LCA 2007 Miniconf

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OOo Miniconf at 2007

The annual (LCA) is one of the major open source events world-wide. The community first participated in the Miniconf program in Canberra 2005, and again in Dunedin NZ in 2006.

The 2007 LCA will be held in Sydney.

If you like to participate in the Miniconf please update this article or email (subscribe)

Considerations for a Proposal

It is necessary that a proposal be lodged with LCA by 15 September 2006. The proposal will allow for development of a more detailed program leading up to the event.


LCA is about Linux, but OOo is for all platforms. There is strong interest and support for OOo among the Linux community, and there is much overlap between the two communities, having a shared interest in free software and open source. The LCA Miniconf is currently the only formal OOo event in our region (Australia/NZ).


The 2005 Miniconf comprised of 2 days mainly being structured presentations with around 40-50 attending most sessions. The 2006 event was smaller but included structured presentations, demonstrations and workshop activities. It was interesting that many of the mainstream LCA conference presenters made use of OOo. During the 2006 event there was strong interest in Q&A and problem solving discussions and one-to-one or small group discussions. Much of the discussion was triggered by, and followed after, structured presentations.

Objectives for 2007 Miniconf

Based on the experience and from comments at the preceding events, the following objectives are proposed for 2007.

flexibility for LCA participants and OOo community to visit different Miniconfs
better opportunity for LCA participants to discuss issues and get help
more demonstration of OOo capabilities


A 2 day Miniconf is proposed, with a small number of structured presentations. Informal workshops, Q&A and problem solving will be available continuously through the days. This will provide flexibility for participants to come and go when they like. It will also allow us to be responsive to needs or interests of individuals attending LCA, while also providing for in-depth focus on a few issues of significance for OOo.

Formal Sessions

These can be scheduled for one each half-day, unless we are overwhelmed by aspiring presenters. Topics currently envisaged are:

 case study about some interesting users of OOo
 development and demonstration of special capabilities of OOo
 report on community building and new developments
 a guide to learning and help resources available to users

At some time during the program, there may be scope for a group discussion about next steps toward a dedicated OOo event for our region.

Suggested Presentations

Proposals are sought for presentations in the formal sessions. Please enter suggestions in the table below or private email to

Do not worry about there being too many, possible duplications, off topic etc, we can sort that out later:

Name Topic
Michael Still Experiences of an author preparing a manuscript for publication using OOo
Michael Carden National Archives of Australia use of OOo as a plugin to their Xena software for conversion of Office formats to ODF for preservation purposes.
Jim Watson Developments in OOo - an overview of current community projects and some insights into the process


A number of workstations will be provided running OOo on different platforms. The following are already available, please add to the list if you can bring something, even if it is already listed, and later we can work out the best distribution of effort. Something with access to the conference wireless network, and some additional projectors would be useful.

 OOo on GNU/Linux SPARC Sunblade 100  
 OOo on GNU/Linux Intel Compaq Armada 1750 (1999 vintage laptop)
 portable projectors

These workstations and projectors will be used for one-on-one or small group problem solving and demonstration of features, to be run on-demand through the 2 days.

Some prepared demonstrations can be run on a continuous basis and re-cycled on demand. These would run for about 15-20 mins. Planned subjects for demonstrations include:

 using styles in Writer
 spreadsheet techniques using Calc
 effective presentations with Impress
 less well known features - database, math, etc

Any of the demonstrations can be adapted for larger groups if there is sufficient interest.

Demonstrations, Q&A and problem solving will be adapted and responsive to issues raised by vistors or participants in the Miniconf.

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