[cpp] //Listing 21 Inserting a Table in a OOoWriter Document // C++

   Reference<XMultiServiceFactory> oDocMSF (xTextDocument,UNO_QUERY);

Reference< XInterface > textTable = oDocMSF->createInstance( OUString::createFromAscii("") ); // Don't forget to add #include <com/sun/star/text/XTextTable.hpp> Reference< XTextTable > xTable(textTable, UNO_QUERY);

Note that both method require to include (and then construct) the corresponding hpp file (here XtextTable.hpp) but not for the service because you get it with a method (named « createInstance » in this case). We give a schematic to summarize what we talked about.


Last question : is it possible to start from any XMultiServiceFactory interface ? The answer to this question is no. Have a look to the code below where I take rOfficeServiceManager instead of oDocMSF because it's a XmultiServiceFactory Interface too.

[cpp] //Listing 22 Wrong code // C++ // Reference<XMultiServiceFactory> oDocMSF (xTextDocument,UNO_QUERY); // using rOfficeServiceManager instead oDocMSF Reference< XInterface > textTable = rOfficeServiceManager->createInstance( OUString::createFromAscii("") ); Reference< XTextTable > xTable(textTable, UNO_QUERY); if (! { printf("Erreur creation XTextTable interface !\n"); return 1;


This code compiles but gives a runtime error. This only means you cannot use every XMultiServiceFactory interface to get every Interface. If you are working with a document ask the corresponding XMultiServiceFactory interface. At this point only experience can help you.

Note before going further that a code used many times so far, can find an explanation even if here the XMultiServiceFactory interface is not obtained in a standard way :

[cpp] //Listing 23 Classic code // C++ int main( ) { //retrieve an instance of the remote service manager

   Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > rOfficeServiceManager;
   rOfficeServiceManager = ooConnect();

//get the desktop service using createInstance returns an XInterface type

   Reference< XInterface  > Desktop = rOfficeServiceManager->createInstance(
   OUString::createFromAscii( "" ));

//query for the XComponentLoader interface

   Reference< XComponentLoader > rComponentLoader (Desktop, UNO_QUERY);

Easy to retreive the three instructions style to get the XcomponentLoader, isn't it ?

An other more technical problem is the mapping : you have an IDL file, how is it compiled in C++ ? The next chapter tackle the subject : you can skip it in a first reading and go on into the chapter 1.5.

Mapping for Modules and Interfaces

For instance:

// IDL 
module M 
{ struct E { long L; 

is mapped into: [cpp] // C++ namespace M { struct E

 { Long L; }; 

} and E can be referred outside of M as M::E. Alternatively, a C++ using statement for namespace M can be used so that E can be referred to simply as E: [cpp] // C++ using namespace M; E e;

 e.L = 3;

Core reflection service and its Interfaces

Many entry points for reflection are descibed in the SDK. We give again any of them here and show a way to use them with C++.

XIdlReflection interface

This interface is described here

The XIntrospection Interface

This interface is described here with code's example. Other code is given in Constructing Helpers section. See also Introducing the OpenOffice.org_API and OOoBasic Introspection.

Using Java Inspector

For an introduction of using Java with OOo, see Java and Eclipse tutorial. This point is not tackled here : we are only interested by using a Java component with C++.

It is possible in principle, to use the Java inspector tools from every programming languages because it's a component. The way to do that is very simple :

1°) Compile the java example in <OpenOffice.org_SDK>/examples/java/Inspector after adding SDK_AUTO_DEPLOYMENT = YES in the beginning of makefile.

2°) Create a OOoBasic example, for instance : [oobas] 'Listing 17 Simple OOoBasic example to call the Java Inspector

REM ***** BASIC ***** Sub JavaInspector o = createUnoService("org.OpenOffice.InstanceInspector") 'XRay.XRay o oReflection = createUnoService( "" ) o.inspect(oReflection) End Sub If java is not properly installed when running this program a dialog box will print out. Follow the instructions to install it (you have to know where your virtual machine (JRE) is installed. We see below in Figure what is the result of this program.


Our problem is now to use the Java Inspector from C++. But I encounter a problem when I try to do that. Here is the way I choose :

  1. construct a urd file starting from IDL (in makefile)
  2. don't forget the registry of urd file in makefile
  3. add org.OpenOffice.XInstanceInspector in the TYPES macro in the makefile
  4. copy IDL file from <OpenOffice.org1.1_SDK>/examples/java/Inspector/XInstanceInspector.idl into <OpenOffice.org1.1_SDK>/idl/org/OpenOffice/ XInstanceInspector.idl
  5. add the #include <org/OpenOffice/XInstanceInspector.hpp> and using namespace org::OpenOffice;
  6. add this code

[cpp] // C++ Any toInspect; toInspect <<= rDesktop; Reference< XInstanceInspector > xinspect (rOfficeServiceManager->createInstance(

   OUString::createFromAscii( "org.OpenOffice.InstanceInspector" )),UNO_QUERY);

And it works like in OOoBasic. The corresponding Linux makefile is :

#Listing 18 Simple Makefile to compile a Java Inspector C++ call
# very simple makefile
HELPER = ReflectionHelper
CXXFILE = office_connect.cxx
OBJFILE = office_connect.o
OUTBIN = office_connect
OUT_COMP_INC = ../../../../LINUXexample.out/inc
OUT_COMP_OBJ = ../../../../LINUXexample.out/obj
OUT_COMP_BIN = ../../../../LINUXexample.out/bin
# added for Inspector
# end added
COMPONENT_RDB = $(OUT_COMP_BIN)/office_connect.rdb
CC_FLAGS = -c -O -fpic -fno-rtti
PS = /
TYPES := \ \
	.... \
# last line added

TYPESLIST = $(foreach t,$(TYPES),-T$(t))
GENHPPFILES = $(foreach t,$(TYPES),$(OUT_COMP_INC)/$(subst .,/,$(t)).hpp)

ALL : \

# added for Inspector
#building urd file
$(OUT_COMP_URD)/XInstanceInspector.urd : ../../../../idl/org/OpenOffice/XInstanceInspector.idl
	-mkdir -p $(OUT_COMP_URD)
	idlc -I. -I../../../../idl -O$(OUT_COMP_URD)  ../../../../idl/org/OpenOffice/XInstanceInspector.idl

# end added

#office_connectrc is provided with SDK
$(OUT_COMP_BIN)/office_connectrc : office_connectrc
	-mkdir -p $(OUT_COMP_BIN)
	cp office_connectrc $(OUT_COMP_BIN)/office_connectrc

$(COMPONENT_RDB) : $(OUT_COMP_URD)/XInstanceInspector.urd
	-mkdir -p $(OUT_COMP_BIN)
# added for Inspector
	regmerge $(COMPONENT_RDB) /UCR $(OUT_COMP_URD)/XInstanceInspector.urd
# end added
	regmerge $(COMPONENT_RDB) / "/usr/lib/openoffice/program/types.rdb"
	@echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	@echo   Register necessary runtime components in $(COMPONENT_RDB)
	@echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	regcomp -register -r $(COMPONENT_RDB) -c
	regcomp -register -r $(COMPONENT_RDB) -c
	regcomp -register -r $(COMPONENT_RDB) -c
	regcomp -register -r $(COMPONENT_RDB) -c
#	@echo bla > $@

$(GENHPPFILES) :  $(subst /,$(PS),$(@D))
	mkdir -p $(subst /,$(PS),$(@D))
# modified for Inspector	cppumaker -Gc -BUCR -O$(OUT_COMP_INC) $(TYPESLIST) "/usr/lib/openoffice/program/types.rdb"

	-mkdir -p $(subst /,$(PS),$(@D))
	gcc $(CC_FLAGS) $(CC_INCLUDES) -I. -I/usr/include -I$(OUT_COMP_INC)/examples \
	-I../../../../include -I$(OUT_COMP_INC) $(CC_DEFINES) -o$(OUT_COMP_OBJ)/$(OBJFILE) $(CXXFILE)

$(OUT_COMP_OBJ)/$(HELPER).o : $(HELPER).cxx $(HELPER).hpp
	-mkdir -p $(OUT_COMP_OBJ)/
	gcc $(CC_FLAGS) $(CC_INCLUDES) -I. -I/usr/include -I$(OUT_COMP_INC)/examples \
	-I../../../../include -I$(OUT_COMP_INC) $(CC_DEFINES) -o$(OUT_COMP_OBJ)/$(HELPER).o $(HELPER).cxx

	-mkdir -p $(OUT_COMP_BIN)
	gcc -Wl -export-dynamic -L../../../../LINUXexample.out/lib -L../../../../linux/lib -L/usr/lib/openoffice/program \
	-o$(OUT_COMP_BIN)/$(OUTBIN) $(OUT_COMP_OBJ)/$(OBJFILE) -lcppuhelpergcc3 -lcppu -lsalhelpergcc3 -lsal -lstlport_gcc

ProUNOCppBindingExample : $(COMPONENT_RDB) $(OUT_COMP_BIN)/$(OUTBIN) $(OUT_COMP_BIN)/office_connectrc
	@echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	@echo Please use one of the following commands to execute the examples!
	@echo make
	@echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : $(OUT_COMP_BIN)/$(OUTBIN) $(OUT_COMP_BIN)/office_connectrc
	cd $(OUT_COMP_BIN) && $(OUTBIN)

See Also

Personal tools