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= 국내업체 리스트 =
#REDIRECT [[KO/오픈오피스 사용 현황]]
* [http://www.imageclick.com/script/main/ 이미지클릭] : 디지털 이미지 라이브러리 전문업체, http://www.etnews.co.kr/news/detail.html?id=200601020030
원문 : http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Major_OpenOffice.org_Deployments
This page will track public information on major [OpenOffice.org] deployments. To add to it, include a URL or reference information of the deployment. This page does not track ODF legislation or deployments. See the [http://opendocument.xml.org/deployments ODF adoption page] on [http://opendocument.xml.org/ OpenDocument XML.org] for that.
= 정부 기관 =
== 아프리카 ==
===== 남아프리카 공화국 =====
* 과학산업연구개발위윈회(The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR) : 프레토리아(Pretoria, 남아공 행정 수도)를 비롯한 남아프리카 전역에 걸쳐 [http://www.csir.co.za/plsql/ptl0002/PTL0002_PGE013_MEDIA_REL?MEDIA_RELEASE_NO=7454764 2,500 대 이상의 워크스테이션에 오픈오피스]와 ODF 사용.
===== 모로코 =====
* [http://www.finances.gov.ma/ 모로코 재무부] : 2006년에 오픈오피스 도입, 2007년까지 완료. 마이크로소프트 엑셀의 매크로 통합문제 해결 중
== 아시아 ==
===== 말레이시아 =====
* 국정개선 및 관리기획국(The Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit, MAMPU) : [http://lists.oscc.org.my/pipermail/oscc-announce/2008/000098.html 2008년 3월 19일부로 오픈오피스로 이전]. MAMPU 뿐만 아니라 주정부와 인적자원부(the Ministry of Human Resource)에서도 오픈오피스 사용에 대한 노력을 계속하고 있다.
===== 베트남 =====
* [http://saigontimes.com.vn/daily/BRIEFs.asp?loai=1&Sobao=3022&Ten=briefly%20today 정당 중앙 사무실] : [http://english.vietnamnet.vn/tech/2007/09/739409/ 2008년 초부터 20,000대의 컴퓨터의 오피스 프로그램을 마이크로소프트 오피스에서 오픈오피스로 교체].
* [http://vietnamnet.vn/cntt/2007/12/760606/ 베트남 교육부] : 2008년에 20,000 대의 컴퓨터의 오피스 프로그램을 오픈오피스로 교체 예정.
===== 인도 =====
* [http://news.zdnet.co.uk/software/applications/0,39020384,39205447,00.htm 인도 정부] : 자국어로 된 오픈오피스 시디 수백만장 배포. 2005년에 타밀어 3,500,000장, 힌디어 3,500,000장. "차기 프로젝트는 인도 주언어인 펀자브어로 된 응용프로그램이 담긴 시디를 배포하는 것이다. 이는 8월 중에 완료될 것이며, 펀자브어는 파키스탄에서도 사용하기 때문에 양국에 좋은 영향을 줄 것이다."
* [http://cities.expressindia.com/fullstory.php?newsid=197488 선거관리위원회(Election Commission of India, EC)] : [http://www.financialexpress.com/fe_full_story.php?content_id=137833 오픈오피스로 교체]
* 타밀 나두(Tamil Nadu) 정부 사무실 : "[http://news.zdnet.com/2100-3513_22-6194118.html 타밀나두의 정부 사무실 3,000 대 이상의 컴퓨터에 수세 리눅스 설치], 특별히 필요한 상황이 아니면 Windows 서비스는 제공하지 않음."
* 타밀 나두 전자회사(Electronics Corporation of Tamil Nadu, Elcot) : [http://www.itbusiness.ca/it/client/en/home/News.asp?id=46692 India's largest Linux rollout forges ahead despite tremendous odds]
===== 대한민국 =====
* [http://europa.eu.int/idabc/en/document/4677/469 대한민국 우편서비스] : 2005년까지 2,800 개의 우체국, 4,748 대의 데스크탑 컴퓨터를 리눅스로 교체. 연간 680,000 유로 절감
===== 싱가포르 =====
* [http://news.zdnet.co.uk/software/windows/0,39020396,39171012,00.htm 싱가포르 국방부] : 이미 5,000대의 데스크탑 컴퓨터에 오픈오피스 설치. 2006년 3월까지 20,000대에 추가 설치.
* [http://www.alexhosp.com.sg/ 싱가포르 알렉산드라 병원(Alexandra Hospital)]
===== 태국 =====
* [http://www2.sipa.or.th/en/index.php 태국 소프트웨어 산업 진흥원(Software Industry Promotion Agency)]
===== 파키스탄 =====
* 파키스탄 연방 데이터센터 프로젝트(Federal Data Center Project) : 1,000 대 설치. 4,000 대까지 추가 설치중
===== 기타 =====
* [http://www2.cpttm.org.mo/cyberlab/oss/CPTTMSavesMoneyWithOOo.pdf Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer] (CPTTM), Macau. 2003년부터 시작해서 2005년에 완료. [http://www2.cpttm.org.mo/cyberlab/cio-news/issue25.html#OOoUpgrade 2007년 여름에 오픈오피스 1.1.5 에서 2.2 로 업그레이드]
== 유럽 ==
===== 덴마크 =====
* B103 결의안 : 정부에서 오픈 파일 포맷을 사용하도록 요구([http://itpol.dk/sager/offpol/b103_eng 실제 의회 결정에 대한 비공식 번역본]).
  * "의회는 공기관에서 공개표준을 기반으로한 소프트웨어 등을 포함한 정보기술을 사용하도록 명령했다. 2008년 1월 1일까지 정부는 공개 표준에 대한 소개와 관리 체제를 구축하고, 다른 공기관에 대한 지원을 해야한다. 이후 공개표준은 공기관의 IT 소프트웨어 개발과 구매의 기본이 될 것이다."
  * 결의안 이행에 대한 보고서. [http://itst.dk/static/nyhed/English%20summary.pdf 영어 요약본] (PDF).
* [http://www.gribskov.dk/Gribskov/Web.nsf/Vindue?readForm&db=C12571800036F727&iD=1169DCBC2D6A330DC125722C002E8C5A | 그립스코프 의회 : 모든 PC, 워크스테이션에 오픈오피스 사용](덴마크어)
* [http://www.sdu.dk/?sc_lang=en | 남부덴마크 대학(The University of Southern Denmark)] : 관리자 및 22,000 명의 학생들이 오픈오피스 사용
===== 헝가리 =====
* 부다페스트, 메트로폴리탄 법원(Metropolitan Court, Budapest) : 1,500 대의 워크스테이션에 오픈오피스 사용
* [http://www.multiracio.com/| MultiRacio Ltd.] : 2002년도부터 [http://www.multiracio.com/eurooffice/files/case-study-of-magyaroffice-eurooffice.pdf | 60,000 본 이상의 오픈오피스 파생 프로그램 사용(MagyarOffice, EuroOffice)]. 공공 부문의 1/3, 중소사업부문의 2/3.
  * 2004년 e-Magyarorszag 사업으로 정보부서에 MagyarOffice 2,300 본.
  * 2003년 공공 조달 사업에서 10,500 대 컴퓨터의 60% 이상에 MagyarOffice 설치. MS 오피스를 MagyarOffice 로 교체
* [http://www.itbusiness.hu/dokumentum.php?letoltid=5747 | 헝가리 IT 산업에서 오피스 사용 실태]. [http://www.multiracio.com/eurooffice/files/it-business-070911-english.pdf | 영어번역본] (PDF)
===== 노르웨이 =====
* 베르겐 市
===== 벨기에 =====
* [http://ec.europa.eu/idabc/servlets/Doc?id=20034 | 부르셀 저택 지방] : 공공기관과 학교
* [http://news.com.com/Belgian+government+chooses+OpenDocument/2100-7344_3-6087275.html?tag=nefd.top | 벨기에 정부 ODF 선택]: "2008년 9월부터 벨기에 정부는 모든 문서를 공개, 표준 포맷인 ODF로 교체 작업을 시행한다."
* [http://www.fr.datanews.be/news/enterprise_computing/20060224007 | 벨기에 연방 공공 사법 서비스] : 4,000 명의 사용자를 오픈오피스로 전환
===== 영국 =====
* [http://www.techworld.com/opsys/news/index.cfm?newsid=3676 | 버밍엄 市]
* [http://www.vnunet.com/news/1159467 | 브리스톨 市] : [http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2006/02/23/bristol_migration.html | 5,000 대 데스크탑에 스타오피스로 설치]
===== 독일 =====
* [http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/67168 | 베를린 市]
* [http://news.zdnet.co.uk/software/0,1000000121,39185440,00.htm | 뮌헨 市] : 2008년에 14,000 대의 데스크탑에 오픈오피스와 리눅스 설치 계획
* 만하임 市, 독일
* [http://www.linux-magazin.de/Artikel/ausgabe/2004/01/066_schwaebischhall/schwaebischhall.html | 슈베비슈할 市]
* [http://news.zdnet.co.uk/0,39020330,39274196,00.htm | 니더작센의 조세공사] : 12,000 대 데스크탑
===== 체코 =====
* [http://ec.europa.eu/idabc/en/document/5150/470 | 프라하 市]: 60 개의 MS 오피스를 오픈오피스로 교체
===== 스페인 =====
* 2003년부터 [http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=12611 | 에스트레마두라 지방에 오픈오피스를 비롯한 자유/오픈소스 프로그램을 탑재한 리눅스 PC 80,000 대 가동]
* [http://www.andaluciajunta.es/ | 안달루시아 주정부(Junta de Andalucia)] : 주내 학교 185,000 대의 컴퓨터에 [http://www.guadalinex.org | Guadalinex](안달루시아 정부에서 개발하는 데비안 기반의 배포판)과 오픈오피스를 설치하여, 백만 이상의 사용자를 확보하였다. 또한 지역 도서관에도 Guadalinex 와 OOo 특수 버전을 배포하였다. 이로서 2007년에는 약 10,000 마을의 IT 센터에 235,000 사용자를 확보하였다. 추가로 2003년부터 안달루시아 주정부는 오픈오피스를 포함한 [http://www.guadalinex.org/ | Guadalinex] 리눅스 배포판 500,000 CD를 시민들에게 배포하고 있다. Guadalinex는 매년 업데이트된다.
===== 폴란드 =====
* [http://ec.europa.eu/idabc/en/document/4693 | 그다인스크(Gdańsk) 市]
===== 네덜란드 =====
* [http://ec.europa.eu/idabc/servlets/Doc?id=1647 |로테르담 市의 쏘넨버그 재단(Sonneburgh foundation)]
* [http://opendotdotdot.blogspot.com/2006/07/openofficeorg-goes-dutch.html |흐로닝겐 지방자치단체] : 모든 시스템에 점차적으로 오픈오피스 설치. 이에 따라 라이센스 갱신비용으로 330,000 유로 절감
* [http://www.opensourcenieuws.nl/index.php/content/view/3288/44/ | 발스 지방자치단체] : 90대 시스템을 리눅스와 오픈오피스으로 교체
* [http://www.ososs.nl/node/63750 | 헤렌벤 지방자치단체] : 2006년과 2007년에 걸쳐 400대의 데스크탑을 마이크로소프트 오피스에서 오픈오피스 2.0으로 교체
===== 프랑스 =====
* 파리 행정부
* 피레네이조리앙탈 도의회 : 2006년 2월, 1,500 대 워크스테이션에 오픈오피스 설치
* [http://news.zdnet.co.uk/software/linuxunix/0,39020390,39184699,00.htm | 프랑스 헌병대] : 2005년도부터 70,000 대의 PC 에 오픈오프스 설치하여 현재 완료. 참조 : [http://www.zdnet.fr/actualites/informatique/0,39040745,39377311,00.htm | 프랑스어]
* [http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/news/index.cfm?newsid=7687 | 프랑스 의회]
* [http://insight.zdnet.co.uk/software/0,39020463,39236214,00.htm | 프랑스 국세청] : 2006년에 80,000 대 데스크탑에 오픈오피스 설치
  * "국세청은 80,000 대의 데스크탑에 설치된 MS Office 97 을 Office XP 로 교체하는데 2950만 유로의 비용이 사용되었으나, 오픈오피스로 교체하는데에는 단 20만 유로만이 사용되었다고 밝혔다. 이같은 비용절감은 한번에 그치는 것이 아니라 매5년마다 반복적으로 절감되는 것이다."
  * [http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20060119232859729 Groklaw interview]
* French General Board of Customs
* French Ministry of Interior
* [http://linuxinsider.com/story/35108.html French Ministry of Equipment]
  * Also: [http://searchopensource.techtarget.com/originalContent/0,289142,sid39_gci992096,00.html French Ministry of Equipment] (article circa 2004) Windows on "60,000 workstations and 2,000 NT servers will be replaced" by Mandrake Linux. OpenOffice is not explicitly mentioned, but is implied.
* [http://www.silicon.com/publicsector/0,3800010403,39164312,00.htm French MPs] "The project, backed by MPs Richard Cazenav and Bernard Carayon of the UMP party, will see 1,154 French parliamentary workstations running an open source OS, with OpenOffice.org, Firefox and an open source email client."
* [http://news.zdnet.co.uk/software/0,1000000121,39185440,00.htm City of Vienna, Austria]
* [http://www.cw.no/index.cfm/fuseaction/artikkel/id/33333 The Municipality of Sarpsborg], Norway
===== 터키 공화국 =====
* [http://www.tcmb.gov.tr/yeni/eng/index.html | 중앙 은행]: 2,000 대의 데스크탑에 오픈오피스, 600 대에 리눅스 설치
* [http://www.tubitak.gov.tr/english/index.htm | 터키 과학기술연구부]
* [http://www.iski.gov.tr | 터키 수자원부] : 1,000대 데스크탑에 오픈오피스 설치
* [http://www.istanbulsaglik.gov.tr | 이스탄불 市 건강 이사회] : 300대 이상의 데스크탑에 오픈오피스 2.0 설치
===== 마케도니아 공화국 =====
* [http://www.finance.gov.mk/ | 재정부] : 150대 이상의 데스크탑에 오픈오피스 2.0 설치
===== 핀란드 =====
* [http://www.om.fi/Etusivu/Julkaisut/Julkaisusarjat/Toimintajahallinto/Toiminnanjahallinnonarkisto/Toimintajahallinto2007/1171362109118 | 사법부] : 2006년 10월부터 8,500 대의 Windows 데스크탑에 오픈오피스 설치
  * [http://ec.europa.eu/idabc/servlets/Doc?id=27850 이전 사례 연구 (PDF)]: "2005년 오피스 프로그램 평가와 2006년 오픈오피스 안내 프로젝트의 확장을 기반으로 오픈오피스로의 이전이 결정되었다. 오피스 프로그램 연구의 주요 결과는 다양한 이전 옵션이 고려된 보고서이다. 안내 프로젝트에서는 오피스에서 자주 사용하는 기능에 대해 오픈오피스의 기능과 호환성이 테스트되었다. 그 외로 교육과 지원 사항이 평가되었으며, 워크스테이션 설치와 설정도 포함되었다."
* [http://ec.europa.eu/idabc/en/chapter/470 | 유럽에서의 자유/오픈소스 프로그램으로의 이전]에 관한 다른 사례 연구
===== 루마니아 =====
* [http://www.apulum.ro/ | 알바이울리아(Alba-Iulia) 지방자치단체] : 200대 컴퓨터에 걸쳐 오픈오피스 1.04 버전부터 사용
== 북아메리카 ==
===== 미국 =====
* [http://hclibrary.org/oss2oss.php | 메릴랜드 주(州) 하워드 컨트리 도서관] : [[http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=06/09/22/1542254 | 283 대의 공용 컴퓨터에 오픈오피스 설치]
* [http://techupdate.zdnet.com/techupdate/stories/main/0,14179,2860180-1,00.html | 플로리다 주(州) 라르고(Largo) 시(市)] : "900명의 시 공무원들은 400대의 thin client를 이용해 오픈오피스를 이용하고 있다."
* [http://www.doc.nv.gov/ | 네바다 주(州) 교정국] : PDF 생성과 이전 옵션 평가를 위해 1,135 대의 컴퓨터에 오픈오피스 설치
* [http://www.techdenver.com/news-12864-516.html | 콜로라도 주(州) Northglenn]
* 2002: [http://www.eweek.com/article2/0%2C1895%2C1501982%2C00.asp | 콜로라도 주(州) 제퍼슨 카운티]
* 2003: [http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9593_22-6043049.html | 콜로라도 주(州) 스트림보트 스프링 시(市)]
* 2007: [http://www.charlescounty.org | 메릴랜드 주(州), 라플라타, 찰스 카운티 정부]
===== 캐나다 =====
* [http://www.informit.com/articles/article.asp?p=30590&redir=1 | 매니토바 주(州) 법률 자문국] : 150대 컴퓨터의 워드퍼펙트를 오픈오피스로, Windows 를 리눅스로 교체
== 오세아니아 ==
===== 오스트레일리아(호주) =====
* [http://www.computerworld.com.au/index.php/id;631120522;fp;16;fpid;0 | 뉴 싸우스웨일즈(New South Wales) 사법 위원회]
== 남아메리카 ==
===== 아르헨티나 =====
* [http://www.ccpm.misiones.gov.ar/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=34&Itemid=38 | 아르헨티안 주(州) ODF 채택]: "아르헨티나 미시오네스 (Misiones) 의 주정부에서 발행하는 모든 전자 문서를 취급하는 사무원들은 반드시 오픈도큐먼트 포맷( ISO/IEC 26300 specification )을 사용해야 한다." 이 선언문은 MS 오피스 (doc, xls, ppt), RTF, 그리고 워드퍼펙트의 wp 와 같은 독점폐쇄 포맷의 사용 중지를 명시적으로 밝히고 있다.
===== 브라질 =====
* 브라질의 시립은행 "Banco do Brasil" : 브라질에서는 BROffice.org 이라고 알려진 오픈오피스 71,000 본을 사내 모든 컴퓨터에 설치하여, MS 오피스 라이센스 비용을 70% 줄였다. [http://opendocument.xml.org/node/153]
* 브라질 연방 정부 : "모든 이를 위한 컴퓨터" 라는 프로젝트를 통해 50,000 대의 컴퓨터에 오픈오피스 설치. [http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,2094861,00.asp]
* 파라나(Paraná) 주(州) 정부 : 모든 워크스테이션에 BrOffice.org(브라질의 오픈오피스) 설치. 교육 네트워크, 디지털 파라나 프로젝트 등을 통해 40,000 본 이상의 BrOffice.org 을 설치 [http://www.celepar.pr.gov.br/modules/noticias/article.php?storyid=120]
= Schools and Universities =
===== Africa =====
* [http://www.schoolnet.na/ SchoolNet Namibia] has helped [http://getopenlab.com/olmambo/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1186&Itemid=114 deploy open source software including Linux and OpenOffice.org to over 300 schools in Namibia], to grow to 750 by 2008.
** "We conservatively estimate that some 140,000 - 180,000 learners and 5,000 - 8,000 teachers and student teachers are regular users of SchoolNet's Internet service and ICT facilities."
* Novell South Africa helps deploy [http://www.omni-ts.com/success/linux-computer-lab.html 2,205 machines with SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop with OpenOffice.org] in 105 schools within South Africa's North West Province.
===== Asia =====
* [http://www.up.edu.ph/forum/2002/Nov-Dec02/letter.html University of the Philippines].
* [http://www.expresscomputeronline.com/20050418/management02.shtml Parshvanath College of Engineering, Thane, India]: "Today, we have over 2,500 users on our network... Using OpenOffice.org, we have saved roughly Rs 70,000."
* Asia School of Arts and Sciences, Philippines. Will start implementing OpenOffice.org beginning school year 2006-07.
===== Europe =====
* The municipal of Tønder [http://www.toender.dk] has installed OpenOffice.org as the only office suite on all 1.500 computers in public school.
*Copenhagen Institute of Technology [http://aauk.imi.aau.dk]
* The [http://www.sdu.dk University of Southern Denmark (SDU)] [http://softwareborsen.dk/cases/syddansk-universitet-okonomien-er-en-faktor may migrate 22,000 students] to OOo (description in Danish).
* [http://www.openhgs.org Handsworth Grammar School], Birmingham, UK - runs a GNU/Linux Thin Client network with OpenOffice as standard - since 2003.
* [http://www.ilford-school.co.uk Ilford Preparatory School & Ilford Grammar School], London, UK - runs a mixed Windows/Linux network with OpenOffice as the primary office suite on a mixture of thin and fat clients.
* [http://www.swadelands.kent.sch.uk/ Swadelands School] in Kent UK.
* [http://www.ac-grenoble.fr/webcurie Lycée Marie Curie], in Echirolles, FR runs a [http://wwdeb.crdp.ac-caen.fr/mediase3/index.php/Accueil SambaEdu] network (a dedicated Debian GNU/Linux for Education and 300 Clients with Windows 9x or XP ) with OpenOffice.org as default office suite (1,500 students, 130 teachers).
* [http://www.lyceejeanbart.fr/ Lycée Jean Bart], Dunkerque, FR - runs a Windows network with OpenOffice as the primary office suite, both for education and for administration. Also deploys thin GNU/Linux clients for teaching physical measurements, with OOo as an office suite.
* [http://www.lyceedupaysdesoule.fr/ Lycée du pays de soule], Chéraute, FR - runs a Windows network with 120 PCs and 5 Linux servers. 90% of the PCs run OpenOffice.
* [http://business.newsforge.com/business/05/09/28/1843234.shtml?tid=37 Mall School for boys] in Richmond, UK.
* [http://www.e-u.pt/media/noticia_texto.asp?noticiaid=21 Portugal: The Portuguese Ministry of Education] has installed 15,000 PCs in 1,000 schools with Linux and OpenOffice.org following an agreement with Sun Microsystems. It has also deployed an additional 25,000 laptops with dual boot Windows and Linux with OpenOffice.org
* [http://www.crie.min-edu.pt/index.php?action=view&id=16&date_id=16&module=calendarmodule&src=%40random45f6c604df5ef&section=9 Portugal: The Portuguese Ministry of Education] is distributing a CD with OpenOffice.org and other Free Software to all 9,000 primary and secondary schools in Portugal. The software is also available for download.
* The Hayesbrook School in Tonbridge, Kent, UK deployed OpenOffice 2 to over 400 desktops & laptops.
* [http://hsg.region-kl.de Hohenstaufen Gymnasium  Kaiserslautern] Germany: Uses OpenOffice.org on all PCs for nearly all subjects. It's one of Rhineland-Palatine's leading [http://www1.mint-ec.de/index.php?site=MINT-EC%20Schulen&sub=schulen&bl=Rheinland-Pfalz&schule=Hohenstaufen-Gymnasium MINT-EC]  schools.
* [http://www.ifispan.waw.pl Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences] Warsaw, uses OpenOffice.org 2.0 on Suse desktops.
* More than 200,000 computers deployed to schools in [http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/averroes/ Andalusia] using [http://www.guadalinex.org Guadalinex] and OpenOffice.org.
* [http://www.uni-koeln.de University of Cologne] Germany: StarOffice/OpenOffice deployed on over 300 student workplaces
* [http://ec.europa.eu/idabc/en/document/7221/469 Macedonia] to supply all schools with GNU/Linux desktops - OpenOffice.org to be used
* [http://ec.europa.eu/idabc/en/document/7233/469 France: Paris] distributes Open Source USB keys to students
* [http://ec.europa.eu/idabc/en/document/7269/469 Croatia:] All state employees and teachers will receive manuals for OpenOffice
* [http://ec.europa.eu/idabc/en/document/7276/469 Turkey:] All primary school to teach use of Open Source, including OpenOffice,org
===== North America =====
* [http://business.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=06/07/10/2115242 Brandon Elementary School] in Atlanta, Georgia, USA: 250 desktops running OpenOffice.org on [http://k12ltsp.org/ K12LTSP]. Project began in May, 2005.
* [http://dewitt.edzone.net/ DeWitt Public Schools] in Michigan, USA will [http://www.lsj.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070513/DEWITTBATH02/705130419/1006/news05 save almost $48,000 in licensing fees next year by migrating wholly to OpenOffice.org] instead of MSO 2007.
* [http://spidertools.com/oss.php Noxon Schools] in Montana, USA: 185 desktops moved to OpenOffice in December 2005. (60 run OOo on Windows, 125 on Linux.)
** [http://educationaltechnology.ca/couros/495 Also summarized on EdTech.]
* [http://scs.earlham.edu/openoffice.html Earlham College], a Quaker college in Richmond, Indiana, upgraded all of its public computers to OpenOffice at the beginning of 2005.
* [http://www.icc.edu/technologyServices/techNews_openOffice.asp Illinois Central College] in East Peoria, Illinois, USA has installed OOo on all its campus lab computers, and distributes installation CDs to students.
* [http://linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/reports/5284/1/ Bacone College] in Oklahoma.
* [http://resnet.albany.edu/rcd/index.shtml#Software SUNY Albany]: ResNet, the campus IT services group, provides incoming students with the ResNet Software Suite CD, which includes Firefox, Thunderbird, OpenOffice.org, anti-spyware and anti-virus applications.
* [http://software.newsforge.com/software/05/05/18/1944227.shtml?tid=130&tid=93 University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy]: 268 desktops in summer 2003.
* Various [http://www.k12os.org/?q=node/29 Public Schools in Portland, Oregon], USA: "All of Portland's middle schools and many of its elementary and high schools have Linux workstations."
* The US State of Indiana will deploy Linux on up to 300,000 computers with OpenOffice.org over the next few years, relying on a combination of SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop from Novell, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Ubuntu Linux and Linspire Linux. See [http://www.crn.com/software/192201386 CRN magazine article], [http://www.novell.com/news/press/novell_gives_indiana_high_schools_a_high_tech_desktop_education Novell press release] and [http://www.linspire.com/lindows_news_pressreleases_archives.php?id=181 Linspire press release].
* [http://www.glenwoodschool.org Glenwood School for Boys and Girls, Glenwood, IL], USA: Migrated to OpenOffice.org 2 on over 100 desktops in our Grades 2-8 school in September 2005 (started with beta release), replacing MS Office 2000. Distributed 100 installation CDs to students to take home in December 2005. Have deployed OpenOffice or [[StarOffice]] to every computer on our campus, approximately 200 desktops in all. While MS Office is still used by many staff members, this was our first year to use OpenOffice exclusively for our students in the academic program.
* [http://www.pvchristian.org Pleasant View Christian School, Pleasant View, Tennessee] United States, uses OpenOffice.org 2.0 on Windows desktops in every classroom. The school was able to buy additional computers because of the savings over using Microsoft Office.
* [http://www.novell.com/success/windsor_unified.html Windsor Unified School District] in Windsor, California.  Starting January 2007 with one of the district's elementary schools, the district began shifting from Windows to SUSE Linux Enterprise along with OpenOffice.org instead of buying new MS Office licenses.  By Summer 2007 all 5,200 students and 250 teachers are expected to be on the new system.
* [http://www.maine.gov/mlte/2006details.htm State of Maine MLTI] has deployed NeoOffice, a fork of OpenOffice.org, on G4 iBooks distributed to middle school students.
* San Diego Unified School District, the eighth-largest in the USA, will [http://www.eschoolnews.com/news/showStoryts.cfm?ArticleID=7178 roll out 100,000 SUSE Linux Enterprise laptops (with OOo) to students] in its one-to-one laptop program beginning in 2007.
** [http://www.novell.com/news/press/san-diego-students-learn-on-linux-desktops-from-novell Novell press release]
* [http://www.okoboji.k12.ia.us Okoboji Community School District] in Iowa has deployed OpenOffice.org 2.3 to nearly 500 desktop, notebook, and tablet pcs across the district in an effort to reduce cost.
===== Oceania =====
* [http://www.studentit.unimelb.edu.au/openoffice/ University of Melbourne, Australia] Distributes OpenOffice CDs to students for free or a minimal charge.
* [http://computerworld.co.nz/news.nsf/news/FE73A77E2BB96F21CC257425007DCB21 Schools across New South Wales, Australia (41,000 total computers)] will adopt OpenOffice.org in 2008.
===== South America =====
* High Schools in Chile, via Enlaces
====== Private Sector ========
===== Africa =====
===== Asia =====
* [http://www.ashisuto.co.jp/corporate/info/news/1183579_1217.html K.K. Ashisuto], Japan. Approximately 700 of about 1100 total computers in the office are migrated to OpenOffice.org.
* [http://www.bangkokpost.com/300305_Database/30Mar2005_data51.php Bangkok Airways], Thailand.
* [http://www.egat.co.th Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT)], Thailand.
* [http://www.gbengineering.in GB Engineering Ent. Pvt. Ltd], India.
* [http://www.networkmagazineindia.com/200607/casestudy01.shtml LIC], India. (life insurance provider) Approximately 60,000 users and five to six thousand servers will migrate to Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
* [http://www.resolvo.com Resolvo Systems Pte Ltd]: Asia's leading open source solutions provider based in Singapore. It has been using OpenOffice company-wide since OO version 1.0. Assisted Singapore Ministry of Defense to migrate to OpenOffice.
* [http://www.solidoffice.com/archives/585 ELCOT, the government corporation to support and develop IT infrastructure in Tamil Nadu, India] has migrated 40,000 PCs to SUSE Linux, Thunderbird, OpenOffice.org, and an entire open source workflow stack. This includes schools, professional offices, software development centers, and government desktops.
* ICICI Bank of India--initially, a StarOffice contract (2004), NOW USING OpenOffice.org
===== Europe =====
* [http://www.asigest.ro ASIGEST], a Romanian insurance company.
* [http://www.forwarn.com Ford & Warren Solicitors], UK. A leading Law Firm in Leeds with 200 desktops now using Openoffice 2.0. [[StarOffice]] 5.x was also used previous to this rollout.
* [http://www.future.co.uk/ Future Publishing], UK. A leading tech magazine publisher, with 700 OpenOffice.org users.
* [http://www.groupe-laurent.com Groupe Laurent]: French Car/Trucks/Industry Technical parts distributor. 650 OpenOffice users, including 550 on Linux.
* [http://www.kervan.com.tr Kervan Gida], Turkey with 80+ desktops.
* [http://www.computerworld.com/industrytopics/financial/story/0,10801,103198,00.html LVM Insurance] in Munster, Germany: 7,700 Red Hat Linux desktops.
* [http://www.mobexpert.ro MOBEXPERT Group of Companies], Romania. The leading Romanian furniture manufacturer and retailer.
* [http://www.infoworld.com/article/07/01/30/HNpeugeotlinux_1.html Peugeot Citroën] of France "will install Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop on up to 20,000 computers in addition to 2,500 servers" starting in early 2007.
* [http://www.travelrepublic.co.uk Travel Republic] , UK. A leading online travel agency with over 120 workstations that handles over 1 million passengers per year. Travel Republic was the UK's fastest growing private company in 2007 ([http://www.fastrack.co.uk Fast Track 100]).
===== North America =====
* [http://www.backcountry.com Backcountry.com], a US-based ecommerce retailer of ski, snowboard, hiking, climbing and outdoor gear.
* [http://www.jhlarson.com JH Larson Electrical Company], A US-based wholesaler of Electrical, Plumbing, Lighting and HVAC products.  Migrated 200+ users to OO.org 2.4 in April of 2008.
* [http://news.com.com/2008-1082_3-5065859.html?tag=lh Ernie Ball Guitars], San Luis Obispo, California.
* [http://searchopensource.techtarget.com/qna/0,289202,sid39_gci964811,00.html Health First, Inc.] in Brevard County, FL, USA: Migrating 6,000 IT users on 3,500 PCs from Microsoft Office 97 to OpenOffice.org (May 2004).
** "[http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/tip/1585.html  Migrating to Linux at Health First]" case study by Novell.
* [http://www.lbeg.net Life Brokerage Equity Group], national financial services firm with 300+ OOo users vs. 3 Microsoft Office.
* [http://www.millerind.com/ Miller Industries, Inc.] in Tennessee, USA: World's largest manufacturer of vehicle towing and recovery equipment. About 200 OpenOffice 2.0.x users.
* [http://www.nafeco.com NAFECO INC.] NAFECO (North America Fire Equipment Company), a US based corporation, has switched its users to OOo. Approx. 125 desktops/notebooks.
* [http://www.novell.com/ Novell] with 5,000 users (most of them on SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop).
** [http://www.novell.com/collateral/4621400/4621400.html The Novell Migration to Linux]
* 2007: [http://www.everex.com Everex (a division of First International Computer)], Fremont, California, USA, distributes +20,000 notebook and desktop PCs to Wal-Mart and Sam's Clubs throughout the US.
===== Oceania =====
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Bortoli_Wines De Bortoli Wines], Australia. OpenOffice.org installed on all client devices (With over 1/2 of these users running Linux desktops).
* [http://www.networktimes.co.za/news.asp?pklNewsID=17245&pklIssueID=433&pklCategoryID=309 MIP Holdings] New Zealand.
* [http://egressive.com Egressive Limited] in Christchurch, New Zealand.  Started with Star Office 5.1.  Organisation uses OpenOffice.org 2.2 for Linux and NeoOffice for the Mac.  ODF is our internal document standard.  We encourage the adoption of OpenOffice.org among our customers and promote the use of ODF over OOXML or other faux-open or proprietary/patent encumbered file formats.
===== South America =====
* [http://www.fenhoteles.com Fen Hoteles], Argentina, Paraguay. OpenOffice.org installed on Central Offices (50 PCs) and 12 Hotels (app. 60 PCs)
====== Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) ======
* [http://cptrt.org C.P.T.R.T] (Centro de Prevencion, Tratamiento y Rehabilitacion de las Victimas de Tortura y sus Familiares).
* [http://www.greenpeace.es/ Greenpeace Spain], Madrid and Barcelona offices: http://www.greenpeace.org/espana/news/greenpeace-apuesta-por-el-soft
* [http://www.wec.com.au WEC Australia]: "Reaching people, planting churches."
* [http://peopleandplanet.org People & Planet] 25 desktops using OpenOffice.org
* [http://www.fsd.ch Swiss Foundation for Mine Action (FSD)] using OpenOffice on either Ubuntu or Windows XP on Desktops and Laptops.
* Caixa Bank of Brazil
====== Other Sectors or Tentative Deployments ======
* Somewhere in France: http://fr.openoffice.org/Marketing/matexpo/Documents/memoire_cnam.pdf
====== [[StarOffice]] and [[StarSuite]] ======
* [http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2006/02/23/bristol_migration.html Bristol City Council], UK: 5,500 PCs migrated in late 2005, early 2006.
* [http://299pcdeal.com/ AOL PCs] (as [http://www.aolcheckout.com/aol-pc/aolfaq.asp AOL Office])
* [http://theregister.co.uk/content/4/36170.html The State of Haryana], India
* [http://searchenterpriselinux.techtarget.com/originalContent/0,289142,sid39_gci934811,00.html Sun Microsystems]: Its 36,000 employees use [[StarOffice]].
* [http://www.computerworld.com/industrytopics/financial/story/0,10801,103198,00.html Banca Popolare di Milano]
** 4,500 SUSE Linux desktops with a Mozilla web browser, web client for Lotus Notes, Sun’s [[StarOffice]] suite, and a Java-based custom suite of banking applications in its 500 branch offices.
* [http://europa.eu.int/idabc/en/document/3277/470 German Monopolies Commission]
* [http://hardware.itmanagersjournal.com/article.pl?sid=04/06/07/1839258&tid=34&tid=12 Ontario Ministry of Education]
* [http://www.cmpnetasia.com/ViewArt.cfm?Artid=16052&catid=8&subcat=83 Hong Kong Schools]
* [http://sg.sun.com/news_events/success/staroffice/cscd.html Central Singapore Community Development Council] (CS CDC) ?? - no date supplied
* [http://www.techweb.com/wire/26804024 United India Insurance Company] (UIIC) of India
* Onesource of India
* National Fertilisers of India
* Apnaloan.com of India
* San Jose State University ?
* Michigan Technological University ?
* Hamilton County School District in Tennessee ?
* Texas School for the Blind ?
* Dallas Independent School District ?
====== Other Similar Lists ======
* http://www.frappr.com/k12opensource
* http://www.solidoffice.com/openoffice/nyc/
* http://narnia.dnsalias.org/freegovernment/opensourcesoftwareinpubliclibraries.html
* SchoolForge's Case Studies page covers educational use of FOSS: http://www.schoolforge.net/case
* in Italian language (link to all language articles): [http://linguistico.sourceforge.net/wiki/doku.php?id=casi_d_uso_italiani Italy] [http://linguistico.sourceforge.net/wiki/doku.php?id=casi_d_uso_europei Europe] [http://linguistico.sourceforge.net/wiki/doku.php?id=casi_d_uso_africani Africa] [http://linguistico.sourceforge.net/wiki/doku.php?id=casi_d_uso_americani America] [http://linguistico.sourceforge.net/wiki/doku.php?id=casi_d_uso_asiatici Asia] [http://linguistico.sourceforge.net/wiki/doku.php?id=casi_d_uso_oceaniani Oceania] ... [http://linguistico.sourceforge.net/wiki/doku.php?id=opendocumentformat World legislations]
* List of users of [http://www.openoffice.ro/wiki/ODF_in_Romania OpenDocument and OpenOffice.org in Romania] (in Romanian)

Latest revision as of 14:46, 10 December 2008

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