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m (fnPropertyValue)
m (Example - Displaying 'codes' of a paragraph)
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=Example - Displaying 'codes' of a paragraph=
=Example - Displaying 'codes' of a paragraph=
This example demonstrates calling <tt>fnDirectProperties</tt>, <tt>fnNotIn</tt>, and <tt>fnPropertyValues</tt> defined above. It shows how the above codes could be used in a "reveal codes" type macro. The [[ join]] statement is just a quick and dirty way of creating a string out of an array of strings for displaying in the messagebox.  
This example demonstrates calling <tt>fnDirectProperties</tt>, <tt>fnNotIn</tt>, and <tt>fnPropertyValues</tt> defined above. It shows how the above codes could be used in a "reveal codes" type macro. The [[join]] statement is just a quick and dirty way of creating a string out of an array of strings for displaying in the messagebox.  
<syntaxhighlight lang="oobas">
<syntaxhighlight lang="oobas">

Revision as of 12:35, 4 February 2021

The following routines all deal with properties. They are revised routines from my RevealCodes macro, and the main routine which demonstrates calling some of the other routines displays the changes in "codes" for the current paragraph.


The following routine compares two arrays or property beans, and returns an array of property beans for those items which are in array mProp1 but not in mProp2, or where the value is different.

function fnNotIn(mProp1, mProp2)
'Returns an array of the properties in mProp1 not found in mProp2
dim mNotIn()
n1 = uBound(mProp1)
n2 = uBound(mProp2)
if n2 < 0 then
        fnNotIn = mProp1
        for i = 0 to n1
                sName1 = mProp1(i).name
                bNotFound = true
                for j = 0 to n2
                        sName2 = mProp2(j).name
                        if sName1 = sName2 then
                                bNotFound = not fnEqualValues(mProp1(i).value, mProp2(j).value)
                                exit for
                        elseif sName2 > sName1 then
                                exit for
                        end if
                if bNotFound then subAddThisProperty(mNotIn(), mProp1(i))
        fnNotIn = mNotIn()
end if
end function


This routine is not strictly dealing with properties but is called by fnNotIn, so is included here. The function is recursive so will only work in OpenOffice.org 1.1.1 or greater. Compares two values of the same type and returns whether they are equal or not. Currently it doesn't work for structs or objects (if you know how to do this please edit this page!)

function fnEqualValues(vValue1, vValue2) as boolean
'Returns true if the values are equal
if varType(vValue1) <> varType(vValue2) then
        fnEqualValues = false       
elseif isArray(vValue1) then
        nUpperBound1 = uBound(vValue1)
        nUpperBound2 = uBound(vValue2)
        if nUpperBound1 <> nUpperBound2 then
                fnEqualValues = false
        elseif nUpperBound1 = -1 then
                fnEqualValues = true
                fnEqualValues = true
                for i = 0 to nUpperBound1
                        if not fnEqualValues(vValue1(i), vValue2(i)) then
                                fnEqualValues = false
                                exit for
                        end if
        end if
elseif isUNOstruct(vValue1) then
        fnEqualValues = true 'Assume true as I don't know how to compare them
        select case varType(vValue1)
        case 2-5,7, 8, 11 'numbers, date, string boolean
                fnEqualValues = (vValue1 = vValue2)
        case 9  'object ???
                        fnEqualValues = true 'Assume true as I don't know how to compare them
        case else
                fnEqualValues = true
        end select
end if
end function


This routine adds a property bean to the end of a one dimensional array.

sub subAddThisProperty(mProperties, mProperty)
nNext = uBound(mProperties) + 1
redim preserve mProperties(nNext)
set mProperties(nNext) = mProperty
end sub


Returns an array of property beans of directly applied properties to a text range (should work for other types of objects but has not been tested).

Caution: This routine may require a workaround for Issue 103670 . See the Talk page.

function fnDirectProperties(oTextRange)
'Returns an array of property beans of directly applied properties
oProperties = oTextRange.getPropertySetInfo.getProperties
nProperties = uBound(oProperties)
dim mDirectProperties()
for i = 0 to nProperties
        sName = oProperties(i).name
        if oTextRange.getPropertyState(sName) <> com.sun.star.beans.PropertyState.DEFAULT_VALUE and _
         ((oProperties(i).attributes and com.sun.star.beans.PropertyAttribute.READONLY) = 0) then 
                nTypeClass = oProperties(i).type.typeClass
                subAddProperty( mDirectProperties(),sName, oTextRange.getPropertyValue(sName))
        end if
fnDirectProperties = mDirectProperties()
end function


Returns an array of strings for the property names and their values. You could think of this as being a form of introspection.

function fnPropertyValues(mProperties)
'returns an array of strings for the property names and their values
nProperties = Ubound(mProperties)
if nProperties < 0 then
        fnPropertyValues = array("")
        exit function
end if
dim mPropertyValues(nProperties)
for i = 0 to nProperties
        mPropertyValues(i) = fnPropertyValue(mProperties(i))
fnPropertyValues = mPropertyValues()
end function


Returns the concatenation of a property name and its value as a string

function fnPropertyValue(aProperty) as string
'Returns the concatentaion of a property name and its value as a string
if isNull(aProperty) or isEmpty(aProperty) then
        fnPropertyValue = ""
        msgbox "Oops!"
        sName = aProperty.name
        vValue = aProperty.Value
        fnPropertyValue = sName & ": " & fnConvString(vValue)
end if
end function


Converts a variables value to a string. Currently if the variable is a struct or object it simply returns "Struct" or "Object". (If you know a better way please edit this page!)

function fnConvString(vValue) as string
'Converts a variant to a string
if isArray(vValue) then
        nUpperBound = uBound(vValue)
        if nUpperBound = 0 then
                fnConvString = ""
                s = "{"
                for i = 0 to nUpperBound
                        s = s & fnConvString(vValue(i)) & ","
                nLen = len(s)
                if nLen > 1 then
                        fnConvString = left(s, len(s) - 1) & "}"
                end if
        end if
elseif isUNOstruct(vValue) then
        fnConvString = "Struct"
        select case varType(vValue)
        case 0, 2 to 5,7 'empty, numbers, date
                fnConvString = cstr(vValue)
        case 8  'string
                fnConvString = vValue
        case 9  'object ???
                fnConvString = "Object"
        case 11 'boolean
                if vValue then
                        fnConvString = "True"
                        fnConvString = "False"
                end if
        case else
                fnConvString = ""'vValue
                msgbox varType(vValue)
        end select
end if
end function


This routine calls fnNewProperty to create new property bean, assign a name and optionally a value, and adds the new property bean to a one dimensional array.

sub subAddProperty(mProperties, sName, optional vValue)
nNext = uBound(mProperties) + 1
redim preserve mProperties(nNext)
if isMissing(vValue) then
        mProperties(nNext) = fnNewProperty(sName)
        mProperties(nNext) = fnNewProperty(sName, vValue)
end if
end sub


Create new property bean, assign a name and optionally a value, returns the new property bean.

function fnNewProperty(sName, optional vValue)
aProperty = createUnoStruct("com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue")
aProperty.Name = sName
if not isMissing(vValue) then
        aProperty.Value = vValue
end if
fnNewProperty = aProperty
end function

Example - Displaying 'codes' of a paragraph

This example demonstrates calling fnDirectProperties, fnNotIn, and fnPropertyValues defined above. It shows how the above codes could be used in a "reveal codes" type macro. The join statement is just a quick and dirty way of creating a string out of an array of strings for displaying in the messagebox.

sub main
oParagraph = fnGetCurrentParagraph
mParaProperties = fnDirectProperties(oParagraph)
msgbox join(fnPropertyValues(mParaProperties), chr(10)), 0 , "Paragraph properties"
oPortionEnum = oParagraph.createEnumeration
i = 0
while oPortionEnum.hasMoreElements
        i = i + 1
        oPortion = oPortionEnum.nextElement
        mCurProperties = fnDirectProperties(oPortion)
        if i > 1 then
                mCloseProperties = fnNotIn(mPrevProperties, mCurProperties)
                msgbox join(fnPropertyValues(mCloseProperties), chr(10)), 0 , "Portion " & i & " close properties"
                mOpenProperties = fnNotIn(mCurProperties, mPrevProperties)
                mOpenProperties = mCurProperties
        end if
        msgbox join(fnPropertyValues(mOpenProperties), chr(10)), 0 , "Portion " & i & " open properties"
        set mPrevProperties = mCurProperties
msgbox join(fnPropertyValues(mPrevProperties), chr(10)), 0 , "Portion " & i & " close properties"
end sub
function fnGetCurrentParagraph
'Returns the whole paragraph that the insertion point is in
oVC = thisComponent.getCurrentController.getViewCursor
oCursor = oVC.text.createTextCursorByRange(oVC)
fnGetCurrentParagraph = oCursor.createEnumeration.nextElement
end function
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