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Full Name: Katsuya Kobayashi (小林勝哉)
OOo alias: kynh
My contribution: member of Marketing Project under the governance of JA Project
Nationality: Japan
Mother tongue: Japanese
Home Page: Katsuya Kobayashi's Home Page



Study of ODF

What's new and ODF

  1. Presentations(pdf)
    1. ODF Interop Activities - Bart Hanssens
    2. Office 2010 Extensions - Doug Mahugh Markup Compatibility & Extensibility
    3. Office Document Validation - Alex Brown
    4. Office-OOo interoperability - Doug Mahugh Interoperability with Microsoft Office through ODF
    5. OOXML Validation and Document Test Library - Klaus-Peter Eckert
    6. PLANETS Conversion Tools ODF Translator - Wolfgang Keber PLANETS, Document Conversion Tools and the OpenXML/ODF Translator
    7. Signing ODF with the Belgian eID card - Bart Hanssens

ODF Specification

ODF Interchangeability

  • OASIS OIC Expository Work Produced by the Committee
  1. ODF 1.1 Interoperability Profile, Committee Draft 01(odf)
  2. Report: The State of Interoperability v1.0, Committee Draft 03(odf)

Standardization organization

  1. OASIS Member Tools
    1. OASIS Technical Committees Issue Tracker
    2. JIRA System Administrators
    3. Subversion OASIS Members' repositories
  2. OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC
    1. office Mailing List view archives
    2. office-comment Mailing List view archives
    3. opendocument-users Mailing List view archives
    4. ODF Adoption Wiki
    5. Find Issues Issue Navigator all
    6. Brows Project Road Map all versions
  3. OASIS OpenDocument Format (ODF) Adoption TC
    1. odf-adoption Mailing List view archives
    2. odf-adoption-comment Mailing List view archives
  4. OASIS Open Document Format Interoperability and Conformance (OIC) TC
    1. oic Mailing List view archives
    2. oic-comment Mailing List view archives
    3. OASIS ODF Interoperability and Conformance TC wiki
    4. Find Issues Issue Navigator all
    5. Brows Project Road Map all versions
    6. WebSVN OIC

  1. SC 34 Document Repository
  2. SC 34 meetings
  3. JTC 1/SC 34/WG4 Office Open XML
    1. Convener: Dr. MURATA Makoto (Japan), Secretariat: Ecma International (designated by JISC)
    2. Terms of Reference: Maintenance of, and projects directly and exclusively related to, ISO/IEC 29500
    3. Office Open XML ML archive
    4. Twitter sc34/ooxml
  4. JTC 1/SC 34/WG5 Document Interoperability
    1. Convener: Dr. Jaeho LEE (Republic of Korea)
    2. Terms of Reference: Develop principles of, and guidelines for, interoperability among documents represented using heterogeneous ISO/IEC document file formats. The initial work includes preparation of the Technical Report on ISO/IEC 26300 / ISO/IEC 29500 translation.
  5. JTC 1/SC 34/WG6 OpenDocument Format
    1. Acting Convener: Mr. Francis CAVE (UK)
    2. Scope and Terms of Reference: All SC 34 projects and activities relating to the maintenance of ISO/IEC 26300 OpenDocument Format.Collaboration with the OASIS ODF TC in the maintenance of and other work exclusively related to ISO/IEC 26300, in accordance with the maintenance principles and procedures jointly agreed by OASIS and JTC 1 (documents N 1148 and N 1149). This includes all projects and activities related to ISO/IEC 26300 previously carried out by WG 1 and Ad Hoc Group 3.

  1. Web technology status and the future 2009/2/20 OSC2009(pdf) "Web 技術の現状と将来 一色正男 Dr. Prof. 慶応義塾大学 湘南藤沢キャンパス. 政策メディア研究科 教授. W3C/Keio Site Manager." (in Japanese)
  2. Internationalization (I18n) Activity
    1. Japanese Layout Task Force(JLTF)
      1. Task Force member : Chair: Tatsuo Kobayashi (i18n Core Working Group), Staff contact: Richard Ishida (ishida at w3 dot org)
      2. Requirements for Japanese Layout "日本語組版処理の要件" (in Japanese)

Committee member

  1. Chair: Michael Brauer Sun Microsystems, Robert Weir IBM
  1. Chair: Donald Harbison IBM
  1. Chair: Bart Hanssens Fedict - Belgian Federal Government

  1. Chair: "大阪工業大学 小町教授"
  2. Government member: "経済産業省基準ユニット 根岸喜代春課長補佐"

ODF Plugin and Converter products

  1. FAQ
  2. Sun ODF Plug-in 3.1 for Microsoft Office 2009/6/6 Sun System News Allows Microsoft Users to Make ODF their Default File Format
  3. Support SLA(in Japanese)
  4. Sun Software Standard Service Plan(in Japanese)
  5. Sun Software Service Plans(in Japanese)
  6. Sun Service(in Japanese)

ODF Solution and Marketing

  1. Moodle Add Icons indicating files in the OpenDocument format
  2. Specify OpenDocument icon(s) in Apache2 configuration (Ubuntu (Kubuntu/Xubuntu/Edubuntu))

  1. Aizu Wakamatsu City Spread and enlightening activity(in Japanese)
  2. Aizu Wakamatsu City ODF Enlightenment logo(pdf)(in Japanese)
  3. Aizu Wakamatsu City CD-ROM distribution(in Japanese)

  1. Lead: Michael Brauer, Co-Lead: Svante Schubert
  2. ML archive
  3. ML archive
  1. Ecma-376
  2. Office Open XML Import Filter for Spreadsheets 2007/2/6 Daniel Rentz, Sun

  1. Lead: Carsten Driesner Co-Lead: Mathias Bauer
  2. ML archive
  3. ML archive
  4. Framework Project Wiki
  5. Functional Overview(fig)

  1. comment list 1
  2. comment list 2

Microsoft Office Status

  1. "Microsoft Takes Concrete Steps to Foster Interoperability Among File Formats 2008/12/22 Microsoft" "透明性の拡大を通じて、ファイル フォーマット間の相互運用性向上をめざすことを業界に提案" (in Japanese) (in English)
    1. Microsoft's file format perestroika Charles Cooper(CNET 2008/12/17 "マイクロソフト、「Office 2007 SP2」のODF対応情報を公開" (in Japanese) (in English)
  2. Office Open XML (ECMA-376 1st Edition) Implementer Notes 2009/1/16 DII,Microsoft ECMA-376 specification
  3. ODF 1.1 Implementer Notes for Office 2007 SP2 2008/12/15 DII,Microsoft OASIS ODF 1.1 specification
    1. QA : Microsoft Publishes Implementation Notes for File Formats in Office 2007 2008/12/08 by Doug Mahugh, Microsoft
  4. Guiding Principles for Office’s ODF Implementation DII,Microsoft ODF threads of MSDN interoperability forum Microsoft

  1. Microsoft and Novell Technical Interoperability Update 2009/11/09 By Jose Thomas, Micorosoft
    1. OpenXML/ODF Translator as bi-directional translators for Office Format Compatibility with Novell
    2. Press : Novell Boosts and Microsoft Office Interoperability 2006/12/04 Novell

Other Doucument Format

Study of Community Governance

What's new Community Governance

  1. GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPL) (Effective with 3.0 Beta)
  2. Public Document License (PDL) Version 1.0
    1. Public Documentation License (PDL) FAQ Version 1.1(in Japanese)(OpenSolaris Project jp: FAQ Center referenece)
  3. In some cases, we also permit the use of the Creative Commons Attribution License ("Attribution-NoDerivs 2.5") (Japanese reference)

  1. Public Documentation License 1.0 or later (PDL)
  2. Creative Common Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license (CC-BY-SA)
  3. GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 or later (GNU FDL)
  4. GNU Lesser General Public License 3 or later (GNU LGPL)

  1. This Site and its contents are made available by Sun Microsystems, Inc. ("Sun"), CollabNet, Inc. and/or O'Reilly & Associates.


  1. This document is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License (Japanese reference)

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