UNO @since Tags

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OOo-related UNO documentation (i.e., for URE or SDK) uses @since tags for autodoc (C++, UNOIDL) and javadoc (Java) to specify that certain documented entities are only available from a given OOo or URE version onward.

For UNOIDL documentation, the @since tags are written “@since OOo x.y.z” denoting OOo version x.y.z.

For C++ and Java documentation, the @since tags are as follows:

@since UDK 3.0.1 OOo 1.0.z
@since UDK 3.1.0 OOo 1.1.z
@since UDK 3.2.0 OOo 2.0.0
@since UDK 3.2.1 OOo 2.0.1
@since UDK 3.2.2 OOo 2.0.2
@since UDK 3.2.3 OOo 2.0.3
@since UDK 3.2.4 OOo 2.0.4
@since UDK 3.2.5 OOo 2.1
@since UDK 3.2.6 OOo 2.2
@since UDK 3.2.7 OOo 2.3

For reference, the relation between OOo versions and URE versions is as follows:

OOo 2.0.0 URE 1.0
OOo 2.0.2 URE 1.1
OOo 2.2 URE 1.2
OOo 2.3 URE 1.3

The information on this page will be updated over time. Also see for further information.

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