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Revision as of 13:46, 9 October 2013



[[{{{PrevPage}}}|< Previous Page]] [[{{{NextPage}}}|Next Page >]]

Usage of Parameters

set to "block" to show the "previous page" link, set to "none" to hide it. This parameter is not set in the TOC based on this template, but rather in the file containing that TOC. So the parameter value is "passed through" the TOC to this template and therefore must explicitly be set to none to hide the link. The TOC must use {{{ShowPrevPage}}} as the parameter value to ensure passing along.
the path to the previous page (no surrounding "[")
set to "block" to show the "next page" link, set to "none" to hide it. This parameter is not set in the TOC based on this template, but rather in the file containing that TOC. So the parameter value is "passed through" the TOC to this template and therefore must explicitly be set to none to hide the link. The TOC must use {{{ShowNextPage}}} as the parameter value to ensure passing along.
the path to the previous page (no surrounding "[")
The id for the book (not yet evaluated)
The book title that appears at the top of the TOC in full wiki syntax (i.e. as a link: [[MyGuide|My Great Manual]]
set to "block" to show the part title. This will be used in Sub-TOCs. It will default to hidden when not specified.
The title of the part that this Sub-TOC covers in full wiki syntax (i.e. as a link: [[MyGuide/MyPart|Part 1: My Great Part]]
The content of the TOC as lists and divs.
set to "block" in to show the "previous part" link at the bottom of the TOC. If this parameter is set at the TOC level (and not on the file level like the prev/next page parameter), it will default to hidden when not specified.
the path to the first page of the previous part (no surrounding "[")
set to "block" in to show the "previous part" link at the bottom of the TOC. If this parameter is set at the TOC level (and not on the file level like the prev/next page parameter), it will default to hidden when not specified.
the path to the first page of the next part (no surrounding "[")


Simulated example

  • ShowPrevPage set to none
  • ShowNextPage set to block
  • صفحه بعدی set to The Next Page
  • bookid set to 1234
  • booktitle set to [[My Manual]]
  • ShowParttitle set to block
  • parttitle set to [[The First Part]]
  • ShowPrevPart set to none
  • ShowNextPart set to block
  • NextPart set to The Second Part
  • toccontent set to * Chapter
    * Chapter
    * Chapter
[[{{{PrevPart}}}|< Previous Part]] Next Part >
  • Chapter
  • Chapter
  • Chapter
[[{{{PrevPage}}}|< Previous Page]] صفحه بعدی >

Calculated example

(note: not usable in preview mode while editing this template):

|صفحه بعدی=The Next Page
|booktitle=[[My Manual]]
|parttitle=[[The First Part]]
|NextPart=The Second Part
|toccontent=* Chapter
* Chapter
* Chapter

will be:

The First Part
[[{{{PrevPart}}}|< Previous Section]] Next Section >
  • Chapter
  • Chapter
  • Chapter
[[{{{PrevPage}}}|< Previous Page]] [[{{{NextPage}}}|Next Page >]]

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