Talk:Documentation/Administration Guide/Deactivating Registration Wizard

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The links to the .oxt files don't point to oxt files, they point to zip files, which do not contain the oxt files. Also, there doesn't seem to be any such executable as unopkg on my Windows XP machine with OO3 installed. Could someone edit these instructions so they actually work? thanks. - RCW 1/6/09

The links are correct, and do point to OXT files. I am guessing you are using Internet Explorer? IE (amongst a very long list of broken and bad application behavior, and serious vulerabilities) has a bad habit of renaming files when it should not. Other browsers such as (the recommended) Firefox do not do this. If the files have been named with a .zip extension, you should be able to simply rename back to .oxt - do not try to unzip the oxt files (the ODF file format used by is a zipped set of XML and text files).
unopkg is a part of all installs. You will find it in the installation directory. For example on Linux, it is usually found at /usr/bin/unopkg. In Windows, a simple search will show that unopkg is found in C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org3\program (assuming a default install), and should already be in your operating system's path. --ccornell 11:01, 7 January 2009 (CET)

A transform (MST) to make use of Group Policy App Management

In order to deploy OOOv3 in our enterprise, we use AD's Group Policy. We want to skip First Time Wizard, associate MSOffice file types with OOO, and install Russian Dictionary ( We don't want an install command to run in startup script (it would every time, and it's unnecessary). So we made a MST with the following settings (tables as they are seen in Orca):

1. Table "Property":

  - Change "REGISTER_ALL_MSO_TYPES" to "1" -> register MSOffice files...

2. Table "CustomAction":

  - Add row:
            "Action" = "DisableFirstStartWzd",
            "Type" = 82,
            "Source" = "unopkg.exe",
            "Target" = "add --shared \\dc\install$\\DisableFirstStartWzd_ooo3.oxt",
  - Add row:
            "Action" = "InstallRusDic",
            "Type" = 82,
            "Source" = "unopkg.exe",
            "Target" = "add --shared \\dc\install$\\dict_ru-RU.oxt",

so the installed file named unopkg.exe would be run synchronously with necessary args and don't check result. The necessary files are on the network share where the installer is.

3. Table "InstallExecuteSequence":

  - Add row:
            "Action" = "DisableFirstStartWzd",
            "Condition" = "Not Installed",
            "Sequence" = "9998",
  - Add row:
            "Action" = "InstallRusDic",
            "Condition" = "Not Installed",
            "Sequence" = "9999",

so the actions are the last in the sequence, and are run only on install.

OK, everything works, but the questions are: 1. Am I right when specify that condition, or maybe it should be some other? 2. Is there an option (maube a cmdline) to add all extensions in a directory? Maybe some wildcards?

Mike Kaganski

Re “2. Is there an option (maube a cmdline) to add all extensions in a directory? Maybe some wildcards?” No, there is no such feature. Sb 09:38, 17 February 2009 (UTC)
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