Application Rebranding - Project Home Page

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This home page for the Application rebranding project is a work space for the I-team.


Irc Log 2010-05-05 : Application_Rebranding_-_Project_Home_Page/20100505

next regular meeting

May 12th, freenode, #ooobranding

proposals for agenda of next meeting

  • <add your proposal here>

Motivation & Goal


  • initiation of a I-Team
  • creation of a Spec
    • Startcenter
      • Usability aspects
      • lack of color
      • design language
    • splashscreen
    • Icon Themes (Industrial, Crystal, etc)
      • mh: there some coordination with art teams of kde and gnome is desired for some of the document icons with the icon themes
    • Other UI Graphics
      • put on hold, waiting for further input
    • Default Styles (templates, fonts)
      • put on hold, wait for more input from Ivan
      • some relation to User_Experience/Improving_OOo_Default_Settings
      • general definitions of fonts for branding is not in scope for this effort, bedipp: subteam for this, rosana: should be part of the branding guidelines
    • Help Graphics
      • to be removed from agenda, unless Doc Team objects
    • About Box

The I-Team

Role Name E-Mail Address
Marketing Team Rosana Ardila Biela Rosana.Ardila@Sun.COM
Program Management Martin Hollmichel
Design Stella Schulze
Development TBD
Quality Assurance Eric Savary
Documentation Uwe Fischer
User Experience <First Name, Last Name> <>

Technical Background

Start Center:

  • primary requirement: the StartCenter should give a hand to novices as well as provide a direct access to every area
  • secondary requirement: to support our branding / visual impression
  • design language should be in line with splash screen and about box.

Related OOo Projects

Coordination with other OOo projects (marketing, artwork, ...) (open, any volunteers?)

Open and Answered Issues


Personal tools