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(ReleaseStatus Minutes 2008-01-21 IRC log)
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Revision as of 14:52, 21 January 2008

(14:56:29) ja_: hi
(14:56:38) rtimm [n=chatzill@] hat den Raum betreten.
(14:56:49) paveljanik [n=Pavel@unaffiliated/paveljanik] hat den Raum betreten.
(14:57:20) paveljanik: Hi. I'll be mostly silent because I have to eat something now, sorry.
(14:58:25) ja_: paveljanik: have a nice meal :)
(14:59:24) kso [n=kso@nat/sun/session] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:01:17) _Nesshof_: moin
(15:01:40) IZBot hat den Raum verlassen (quit: K-lined).
(15:02:23) Fridrich: moin
(15:02:23) IZBot [n=supybot@ppp-88-217-33-162.dynamic.mnet-online.de] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:02:37) _Nesshof_: there are still 150 issues with target 2.4 in IZ
(15:03:06) _Nesshof_: we need to retarget the issues of those where we retargeted the cws to OOo 3.0
(15:04:10) _Nesshof_: most cws now have been integrated into 2.4 codeline and build is running
(15:04:18) blauwal [n=jr93709@] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:04:37) _Nesshof_: a few are left to get reviewed for conflicts and reviewed for their tinderbox status
(15:05:10) Fridrich: ok
(15:06:01) Fridrich: _Nesshof_: I would just want to thank publicly here to paveljanik for his work with the xmlfilter02 mess, it is a titan work :-(
(15:06:02) _Nesshof_: anything to add regarding 2.4 release status ?
(15:06:39) Fridrich: _Nesshof_: ok, so, the code freeze milestone will be m5 ?
(15:06:43) mdamboldt: Two stopper for 2.4 I've nominated:
(15:06:43) mdamboldt: #74943
(15:06:43) mdamboldt: #70872
(15:06:49) IZBot: Word processor DEFECT RESOLVED FIXED P2 [a11y] Writer goes into error recovery mode when running with Orca. http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=74943
(15:06:53) IZBot: Word processor DEFECT RESOLVED FIXED P2 [a11y] Various keyboard events that toggle the state of UI widgets do not send a11y events. http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=70872
(15:07:08) mdamboldt: both are already fixed
(15:07:58) _Nesshof_: Fridrich: we should not accept any new cws for m5, but yes, m5 will contain all code freeze related cws
(15:08:26) Fridrich: _Nesshof_: the question is that all cWSes that were nominated for code freeze will be in m5 for sure
(15:08:29) Fridrich: ?
(15:08:42) _Nesshof_: Fridrich: yes
(15:08:49) Fridrich: _Nesshof_: thanks a lot
(15:11:07) _Nesshof_: issue 85371 is declared as stopper but has no assigned engineer
(15:11:12) IZBot: Database access DEFECT NEW P1 Base: Can't copy any table, query, form in database browser http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=85371
(15:11:21) IZBot hat den Raum verlassen (quit: K-lined).
(15:12:02) MechtiIde: _Nesshof_, yes I'm discussing this problem with fs
(15:12:05) IZBot [n=supybot@ppp-88-217-33-162.dynamic.mnet-online.de] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:12:53) _Nesshof_: MechtiIde: ok, then I'm quite confident that this issue also find it's way
(15:13:03) UweL: shoul be msc i think
(15:13:09) xiuzhi [n=Administ@] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:14:12) _Nesshof_: just another, not just 2.4 related question
(15:14:39) _Nesshof_: ja_: are there any webpages referring to the language packs you are uploading for every release ?
(15:15:08) ja_: http://download.openoffice.org/680/index.html
(15:15:22) ja_: they're linked
(15:15:32) _Nesshof_: ja_: I meant for the stable releases
(15:16:17) _rene_: wrt 2.4, /me still needs a win32 person for hyphenexternal. hunspellexternal unfortunately was retargeted to 3.0 :-(, but it's not as critical as for hyphenexternal. (I just asked tml to llok at it, but..)
(15:16:24) ja_: language packs are only linked if someone from the native lang community releases them
(15:16:39) _rene_: (sorry, needed to orgaanize something in the last minutes..)
(15:17:11) _rene_: and of course beppec56pdffix02, if that's not on the radar already
(15:17:17) ja_: otherwise they are not linked but downloadable from the RC directory on the extended mirrors
(15:18:05) _Nesshof_: ja_: ok, thanks
(15:19:02) _Nesshof_: _rene_: I need cloph for reviewing the tinderbox status for beppec56pdffix02
(15:19:19) _Nesshof_: it's already approved by QA I think
(15:19:51) blauwal: _Nesshof_: Frank (fm) is currently working on a way to link the download page with the QA track tool, he might give you a current status on this
(15:19:52) Fridrich: _Nesshof_: btw, how is this collaboration-with-cloph experiment feeling like?
(15:20:08) _rene_: new module, so it's of course red.
(15:20:08) IZBot hat den Raum verlassen (quit: K-lined).
(15:20:14) _rene_: tinderbox can't handle new modules
(15:20:54) IZBot [n=supybot@ppp-88-217-33-162.dynamic.mnet-online.de] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:21:02) _Nesshof_: Fridrich: hmmm, I need to wait some hour before get communication with cloph done
(15:21:16) _Nesshof_: Fridrich: so it's not that fast as before
(15:21:47) Fridrich: _Nesshof_: sorry for that, but the goal was to ask him about the contentious ones :-)
(15:21:58) _Nesshof_: _rene_: so I should nominate it now ?
(15:22:02) Fridrich: _Nesshof_: let us think about improvement
(15:22:28) _rene_: _Nesshof_: I didn't look at the cws myself yet, but the tinderbox will always be read because of the new module
(15:23:12) _rene_: _Nesshof_: if you want, I can test-build it, but that will take to Wed (tomorrow mostly offline until the late evening)
(15:23:25) _Nesshof_: pj89 is also red
(15:24:03) ***paveljanik back
(15:24:04) paveljanik: red?
(15:24:07) paveljanik: Why?
(15:24:18) paveljanik: There are almost no code changes for a week and it was green...
(15:24:38) _rene_: paveljanik: it's red on Mac-x86
(15:24:55) paveljanik: on my primary dev. platform? ;-)
(15:25:10) _rene_: don't ask me, I just know what EIS says :)
(15:25:27) ***paveljanik is on slow GPRS now.
(15:27:30) _rene_: s/read/red/
(15:30:03) _Nesshof_: ok, anything else for today ?
(15:30:26) ja_: _Nesshof_: did you take a look at the latest comment Cloph made within CWS pj89 ?
(15:30:38) _rene_: _Nesshof_: yes, when is the real deadline? Till when do I need to get someone to fix hyphenexternal?
(15:31:36) _rene_: _Nesshof_: note that hyphenexternal fixes the (in)famous issue 74230
(15:31:41) IZBot: lingucomponent DEFECT RESOLVED FIXED P3 no license/copyright information for hyph_en_US.dic http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=74230
(15:31:54) _Nesshof_: deadline already passed, if we want to get hyphexternal accepted for 2.4, we need to agree on this as stopper for 2.4
(15:32:23) _rene_: _Nesshof_: the deadline only passed because no one of the windows people actually did something on it :-(
(15:33:31) paveljanik: ja_: the comment is answered in one issue. The undef before define is on purpose - to prevent "redefined already defined"...
(15:33:56) _rene_: there you try to follow rules and get punished like this :-( ( I could just have said "works on Linux, Mac (most probably), Solaris (most probably)"...
(15:34:11) ja_: paveljanik: thanks
(15:37:21) blauwal: _Nesshof_: Regarding SRC680: RE will introduce an extra round to clean up the mess left by xmlfilter02. No other integrations for that round.
(15:37:47) _Nesshof_: blauwal: we need to wait for the alias
(15:38:03) blauwal: _Nesshof_: before that, nothing will happen ...
(15:38:06) ***Fridrich just remains muet on this one
(15:38:45) ***rtimm is looking up 'muet'
(15:38:56) _Nesshof_: rtimm: who's doing RE duties this week
(15:38:57) Fridrich: I mean mute
(15:39:07) rtimm: Ah :-)
(15:39:07) _rene_: _Nesshof_: /me (reluctantly) then retargeted Issue 84594 to 3.0
(15:39:13) IZBot: lingucomponent ENHANCEMENT STARTED P3 update de_* dictionaries http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=84594
(15:39:25) ***blauwal thinks that Fridrich should write the owner of the CWS an email complaining how they broke things for others
(15:39:43) Fridrich: blauwal: I am part of the CWS
(15:40:01) blauwal: _Nesshof_: Vladimir SRC680, me OOH680
(15:40:03) Fridrich: blauwal: I was pushing for gradual integration (first integrate without enabling)
(15:40:08) blauwal: Fridrich: ahm I see :)
(15:40:20) Fridrich: blauwal: I got an answer that was very political
(15:40:35) Fridrich: blauwal: I got a CWS retargeted because of this and then deleted....
(15:41:03) Fridrich: blauwal: that was also one reason of my bitterness in Barcelona.
(15:41:14) ***Fridrich does not like to be right in this kind of situations
(15:43:56) _Nesshof_: Fridrich: :-(
(15:44:14) paveljanik: oox alias done_
(15:44:16) _Nesshof_: anything else for today ?
(15:44:16) paveljanik: ?
(15:44:24) paveljanik: Thanks collapsenet :-(
(15:44:31) Fridrich: great
(15:44:53) paveljanik: nothing from me
(15:45:12) _Nesshof_: ok, by
(15:45:14) ja_: not from me
(15:45:30) mdamboldt heißt jetzt mdamboldt_away
(15:45:31) ja_: bye bye
(15:45:36) bettina-h: bye
(15:46:13) UweL hat den Raum verlassen (quit: "ChatZilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]").
(15:46:19) kso hat den Raum verlassen (quit: "Leaving").
(15:46:25) blauwal: bye

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